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  1. H

    How do you think the Androids were dealt with in the Unseen Timeline?

    This is the timeline that Trunks (the one whose time machine Cell took) created before being killed by Cell.
  2. H

    Which zenkai was greater?

    In Semi Cell's case, treat the increase as a Semi Cell-Super Perfect Cell gap, not a Perfect Celll-Super Perfect Cell gap.
  3. H

    Should one make a different PL list for the TFS version?

    The power levels must be lower in DBZ TFS. Many power up sequences are omitted. Also, Goku does not use 10x or 20x kaioken against Freeza, but rather just kaioken.
  4. H

    How much does a Saiyan poop?

    With all those amounts of food they eat, I shudder to imagine what happens when they visit the restroom.
  5. H

    What to make of the 'outdo SSJ self' statement.

    At some point, at least in Viz, transcending the SSJ state was worded this way: outdo your SSJ self. To me, that sounds like making your base form stronger than the additive SSJ boost. So, if the additive boost is, say, 150 mil, then the max power an unmastered SSJ can reach is 300 mil. To...
  6. H

    Supporting unpopular theories: 1 mil was Freeza's full power in second form

    -When Freeza said his power was 530k, he was referring to his full power in that form. Why was he supposed to mean something different when he talked about his 2nd form? -Goku (max power pre zenkai: 900.000, didn't expect to get another zenkai, never considered 20x kaioken before fighting 4th...
  7. H

    Are Buu's absorptions always additives?

    Dai Kaioshin is the obvious exception. That aside, is the absorbed person's power always just added to Buu's?
  8. H

    What do you think about this PL logic? In case you're like TLDR, here are the most interesting points... -10% is the required gap for a stomp, as we saw in the fights Vegeta vs Dodoria/Zarbon. -Freeza gained 530k every time he transformed, so it was like: 1st Form- 530k, 2nd...
  9. H

    What form was Vegeta at Cell Games?

    Yaay, I love candies.
  10. H

    We should make a COVID section

    There is so much to say about that disease that discussing it all in one thread has ended up a mess.
  11. H

    How do you view the Super Saiyan boost?

    Forget about convenience when making power level lists, forum discussions etc Just by reading the manga, what is the vibe you feel it gives off?
  12. H

    Does anyone believe that King Cold>FP Mecha Freeza?

    Yaay, I love candies.
  13. H

    Supporting unpopular theories: Invisible Kaioken

    -It would make no sense for Goku to be that afraid when Freeza said, 'I haven't even used half my power,' if he had used only 10% of his power. If anything, he would have retorted with something like, 'Good. I haven't even used 20% of my power.' -How did Goku go from the tens of thousands to...
  14. H

    Do you have your own manga/anime/movie hybrid headcanon?

    This is essentially what Salagir (the author of Dragon Ball Multiverse) did. He accepted as canon whatever he liked from the manga, whatever he liked from the anime and whatever he liked from the movies and based his power level scaling on that headcanon.
  15. H

    SSJ3 Goku (Buu Saga) fires a Neo Tri Beam

    And it multiplies his power as much as Tenshinhan's Neo Tri Beam. Who's the strongest opponent he can kill? The strongest he can injure? The strongest he can push back the same way Tenshinhan pushed Cell?
  16. H

    Silver vs White

    I have begun thinking it would be a good fight.
  17. H

    What is your Otherworld Saga scaling?

    There are many ways to interpret the feats.
  18. H

    SSJ SSJ Vegeta (Android Arc) vs SSJ Vegeta (Cell Games)

    Vegeta pre ROSAT gets an additional SSJ boost and faces his Cell Games self. In my books, it's a good fight.
  19. H

    Was Goku's disease at Androids Arc COVID?

    Obviously, that was not what AT had in mind, but, in universe, can we say it was the same disease?
  20. H

    Hector's first Early DB list post his ban

    Farmer: 0,05 Mr Satan: 0,07 Heavyweight Champions: 0,08 Lions: 0,1 Brown Bears: 0,12 Polar Bears: 0,14 Goku: 0,5 Yamcha: 0,45 Krillin: 0,35 Bear Thief: 0,33 Dino Bird: 0,25 Ox King: 1,25 Chichi: 0,35 Bulma: 0,04 Oolong: 0,02 Puar: 0,02 Turtle: 0,01 Pilaf: 0,02 Shu: 0,03 Mai: 0,05 Lunch (blue)...

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