When Trunks displays USSJ while training with Vegeta, he is stacking it on SSJ2, not SSJ like he did in Z. It just had me wondering if it should be consider to be the same of if it technically should have a unique designation. I've never seen it brought up but technically its use is different...
Is this a topic anyone keeps up with? I own a couple that I've had for a few years and I'm thinking about dropping some money on a few more of the Dragon Ball Variety. Not any of the AF stuff mind you.
I'd imagine not many here are hip on the studios and artists in this genre so I don't expect...
Val Kilmer's Batman from Batman Forever versus Clooney's Batman from Batman & Robin.
Legitimate fight. Jokes are allowed but the thread isn't a troll.
Both Batmen meet on neutral ground and can use any and all items carried on their person.
Who wins?
When did the consensus change regarding GT characters and battle powers being that above Super? Since after BoG, the narrative was solidly behind the Super cast being well beyond GT, but recently, that seems to have changed.
What caused this?
Beautiful Zarbon in base form takes on Dodoria with the same monster transformation. Dodoria gets the exact boost Zarbon received upon transforming. Who wins?