Search results

  1. Animelover5487

    Fusion Multipliers

    What are you guys multipliers for these fusions?: Nailccolo - ? Kamiccolo - ? Gotenks - ? Gogeta - ? Vegetto (Z) - ? Kibitoshin - ? Vegetto (Super, Anime) - ? Vegetto (Super, Manga) - ? Merged Zamasu - ? Kefla - ?
  2. Animelover5487

    Is it just me or.....

    Or is Yajirobe one of the biggest sources of wasted potential in the franchise?: This guy was introduced with a battle power rivaling Post-22nd TB Goku with no real martial arts training, at that. He didn't receive teachings at exclusive martial arts schools under renowned masters like the...
  3. Animelover5487

    Future Dabura vs SPC

    Who wins?
  4. Animelover5487

    Jaco takes the Saiyan arc gauntlet

    How far does he make it?
  5. Animelover5487

    Tagoma-Ginyu vs Dabura

    Who wins?
  6. Animelover5487

    DBS Tier List (Manga)

    Tier 1 Zen'o Tier 2 Daishinkan Tier 3 Vados Whis Other Angels Tier 4 Jiren SSJB Vegetto Belmond Beerus Quitela Tier 5 Other Hakaishin Tier 6 CSSJB Goku CSSJB Vegeta Merged Zamasu Toppo Tier 7 Base Vegetto Hit SSJB Goku SSJB Vegeta Golden Freeza SSJR Black BSSJ...
  7. Animelover5487

    Ultimate Gohan vs Ikari Trunks

    Who is the strongest half Saiyan?
  8. Animelover5487

    ToP Kuririn takes the Z Gauntlet

    How far does he make it?
  9. Animelover5487

    Goku Black multipliers

    What multipliers do you guys give Black's forms?: Super Saiyan = ? Super Saiyan Rose = ?
  10. Animelover5487

    Golden Frost vs SSJG Goku

    Frost receives the same boost ToP Freeza gets. No strain.
  11. Animelover5487

    Top 20 Strongest Females?

    What is your list of the twenty strongest females in DB/Z/Movies/GT/Super?
  12. Animelover5487

    SSJB Vegetto (FT arc) vs Hakaishin Toppo

    Anime scaling. Who wins?
  13. Animelover5487

    Garlic Jr. vs Third Form Freeza

    This is the anime Makyo star powered Garlic Jr. vs Freeza's third form. Who wins?
  14. Animelover5487

    If SSJB Goku is a 1 then.....

    Then what power level would you put these guys at?: SSJB Goku: 1 SSJB Vegeta: ? TG Freeza: ? #17: ? Ultimate Gohan: ? SSJB Goku (Kaioken x20):? BSSJB Vegeta: ? UI Goku (episode 110): ? UI Goku (vs Kefla): ? MUI Goku: ? Base Kefla: ? LSSJ Kefla: ? LSSJ2 Kefla: ? Kochiarator: ...
  15. Animelover5487

    Omega Shenron vs SSJ3 Vegetto

    The strongest villain in the DB franchise (pre Super recon) vs the strongest form of the strongest fusion in Z. Who wins?
  16. Animelover5487

    SSJB Goku (ROF arc) vs #17

    If 17 wins then make it Champa arc Blue Goku.
  17. Animelover5487

    #18 vs Piccolo

    Current versions of both characters.
  18. Animelover5487

    Kid Chi-Chi vs Videl

    Scenario 1 - Chi-Chi can use her helmet Scenario 2 - Chi-Chi's helmet is restricted Who wins?
  19. Animelover5487

    Sidra vs Hakaishin Toppo

    Possibly the weakest God of Destruction vs the God of Destruction in training. Who wins?
  20. Animelover5487

    Top 5. best duels?

    What are the top 5 best duels in the original Yugioh anime?

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.