This is something that’s a bit confusing to me. How big is his potential? He’s made out of cells from Saiyans and Freeza, does that mean he’s got more potential than everyone else?
Can he just absorb people and get infinitely stronger? Does he even needs the Androids to be so strong?
EoZ Oob is weaker than we thought?
Back in the Boo Arc, Goku wished for Majin Boo to be revived as a good guy so he could fight him years later:
Chapter: 516 (DBZ 322), P11.2-3
Context: after Polunga restores Goku’s stamina and he’s about to finish Boo off with the Genki-Dama
Goku: “…You’re...
As per SuperSaiyan2’s request, here’s a classic versus thread.
I thought I’d make something more innovative, but it’s been a while since a DB topic has gone past 5 pages. Anyways, who wins and why? My money’s on :rape
There seems to be a contradiction between Goku's view and Gohan's view of the later's true power.
When Goku describes it, he says it's the strongest power ever:
Chapter: 458 (DBZ 264), P4.4-6
Goku: “Ah! Wait, Gohan. I have 2 more senzu; you should eat 1. You used up a lot of stamina earlier. [...
Just curious about this. Whether you agree or not with the notion that Gotenks surpassed his former SSJ self in base, it’s pratically undoubtable that he did power up a lot with his Rosat training, as Piccolo notes. However, no power up is noted on the part of the kids. Piccolo still thinks...
Where the SSJ forms ever stated to have a different Ki signature from each other and from base? It seems to be a very frequent thing in DB for transformations/huge ass power ups to change one’s Ki, but I’ve never seen anyone suggest SSJ/2/3 changes it within the story.
As per Supreme's challenge, I decided to make a post topic that I've recently debated and changed my mind about.
So, is Full Power Super Saiyan, the transformation used by Goku and Gohan? I mean, it is strongly implied in the story that they'd need to come up with something new in order to...
So I was reading the Android Saga and I noticed something... Just compare Goku's off guard punch to #20 pre's face to Vegeta's off guard kick to #19 post's face:
Base Goku vs #20:
Base Vegeta vs #19:
19's face gets fucked up while Gero is completely fine. Goes in hand with how a drained...
It's not explicity stated in the story or in guidebooks, but Babidi is stated to be a master of sorcery/black magic and even owns his own crystal ball, and divination is strongly tied with magic. This is supported by how Babidi knows right off the bat the Z Fighters are hidding and which ones he...
How strong is he compared to Future #18 and #17? Sometimes it's implied he wasn't jack to them, others it's implied he can hold his own. So, which one is it?
I know as a filler character he isn't supposed to exist at all and Super does put any theory of his existence to sleep, but what contradicts his existence in the manga?
After Goku and Vegeta finish ripping off the Z Fighters from Boo's body, let's say Mr Boo's pod is very well guarded and Goku and Vegeta never comes accross it. What happens next?
What do you think? I used to believe the Z Senshi saw 50% Goku as his max, but Dagon posted this scan from Kai back on Neo that implies otherwise:
So, what do you think? Does this confirm they knew Goku had more in the tank?
Kinda big title, but I think you got it. #17 is the stronger of the duo, so shouldn't that be the absorbtion that gave Cell a bigger power up? That might imply Semi Cell is like 30x Imperfect Cell.