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  1. GSM123

    M2 Trunks vs General Rild

    Who wins?
  2. GSM123

    Broly vs Movie villains

    What you guys make of Koyama implying Broly is the strongest of the Z movies and perhaps the whole Z series? Is it accurate?
  3. GSM123


    A while ago we had a thread about how you’d fit the movies in the main universe, but what about the opposite? How would you twist the series to fit all 13 movies in a single timeline? By the way, a bit more objective question. Do all movies take place in the same continuity? I mean we do have...
  4. GSM123

    Happy birthday, Akira Toriyama!
  5. GSM123

    Tao Pai Pai vs Master Tsuru vs Master Roshi

    How do these 3 rank compared to each other?
  6. GSM123

    Vegeta was sent to Earth instead of Goku?

    Like Tarble, Vegeta was born a low class warrior and got send to Earth for being a shame to the Vegeta family. Kakarott is born in the low class also but is taken under Raditz’s tutelage instead of being send to Earth.
  7. GSM123

    DBS Manga Scaling

    BoGs Goku: 1 ~ SSJ: 2.5 ~ SSJ2: 3.75 ~ SSJ3: 7.5 ~ SSJG: 150 Vegeta: 1 ~ SSJ: 2.5 ~ SSJ2: 3.75 ~ Mutated SSJ2: 37.5 Gotenks: 15 ~ SSJ: 37.5 ~ SSJ3: 112.5 Gohan: 135 ~ Rusty: 13.5 FnF Goku: 1 ~ SSJ: 2.5 ~ SSJB: 187.5 Vegeta: 1 ~ SSJ: 2.5 ~ SSJB: 187.5 Freeza: 2 ~ Golden Form: 225 U6...
  8. GSM123

    We were wrong about Appule all along?

    He’s not purple???
  9. GSM123

    The truth behind “Many times stronger” statements?

    Just something I thought about. What if all these statements simply mean from other scales that aren’t Battle Powers? Here’s a few examples I’ve gathered: - All the statements in Part I about being many times greater; - The lack of linearity between destructive capability and power levels. Kaio...
  10. GSM123

    What is the measure unit for Battle Powers?

    As in, what are they measuring? Ki? Power? An average of every stat?
  11. GSM123

    Goku accepted Freeza's offer?

    As unlikely as it might have been, Goku joins Freeza under the condition his friends wouldn't be harmed. How does this work out?
  12. GSM123

    GSM123's further obnoxious power levels list

    Out-obnoxious this, Pyro
  13. GSM123

    Since Freeza held back and didn't one shot Goku...

    ...Would that mean he didn't necessarily use all of his power against Vegeta? That would make sense with the V-Jump listing him at 250k.
  14. GSM123

    Future Roshi had stepped in to flex his manly GAINZ?

    Trunks movie has Roshi hiding in a Submarine with Oolong and Puar. What if after the Androids were defeated he surfaced again and helped Trunks against Babidi and Zamasu?
  15. GSM123

    Androids Saga

    @SSJ2 challenged me to make 10 threads, so I'll open a can of worm that oughta take the space of 20 threads. It's been a while since I changed my views on the Android Arc scaling, so I think it'd be a good exercise to explain my opinions. Btw I won't be posting scans or even statements unless...
  16. GSM123

    Budokai matches were different?

    Basically a freeform what if here. What things would you have liked to see in any of the Budokais? How would your choices affect the story in both the short and long run?
  17. GSM123

    GSM did a tier list

  18. GSM123

    GSM rereads Berserk

    So it starts. SSJ2 where does the Golden Age Arc starts? I've just started the Black Swordsman, but might as well skip it for later.
  19. GSM123

    Why was #16's scouter more accurate than Gero's?

    I mean, 16 is a older model considered to be a failure. Yet his technology is more advanced than his creator's? Doesn't compute.
  20. GSM123

    Were SSJ Goku and 100% Freeza at full power?

    If so, how? They were both pretty fucked up before transforming/powering up.

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.