I am watching the Future Trunks/Goku Black Saga for the first time. Making a thread about it for myself and anyone else who's lagging behind on episodes. Also feel free to join in if you just want to rewatch or add comments.
:faggots :faggots :faggots
If Goku never threw Cell the Senzu Bean to cell during the Cell Games, how would things have played out. Could Gohan have beaten a weakened Cell with MSSJ?
And if so, how would that change the Buu Saga? Goku would have never died so things might have gone differently against Babidi and Dabura...
I know there's a lot to explain so just give me Vegeta as an example. What is the difference between the anime and manga levels. Seems that the anime is scaling upwards compared to the manga. Is this through feats and statements, and if so how much???
With some training, could he keep up? If Piccolo can I would say so. Pikkon one shotted Cell :cage2 so I can imagine him getting crazy gains the way others have.
I mean, look at where Tagoma ended up. Not god level but still impressive.
Stealing this from the versus section.
The first person (me) will post a vs topic. The next person must answer that topic, and post a vs battle of their own for the next person.
If needed, include the level you're Pokemon are battling at. Otherwise, assume all stats and...
Ash is a dolt who acts like a first year trainer every season. What was his best run, or what was his most facepalm moment in a battle?
The best for me was when he did the Orange League Challenge. He did well through most of that season, thought on his feet, used his pokemon in creative ways...