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  1. SSJ3 Gothic

    Is Goku Black > Beerus?

    I'm behind on my Super. Just caught up on the U6 saga and have Goku Black saga in the mail and on the way. Should be to me in a week or so. Anyway, just a quick question about Goku Black and if he's on the level of Beerus or not? With or without SSJR? Second question, can anyone do SSJ Rose...
  2. SSJ3 Gothic

    Kaio's Planet/Bojack

    Am I right is stating that Bojack was trapped in Kaio's planet? If so, why couldn't they just wish him back into there using the dragon balls? Going passed that, does that mean any villain who's equal to or less than Bojack could be trapped inside there at any point and time? Seems like it...
  3. SSJ3 Gothic

    Movie Blade vs MCU Captain America

    VS Who wins???
  4. SSJ3 Gothic

    Dorakyuraman & Mummy-kun vs Videl

    Dorakyuraman & Mummy-kun vs Videl from movie 10. Who wins?
  5. SSJ3 Gothic

    San Xing Long vs First Form Frost

    VS Who wins?
  6. SSJ3 Gothic

    Babidi vs Sarumon The White

    Who wins??
  7. SSJ3 Gothic

    General Blue vs Muten Roshi (BoZ)

    No power buff for Roshi. Who wins?
  8. SSJ3 Gothic

    King Piccolo (KKx10) vs Raditz

    Minimum strain for King Piccolo. Who wins?
  9. SSJ3 Gothic

    Abe Lincoln vs Teddy Roosevelt.

    Hand to hand. Lincoln has size and reach, with a considerable wrestling background. Roosevelt is a war hero and once finished a speech after getting shot. Who wins?
  10. SSJ3 Gothic

    Krillin (BoDB) vs the Sentinals.

    Krillin from early DB takes on the Sentinels from X-Men. Just a standard version of the robots here, as seen in the animated series. Let's say 8 Sentinels total. Who wins? :sure
  11. SSJ3 Gothic

    Cell jr vs King Piccolo (equal powers)

    Equal powers for both. Who wins?
  12. SSJ3 Gothic

    FP Perfect Cell vs Initial Buu

    Boo upon hatching vs Full Power Perfect Cell. Who wins??
  13. SSJ3 Gothic

    Shane (TWD) vs Ghostface Mickey

    Shane from The Walking Dead vs Ghostface Mickey from Scream 2. Who wins?
  14. SSJ3 Gothic

    Kylo-Ren vs Luke Skywalker (TESB)

    Empire Luke vs Kylo-Ren. Who wins?
  15. SSJ3 Gothic

    Shitposting/Spam threads

    This is just a friendly reminder that shitposting is encouraged here at DBZETA. We love our members, and the politically incorrect landslide of memes and humour that they bring. But we asked that spam topics and high energy shitposting be contained in the Reality Check Clinic. If a thread is...
  16. SSJ3 Gothic

    Killer Croc v Freddy Krueger

    Real world Freddy only. Who wins?
  17. SSJ3 Gothic

    Chun-Lee vs Quicksilver (FOX)

    Chun-Lee from Street Fighter vs FOX's Quicksiler. Who wins???
  18. SSJ3 Gothic

    Grand-pa Gohan vs Machoke

    Who wins?
  19. SSJ3 Gothic

    Jason Voorhees vs MCU Captain America

    Who wins??
  20. SSJ3 Gothic

    Freddy Krueger vs Pinhead

    No other Cenobites. Who wins???

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Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.
My friend has incessant suicidal thoughts and he wants them to stop.
Warmmedown wrote on Mystick's profile.
Who the fuck is this