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  1. H

    Was it really a coincidence that Babidi came to Earth the same day that Goku returned?

    Is it possible that Goku's presence increased the sum of energies that Babidi's meters sensed so he decided to come to Earth?
  2. H

    What is Piccolo's level after training in the ROSAT?

    Yaay, I love candies.
  3. H

    Could Ultimate Gohan become stronger in cannon (not GT, Super)?

    Yaay, I love candies.
  4. H

    Did AT had to increase PLs so much and all the time?

    Was there not any other way in which he could have made the series interesting? Myself, I found many ways in which the plot could have progressed without the power levels skyrocketing anew so often. -Roshi teaches Goku and Krillin the martial-arts basics without making them stronger. Come to...
  5. H

    Do you think AT could have found ways of justifying minor characters being relevant in the TOP...

    ... rather than just going like, 'OK, as of now, everyone is relevant because I say so'? Here is what could have happened... -Piccolo fuses with more Nameks. -Gohan transforms into SSJ Blue (or at least SSJ God). -Tenshinhan devises a new version of Kaioken. Krillin uses it too. -Eighteen and...
  6. H

    What do you think about my NEW Cell Saga- Early Buu Saga gaps?

    Perfect Cell (true speed)- 100 SSJ Kid Gohan- 100 FP Perfect Cell- 180 SSJ2 Kid Gohan- 400 Super Perfect Cell- 270 SSJ Adult Gohan- 100 SSJ Trunks- 95 SSJ Goten- 90 SSJ Vegeta- 110 SSJ Goku- 110 Dabura- 250 SSJ2 Adult Gohan (Dabura)- 270 SSJ2 Adult Gohan (Budokai)- 300 SSJ2 Adult Gohan (rage)-...
  7. H

    What's the deeper meaning of this cover?

    In the cover of the 25th volume of the manga, we see SSJ3 Goku being about to fire a blast, along with SSJ3 Gotenks and Mystic Gohan. Doesn't that look symbolic? Doesn't it indicate that AT treated Goku as somewhat relevant in...
  8. H

    Fill in the gaps.

    Perfect Cell (vs SSJ Kid Gohan)- 100 SSJ Kid Gohan- FP Perfect Cell- Super Perfect Cell- SSJ2 Kid Gohan- SSJ Adult Gohan- SSJ2 Adult Gohan (if, like me, you think he had many SSJ2 powers, add them)- Dabura- SSJ Vegeta (pre majin)- SSJ Vegeta (post majin)- SSJ Goku- SSJ Trunks- SSJ Goten-...
  9. H

    Which gap is bigger?

    Yaay, I love candies.
  10. H

    Who is the strongest fighter that ever appeared in DBZ?

    Yaay, I love candies.
  11. H

    Does Goku say he's stronger than Gotenks here?

    What do you make of his words?
  12. H

    What do you think about my Cell Saga-Early Buu Saga gaps?

    SSJ Kid Gohan/True Speed Cell- 100 SSJ2 Kid Gohan- 250 FP Perfect Cell- 150 Power Weighted Cell- 175 Super Perfect Cell- 225 SSJ Adult Gohan- 100 SSJ Goten- 90 SSJ Trunks- 95 SSJ Goku/Vegeta- 110 Weakened SSJ2 Adult Gohan (Budokai)- 180 Pseudo SSJ2 Adult Gohan (Dabura)- 150 Dabura- 140 FPSSJ2...
  13. H

    Did Dabura use his full power against Gohan?

    Yaay, I love candies.
  14. H

    Which Cell is Dabura comparable to?

    Yaay, I love candies.
  15. H

    M7 Goku (spirit bomb absorbed) vs Initial Semi Perfect Cell

    Yaay, I love candies.
  16. H

    Kibitoshin vs Super Perfect Cell

    Yaay, I love candies.
  17. H

    Which was the first version of Gotenks to surpass SSJ3 Goku?

    I think SSJ Gotenks post is a good middle-ground solution.

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Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.