A while ago we had a thread about how you’d fit the movies in the main universe, but what about the opposite? How would you twist the series to fit all 13 movies in a single timeline?
By the way, a bit more objective question. Do all movies take place in the same continuity? I mean we do have...
Like Tarble, Vegeta was born a low class warrior and got send to Earth for being a shame to the Vegeta family. Kakarott is born in the low class also but is taken under Raditz’s tutelage instead of being send to Earth.
Just something I thought about. What if all these statements simply mean from other scales that aren’t Battle Powers? Here’s a few examples I’ve gathered:
- All the statements in Part I about being many times greater;
- The lack of linearity between destructive capability and power levels. Kaio...
Trunks movie has Roshi hiding in a Submarine with Oolong and Puar. What if after the Androids were defeated he surfaced again and helped Trunks against Babidi and Zamasu?
@SSJ2 challenged me to make 10 threads, so I'll open a can of worm that oughta take the space of 20 threads. It's been a while since I changed my views on the Android Arc scaling, so I think it'd be a good exercise to explain my opinions.
Btw I won't be posting scans or even statements unless...
Basically a freeform what if here. What things would you have liked to see in any of the Budokais? How would your choices affect the story in both the short and long run?