I'm behind on my Super. Just caught up on the U6 saga and have Goku Black saga in the mail and on the way. Should be to me in a week or so.
Anyway, just a quick question about Goku Black and if he's on the level of Beerus or not? With or without SSJR?
Second question, can anyone do SSJ Rose...
Am I right is stating that Bojack was trapped in Kaio's planet? If so, why couldn't they just wish him back into there using the dragon balls?
Going passed that, does that mean any villain who's equal to or less than Bojack could be trapped inside there at any point and time?
Seems like it...
Hand to hand.
Lincoln has size and reach, with a considerable wrestling background.
Roosevelt is a war hero and once finished a speech after getting shot.
Who wins?
Krillin from early DB takes on the Sentinels from X-Men. Just a standard version of the robots here, as seen in the animated series.
Let's say 8 Sentinels total. Who wins? :sure
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