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  1. GSM123

    Jiren vs Broli vs Beerus

    Who's stronger?
  2. GSM123

    How suppressed was Cyborg Freeza?

    Chapter: 330 (DBZ 136), P9.7 Yamcha: “So this guy called ‘Fr…Freeza’ has such terrible…ab…absurdly large ki…?” Gohan: “This isn’t it…he gets much, much stronger…!” So we know he wasn't at full power, that's pretty clear. But by how much? Gohan seems to imply he's only using a small fraction of...
  3. GSM123

    SSJG Goku (Manga) vs SSJG Goku (Movie)

    Who wins? If Manga Goku wins, he takes on Anime Goku.
  4. GSM123

    Gap between Goku and Pre Majin Vegeta

    How big is it?
  5. GSM123

    Vegetto = Gogeta?

    From Herm's twitter. So, is Potara just Metamorian fusion but lasting twice as long now?
  6. GSM123

    Pure Boo > SSJ3 Goku?

    According to Daizenshuu 2, Fat Boo and SSJ3 Goku are equals. But according to Daizenshuu 7, Fat Boo is somewhat weaker than Pure Boo. This seems to be alluded to in the manga, as Goku not only shits himself before Boo's planet buster but also prefers to make a plan rather than fighting Boo...
  7. GSM123

    Pui Pui > SSJ2 Gohan?

    So, i think you all know what's this about so i won't be posting statements. Gohan fills half the meter, Babidi thinks Pui Pui can get energy for the other half, Kaioshin shits a brick to Base Vegeta after seeing SSJ2 Gohan. What do you guys make of this? What's the evidence that contradicts this?
  8. GSM123

    "He's not even a Super Saiyan"

    Chapter: 346 (DBZ 152), P12.4 Kuririn: “He’s st-strong…! What kind of training did Piccolo do…And he’s not even a Su-Super Saiyan…” So what did Kuririn mean to say here? "He's not even [as strong as] a Super Saiyan" or "He's not even [capable of turning into] a Super Saiyan? This goes to later...
  9. GSM123

    Arkhamverse Batman vs MCU Captain America

    vs Cage fighting. Win by knockout. Neither of them can use gadgets. Who wins? Round 1: Regular clothing Round 2: Bruce got his Batsuit Round 3: Full gadgets for both (Shield for Cap, everything Batsie has in his batbelt) Winner takes on Jason Vorhees.
  10. GSM123

    What implies PSSJB is > SSJB?

    Just something i noticed. Now i know that PSSJB Goku was a match to :faggots while SSJB was not, but that may be because he's not losing power: So, is SSJB just worse than SSJ3 when it comes to stamina or can SSJB maintain it's peak for a while before becoming :trash and PSSJB is just a Deus...
  11. GSM123

    Why didn't Piccolo save Goku?

    When #19 was beating the shit outta Goku. Why does Piccolo plays possum instead of beating the shit out of #20? He had claimed before he's confident on his abilities and has already seen their movements. Any reason or him to pull off the fuck he did?
  12. GSM123

    Android #19 (Post) vs Sick Goku

    Who wins? Sick Goku's power isn't dropping and he knows about absorbtions.
  13. GSM123

    Is #17 SSJ3 tier or SSJB tier?

    So, we've got two different, but ambiguous feats about #17's power. First off, he fights evenly with SSJ3 Goku in the manga in chapter 31: And then he blocks a hit that was aimed to take out Freeza from Jiren in chapter 40: So, which one is it? SSJ3 tier or SSJB tier?
  14. GSM123

    DBS implies Pure Boo > All Boos?

    I think it's rather reaching to assume it's refering only to Pure Boo here, but i wanna know what you people think.
  15. GSM123

    If Gohan or Gotenks were to fight Pure Boo...

    Sure, Gohan and Gotenks are powerful enough to even tool Super Boo, let alone Pure Boo. However, Pure Boo is much more dangerous than Super thanks to his insanity, so much that he blew Earth up without any reason. Would Gohan or Gotenks as the dumb rocks they are overcome Boo's...
  16. GSM123

    Base Saiyans compared to Freeza

    I have, surprisingly, been on the fence about this one for days, so i thought we could have a debate about this. Has any Base Saiyan surpassed Freeza on the original manga? Or is Beerus wrong? Why? Why not? Discuss.
  17. GSM123

    Earthlings vs Namekians

    Which race is more gifted in power?
  18. GSM123

    Saiyan Saga Goku >> Post Kaio Tenshinhan?

    This entry from the Daizenshuu 7 implies there's a minimum BP to be able to use Kaioken. Goku's body was wrecked by Kaioke x3 because of his BP not being high enough, same with the Kaioken x10 on Namek. Given how Tenshinhan and co. never master the Kaioken at all, does this imply Tenshinhan is...
  19. GSM123


    Do you think it's fair to bring up Kai (Or even the Z anime) in arguments about the manga?
  20. GSM123

    Post Saiyan Arc Kamehameha

    Is it still +2x? Why? Why not?

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