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  1. H

    SSJ God BODB Goku vs 23rd TB Goku

    -Use the SSJ God multiplier on top of SSJ/SSJ2/SSJ3 -Take into account the pre scouter implied gaps
  2. H

    Raditz: 1200 or 1500?

    Yaay, I love candies.
  3. H

    Did humans become 100x stronger between KP Saga/23rd TB?

    If we take into account all gaps implied (Krillin/Yamcha being many times weaker than Pre Water Goku, Old Piccolo tanking KHH with less than half his chi etc), they got about 100x stronger. Is there any reasonable explanation?
  4. H

    Is there any proof that Cymbal>22nd TB Krillin/Yamcha?

    Yaay, I love candies.
  5. H

    Sixteen had used his bomb earlier?

    Let's say that, when Cell has just become perfect, Sixteen decides to self destruct with him. The blast kills everybody around (Krillin, Vegeta, Trunks). Scenario 1: Cell dies. Scenario 2: Cell survives with his SPC zenkai.
  6. H

    M9 SSJ Vegeta vs CGs SSJ Goku

    Yaay, I love candies.
  7. H

    Trunks returned to his future before Cell Games?

    After exiting the ROSAT (1st time) Trunks decides to just go back to his future instead of risking getting killed at Cell Games and never seeing his 'real' mother again, not even in the afterlife. What happens next?
  8. H

    Saiyan classes

    -Less than 1000 units of power: Weak Saiyans (a disgrace to the race). -1000-3500: Ordinary Saiyans (low class). -3500-6000: Strong Saiyans (middle class). -6000-8500: Elite Saiyans (high class). Nappa, who called himself an elite, had a PL close to 8000 in my books. -8500-11.000: Super Elite...
  9. H

    Which is the true sequel to DBZ in your heart?

    Hint: It's Dragon Ball Multiverse.
  10. H

    I think the point of Raditzes appearance...

    ... was to show us how strong an ordinary Saiyan is. Raditz represents middle class Saiyans. That's why I think Saiyans' average PL is 1500 (which is Raditzes PL in my books).
  11. H

    Who is a better spouse for Goku?

    Yaay, I love candies.
  12. H

    How zenkais work (theory)

    Zenkai is not a random increase. It makes you as strong as the greatest power you have experienced so far. -Vegeta (post Earth) became equal to Kaioken 3x Goku. -Vegeta (post Zarbon) became equal to Monster Zarbon. -Vegeta (post Recoome) became as strong as Freeza's 1st Form, because, due to...
  13. H

    When do you think Goku got the heart virus?

    Yaay, I love candies.
  14. H

    Can a Haikashin surpass an Angel?

    If they train? Or are Haikashins already at full potential?
  15. H

    Bulma's nightmare on Namek was real?

    Remember Bulma's nightmare on Namek, where Vegeta finds her and asks for the Dragon Ball? What if it was not a dream and he had really found her?
  16. H

    SSJ2 multiplier (anime only)

    Cell (true speed)- 100 SSJ Gohan- 100 Cell expects Gohan to do a huge power up once he gets mad. Yet Gohan goes beyond Cell's expectation, judging by the bio android's facial expressions. Cell does a silent power up to match Initial SSJ2 Gohan's power and they fight evenly for a while in the...
  17. H

    Beeruses initial power was his full power?

    Yaay, I love candies.
  18. H

    SSJ Goku (arrival on Namek) vs Goku (post Ginyu zenkai)

    The second Goku cannot use kaioken.
  19. H

    Which time do you think Majin Vegeta was referring to?

    When he said Goku saved his life once.
  20. H

    Oolong had wished to turn into a Saiyan?

    Scenario: Remember when, in Pilaf Arc, Oolong wondered whether Goku was a space alien? So, what if, instead of panties, he had wished: 'I want to be genetically converted into whatever species Goku belongs to' and Shenron had turned him into a Saiyan? My take... EARLY DRAGONBALL Oolong...

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