Was there not any other way in which he could have made the series interesting? Myself, I found many ways in which the plot could have progressed without the power levels skyrocketing anew so often.
-Roshi teaches Goku and Krillin the martial-arts basics without making them stronger. Come to...
... rather than just going like, 'OK, as of now, everyone is relevant because I say so'?
Here is what could have happened...
-Piccolo fuses with more Nameks.
-Gohan transforms into SSJ Blue (or at least SSJ God).
-Tenshinhan devises a new version of Kaioken. Krillin uses it too.
-Eighteen and...
In the cover of the 25th volume of the manga, we see SSJ3 Goku being about to fire a blast, along with SSJ3 Gotenks and Mystic Gohan.
Doesn't that look symbolic? Doesn't it indicate that AT treated Goku as somewhat relevant in...