I have tried list after list to comprehend Super's scaling, the Future Trunks arc being one of the hardest, even for the manga but now I think I got it. This is mostly an experiment so please give feedback if most are in agreement than I will begin working on my real list using these gaps as a...
Gohan didn't think he could beat Kibito without going Super Saiyan:
Chapter: 443 (DBZ 249), P9.1-3
Context: as Gohan prepares to fight Kibito
Gohan: “Man, this is a predicament. Bulma told me that if people found out my true power, there'd be a big commotion and it'd become hard for me to go...
73 has the most haxed ability in the franchise. All he needs to do is grab your neck and he can copy techniques at the exact same power level as the user for 30 minutes and since he's an artificial human he won't ever run out of stamina. He can even keep abilities he's copied which eliminates...
Condition - The ultimate form is treated as his base power so he gets the same multiplier from Base to Blue.
cenario 1 - Manga scaling
Scenario 2 - Anime scaling
How far does he make it?
How many power ups did Broly make throughout the film? List all of them and give a power level beside each one, with Base Goku/Vegeta starting at 1.
Base Goku/Vegeta: 1
- SSJ: ?
- SSJG: ?
- SSJB: ?
Broly (Initial): ?
- Power Up 1: ?
- Power Up 2: ?
- SSJ: ?
Base Gogeta: ?
- SSJ: ...
I mean I don't really see any solid evidence to suggest 17 is any stronger than his manga counterpart, slightly-to-moderatly above SSJ3 tier. All of 17's feats against Toppo and Jiren are clear outliers and are too inconsistent to say that is actually his power level. One episode he is taking...
Is the Perfected Blue multiplier greater than all the Kaioken variations?:
1. Kaioken x2
2. Kaioken x3
3. Kaioken x4
4. Kaioken x5
5. Kaioken x10
6. Kaioken x20
In the anime Goku was stated to had got power up after unlocking Ultra Instinct, as well as refined reflexes. As this is the result of Goku pushing beyond his limits after being exposed to the Genkidama. In fact, all of Goku's UI transformations would be triggered by Goku encountering a battle...