Is there any way of knowing how the events of FnF went out in the manga? Toyotaro did skip that part in the manga so is hard to tell. Did it go like the movie? The anime? Are the 3 chapters Toyotaro released canon?
I mean, he told Gohan they were at their utmost limits:
And his Daizenshuu 2 bio supports this, refering to his CG counterpart as a "Full Power Super Saiyan" and saying he has drawn the SSJ power to its limits.
However, it's pretty obvious Goku has gotten stronger since he surpassed Gohan. How?
The presence of an aura is pretty much to show how one is overflowing with Ki, right? Why doesn't Goku or Vegeta have an aura when they are on this form if it's their most powerful one?
So, according to Toriyama, there's a point your physical strength hits a wall. But when did that happen? By the begining of the Boo Arc, Goku is still doing weighted training, and later on Gohan even surpassed his father by doing muscular training (Swinging the Z Sword around).
The moment Gohan turns Super Saiyan 2, :bitch and Yamu butt in and drain Gohan. Kaioshin and Kibito appear, revive Gohan and explain the situation, asking their help to defeat Babidi. What happens next?