There is multiple pieces of evidence backing this up
1. Vegeta could still take hits and react to Kaioken x3 Goku despite Vegeta two shoting Cui at the same gap
2. Vegeta's Galick Gun being even with Goku's KKx3 KHH and Goku needing x4 to win despite the Saiyans being stated to being unable to...
Scenario 1: Kaiba only has Obelisk
Scenario 2: Kaiba wins Slifer after defeating Yugi/Aten in their match and faces Marik in the finals
Can Kaiba pull off a win?
I think the events of the Baba saga were retconed in the 22nd Budokai and Tao is stronger than Kuririn/Yamcha/Chaozu,/Chappa. Roshi was surprised when Goku said he killed Tao and the Crane Hermit was in disbelief that a student of Rishi's could kill Tao despite watching Yamcha and Kuririn's...
I haven't rewatched the episodes in a while but was Gohan really using his full ultimate power against them?
I find it hard to believe they would be anywhere close to Blue tier as Obuni was getting knocked away by Base Vegeta earlier and Piccolo can hold his own against the Nameks and his SBC...