Goku and Dende consider 17 to be in the former’s level, but they can’t sense his Ki. His feats don’t help either: All 17 does is not one shot Dyspo in their fight (in comparison PSSJB Goku and Vegeta basically ran over him) and take a punch from Jiren, but even base Goku did that.
According to Roshi, Pamputto is at the very end of the ordinary, or human level.
Earlier in the series Roshi said BoS Goku and Kuririn were still on human levels, and proceeded to give them a show on his speed.
Clearly, this is meant to show Roshi as beyond human level. Lots of people say...
I've reverted to Gohan and Kefla > Goku logic so decided to make a new list. I think Kuririn might have expected Goku to have more power than he had shown, or perhaps was referring to Gohan keeping up in the future.
Goku Black
Goku: 100
~ SSJ: 250
~ SSJ2: 312.5
~ SSJ3: 625
~ SSJG: 2,500
According to Zamasu, Goku Black's hair became pink because he had surpassed the level of a Super Saiyan God. Does that mean he was weaker than SSJG, despite what his perfomance against Vegeta would imply?
Goku and Vegeta don’t seem to hold him on a higher regard than Boo (“Boo for sure! And Piccolo.”), but they aren’t even impressed by Piccolo, perfomance against Frost. What’s the deal with that?
So, it's stated that they don't have infinite energy (Gero is afraid 19 will run out of gas against Goku) but also don't suffer from fatigue. How does their energy consumption work them? Do they gradually go weaker the more effort they make? Are they like cellphone batteries and will just fall...
Does this imply Tenshinhan and Goku are within the same realm of power? Keep in mind Goku was bothered by Gero destroying the city, and would've blocked the beams if he could. He did it with Freeza, after all.
The very power levels we had in the Saiyan Arc were shown to shoot up by amounts as big as many times sometimes. Think of Goku going from 334 to 924 or Gohan going from 981 to 2,800. If Gero was really watching everything shouldn’t he already expect that?
Anime only. I see a lot of people throwing around the idea that Goku and co. can get those mid fight Zenkais Black was getting and growing stronger. A big piece of evidence I see for that is how much better Goku performed against Jiren in later episodes. Jiren even implies Goku and Vegeta have...