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  1. Fantastische Hure

    was that ever said...

    when db-super took place? if nothing was ret-conned, then db-super takes-place around 4-5 years before end of dragonball, right?! because pan was 4 at the end of series. if any-1 can & wants to answer
  2. Fantastische Hure

    raditz vs kami

    scenario 1 - kami (powered-up like piccolo jr. from piccolo-daimao saga to 23rd tenkaichi-budokai i think) scenario 2 - young kami (same power-up like old piccolo-daimao back to his youth & then the power-up from there to 23rd tenkaichi-budokai) who wins, if u can & want to answer
  3. Fantastische Hure

    karin vs master mutaito

    who wins if u can & want to answer :shc :shc :shc
  4. Fantastische Hure

    SSj2/SSj3 Gogeta (Boo-Saga) vs Ultimate-Gohan (Boo-Saga)

    Scenario 1 - SSj2 Gogeta vs Gohan Scenario 2 - SSj3 Gogeta vs Gohan if u can & want to answer
  5. Fantastische Hure


    :cena :cena :cena
  6. Fantastische Hure

    plz listen (if u can & want to)

    good music i think
  7. Fantastische Hure

    Kaiba is an...

    atheist? i think this might be obvs, but right?! (if u can & want to answer)
  8. Fantastische Hure

    did any1-else notice...

    that marik's voice changed more & more as he got more crazy i think & started looking crazier i think? his voice-actor for normal marik sounded kind-of normal & then seemed to get gradually different. i think u can especially hear the difference if u listen to marik's voice when he just changed...
  9. Fantastische Hure

    in the manga/anime...

    are all spell cards fast-play? i think they active when-ever they want to i think i think. if u can & want to answer.
  10. Fantastische Hure

    did pegasus plant haga to throw exodia away?

    i was thinking abt this i think & do u think (if u can & want to answer)? :king :king :king
  11. Fantastische Hure

    was yami-yugi/atem originally just supposed to be an alter-ego to yugi?

    i thought that could be because of something the author apparently said if any1 can & wants to answer
  12. Fantastische Hure

    Shunsuke Kikuchi passed-away

    R.I.P to a legendary person & thank you for all the music.
  13. Fantastische Hure

    which half of yu-gi-oh! gx did u prefer?

    if u can & want to answer for me i think i liked the more care-free, light-hearted 1st half of the series i think
  14. Fantastische Hure

    stone-ocean anime (i think)

    i saw some-where i think. all jo-jo fans ahoy (if u can & want to. also i don't rly watch jo-jo i think). :king :king :king
  15. Fantastische Hure

    is that true that osamu tezuka...

    called akira toriyama his successor (& also nominated him as a juror for his award)? i saw that mentioned some-where i think & then i looked that up & i only saw that mentioned on other sites too i think i think but i couldn't see any sources (i think) so could that be like common-knowledge or...
  16. Fantastische Hure

    japanese ppl voted their fav. dragonball sagas (i think)

    #1 - Freeza Saga (39.7 % - 946 votes) #2 - "Boy-Hood Edition" (Saga)* (16.4% - 391 votes) #3 - Cell Saga (14.1% - 335 votes) #4 - Saiyan Saga (10.7% - 254 votes) #5 - Piccolo-Daimao Saga (10.1% - 240 votes) #6 - Boo Saga (7.8% - 186 votes) #7 - Other (1.3% - 31 votes) *Beginning of...
  17. Fantastische Hure

    DragonBall Super return date

    actually i think that's not toei's real account :troll2 :troll2 :troll2 so april-fools i think :king :king :king

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