that vegeta trained ssj2 to be more powerful than normal, like trunks did? except vegeta didn't manage (at the time yet) to be as powerful as trunks' ssj2
since vegeta couldn't become ssj3 in boo-saga & he wanted to desperately catch-up to goku (modern db), maybe he also thought of the same...
i think there's no need to say action/martial-arts, because that's obvs i think. 2 genres at most i think.
i think i go 1st:
legend of dragon-balls - comedy-adventure
21st tenkaichi-budokai - comedy
red-ribbon-army - maybe adventure (i can't think of any-thing-else i think)
get that ominous feeling (for him) that goku was going to defeat him (or did he say something-else? if any-one can & wants to say. i can't remember i think)?
in-universe obvsly i think because out-universe is obvs i think.
EDIT: here that is i think
Chapter: 264 (DBZ 70), P5.5, P6.1
work against freeza? if u can & want to answer
i don't knw i think. that seems weird to me, maybe freeza is high enough that his psychic abilities could block that or something.
goku over the course of a year goes from being way below some1 who seems to not even be name-less fodder tier in freeza's army to surpassing even freeza himself i think?
vegeta has lived a good life for some-time now i think. is that time to forgive him now? a clean slate? if u can & want to answer.
he committed many atrocities before of-course, but he has also done some good after that i think, so wot u say? if u can & want to.
in real-life some1 with that...
cha-la-head-cha-la variation:
vegeta telling trunks not to give-up, after goku-black destroyed time-machine (i think):
3 variations of zamasu theme & in-general arc theme i think. 1st 1 is the normal 1 i think.
vegeta owning goku-black post-rosat i think:
"i'm the saiya-jin...
interview. i saw this on google. this interview was done for 50th anniversary of weekly-shonen-jump (2018) i think & also translated by VIZ i think.
source from here: