having a bitter-sweet ending. For a series in Weekly-Shounen-Jump, where just pure happy-endings or no real endings seem to be the norm, this is impressive.
that if I remember correctly Yugi had Kuriboh still in his hand anyway, when/after he defeated the Winged Dragon of Ra. Kuriboh was seen when Yugi played Exchange toward the beginning of the duel (turn 3 I think) and I don’t remember Yugi discarding any card, so even if Marik attacked with a...
controll Winged Dragon of Ra, if he wanted to? Marik said those who could read the text and those with connections to the millennium-items could and Kaiba IIRC was able to read it for reasons unknown to even him.
^Good old times.
Weekly-Shounen-Jump covers, I especially like the early DragonBall Z era art-work (like especially the last 2). The reason the 4 below the first one aren't shown as images is because they are huge, so I just linked them...
In the Cell saga? Of-course somethings’d have to be changed but I think it also could have been a good surprise, if Tao hadn’t appeared in the 23rd Tenkaichi-Budokai before because Bulma saw him there.
considered powerful or notable? I feel in the original he's more or less supposed to be seen as a joke compared to everyone-else but now he's been promoted to elite supposedly. :bog:bog:bog
Trunks was able to use it twice on the same day.
Actually now that I think it about it, even the second trip might not have taken place even 30 days because of RoSaT but was used by Trunks the day after. :bautista:bautista:bautista
I just heard about that. Jōji Yanami has passed-away. He voiced the narrator (for the entire franchise up-to early DragonBall Super) and Master Kaio notably for DragonBall.
They replaced him early-on in DragonBall Super because of age problems I think so yeah.
Rest in peace.
trying to replace the card-game with Dungeon-Dice-Monsters? It was in the middle of Duelist-Kingdom and Battle-City and surprisingly very short. More like an epilogue to Duelist-Kingdom. Do you think he was trying, realized it wasn't nearly as popular and went back to the card-game?
Boo was first talked about but not revealed yet? They were just gathering energy for him, but he hadn’t made his appearance until after Gohan shot the KHH at the egg?
Also after you saw him, were you disappointed?