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  1. Animelover5487

    What if Cell absorbed #18 first?

    Would Semi Cell end up stronger or weaker?
  2. Animelover5487

    Do #19/20 have to be stronger than Freeza?

    Is there really any definitive proof that they are stronger than Freeza? Vegeta called them trash and said they weren't as terrible as the rumors. Piccolo also questioned their lack of power believing that either him and the Super Saiyans became too powerful or they just weren't anywhere near as...
  3. Animelover5487

    TLSSJ Kale vs #17

    Who wins?
  4. Animelover5487

    Strongest to weakest U7 fighters (including Slim Boo)

    1. UI Goku 2. SSB Vegeta 3. TG Freeza 4. Ultimate Gohan 5. #17 6. #18 7. Slim Boo 8. Piccolo 9. Kuririn 10. Buff Roshi 11. Tenshithands Do you guys agree with my list?
  5. Animelover5487

    Dende takes the Part 1 DB Gauntlet

    How far does he make it or does he clear?
  6. Animelover5487

    SSJB Vegetto (Anime) takes the gauntlet

    1 - Sidra 2 - Genkidama Sword Trunks 3 - SSJB Goku (Kaioken x20) 4 - SSJB Goku (Kaioken x20, Genkidama) 5 - Beerus 6 - Ultra Instinct Goku 7 - Jiren 8 - Whis
  7. Animelover5487

    What if killing was allowed in the ToP?

    Would the Universe 7 team be different? Would the main characters take the tournament more seriously? Would they had revived Freeza to compete with them? Would the arc have been better?
  8. Animelover5487

    Hit > Berserk Kale?

    It was stated multiple times within last episode that Hit is U6's MVP and Champa held a lot of stack in Hit's power while he never once praised Kale. Could it be that Goku was holding back a large portion of his power against Kale after all?
  9. Animelover5487

    Would you quit Super if Freeza gets redeemed by the end of the arc?

    Would you quit Super if Freeza actually becomes part of Goku's group and quits his evil ways at the end of the arc?
  10. Animelover5487

    Android arc Goku and Vegeta vs Future Androids

    Can the Super Saiyans win? - If the Androids win, then add Future Trunks to the Super Saiyan team.
  11. Animelover5487

    Roshi (Pre DBS) vs Tambourine

    Who wins?
  12. Animelover5487

    Tao's Super Dodonpa vs Yamcha's Sokidan

    Which technique is more powerful?
  13. Animelover5487

    Is Kuririn close to #18's PL?

    Judging by the sparring match they had where Kuririn is able to trade blows with her for quite a while before 18 took the advantage with a hard kick which didn't even knock him out. And the most recent episode where their performance against Shosa and Majora seem to set them up as being in the...
  14. Animelover5487

    DBS Pan takes the Saiyan arc gauntlet

    Pan is healed after each fight.
  15. Animelover5487

    Current Roshi vs Kids

    Master Roshi (Universal Survival arc) vs Goten and Trunks. Who wins?
  16. Animelover5487

    Present Zamasu (Anime) vs Future Zamasu (Manga)

    Who wins?
  17. Animelover5487

    My Current Tier List

    Tier 1 Present Zen'o Future Zen'o Tier 2 Zen'o Attendents Grand Priest Vados Whis Tier 3 Jiren Belmod SSJB Vegetto (Manga) Beerus Champa Tier 4 Merged Zamasu (Manga) MSSJB Goku (Manga) SSJB Kaioken Goku Toppo Tier 5 Base Vegetto SSJB Goku SSJB Vegeta Ultimate Gohan...
  18. Animelover5487

    If SSJ3 Goku (FT arc, Manga) is 1, what is the power level of the following?

    SSJ2 Goku - ? SSJ2 Trunks - ? SSJ3 Goku - 1 SSJ2 Trunks (Enhanced) - ? Base Black (@Trunks) - ? SSJ2 Vegeta (Rage Boost?) - ? Base Black (@Vegeta) - ? - SSJ (Pre Zenkai) - ? - SSJ (Post Zenkai) - ? - SSJR - ? SSJB Goku - ? SSJB Vegeta - ? - SSJG (Post ROSAT) - ? - SSJB (Post...
  19. Animelover5487

    Current Piccolo takes the gauntlet

    Piccolo is healed after each battle: 1 - Lavender 2 - Drugged Basil 3 - Final Form Frost 4 - Magetta 5 - SSJ Cabba 8 - Mr. Boo (Zen Exhibition) 9 - Mr. Boo (Trained) 10 - Bergamo
  20. Animelover5487

    Favorites List

    Give me your favs list here: Favorite Character - Favorite Couple - Favorite Saiyan - Favorite Earthling - Favorite Namek - Favorite God - Favorite Villain - Favorite Fusion - Favorite Arc - Favorite Technique - Here are mine: Favorite Character - Kuririn Favorite Couple - Kuririn...

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.