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  1. GSM123

    How is Piccolo stronger than Gohan?

    Pre Kami I mean. Leaving Namek Gohan was the stronger of the two, though Piccolo might have managed to catch up between that and Goku’s return. But then they both go do the exact same training regiment for 3 years, and apparently Piccolo comes out miles ahead. He’s the one Kuririn compares to a...
  2. GSM123

    How strong did Goku get through the ToP?

    Apparently this is the point where the scaling for the anime went downhill. I see a ton of references to that improving ability (Wasn’t that supposed to be Black and Hit’s shit?) and some vague references to Base Goku surpassing SSJB at least three times in the ToP. How’s that a thing? Also...
  3. GSM123

    Does Kefla suggest Vegetto >>> SSJG?

    I mean, the girls weren't anything special. Caulifla rivaled SSJ2 Goku and Kale was constantly powering up, but I doubt she went far past SSJ3 Goku. Then they fuse and start running circles around SSJG Goku in base. Hell they even surpasses Blue Kaio-Ken and UI Omen #1 when going SSJ1 and 2...
  4. GSM123

    Baby (@Pital) runs the M2 gauntlet

    This is Baby after absorbing everyone in M2 and some other places that I forgot. Gauntlet: Each Mega Cannon Sigma Member from weakest to stronger. If he solos, he faces Super MCS. If he solos again, he faces each of Rild’s form. No absorption and Baby gets healed all the time. How far does he get?
  5. GSM123

    Namu vs Bora

    Budokai setting, so no weapons and no killing. Who wins? Also, between Namu’s jump and Bora throwing Goku and Yajirobe up Karin’s Tower, who’s got the better feat?
  6. GSM123

    Does Z Vegetto needs to be > Base Baby Vegeta?

    I mean, Goku seemingly only lost to Baby Vegeta because of stamina issues with SSJ3. So when Baby becomes Super Baby Vegeta, could surpassing Goku be what led him to wield the strongest Saiyan power?
  7. GSM123

    DBS Levels for Anime and Manga

    Just a pretty poorly put together attempt at scaling both continuities at once. Don't worry about me throwing in experimental shit because there's little to no logic behind scaling Super anyway. This is just a bunch of random numbers that weren't assorted by the Captain. Boo Arc (For Reference)...
  8. GSM123

    Goku (Pre 100x Gravity) and Bardock (TV Special) vs Saiyan Arc Vegeta

    Goku can't use the Kaio-Ken and this is Bardock after his Zenkai that pushes him to 10k+. If Vegeta is too much for the duo, add King Vegeta to the team. Who wins? 2/2 Supreme
  9. GSM123

    Saiyan Arc Yajirobe and Chaozu vs Raditz

    This is Saiyan Battle Yajirobe and Chaozu. Raditz can’t go Oozaru. The duo doesn’t have knowledge on Raditz’s tail weakness. Who wins? Supreme
  10. GSM123

    Freeza’s native language

    :rape :rape :sponge
  11. GSM123

    Hope this is the final one

    I showed Ahill a draft before, but it was divided in 4 different Docs and after adjusting some numbers I think this is the real thing. Scaled the entirety of the series and sprinkled some notes on some less obvious placements. Main Series - Encompasses the main series (Duh) including some semi...
  12. GSM123

    Soundtrack Appreciation Thread

    Just an overall thread to share your favourite tracks from the series. Could be OG or Falcone, games, GT, movies, whatever. Not necessarily my favourite, but I love Babidi's theme: 4/5 @SuperSaiyan2
  13. GSM123

    DBS: Manga vs Anime

    This one has kinda been done before, but meh. Let's see how everyone's reviews have aged. Inspired by a thread I saw in Kanzenshuu back when the ToP was still starting, here's the idea. Basically each day we make a comparison between the portrays of each saga as long as I don't forget to update...
  14. GSM123

    Do the Evil Dragons have any relation to their wishes?

    So, each of the Dragons we see in the Evil Dragons Arc were born from a wish the gang has made in the past. But is there any relation between their powers, personalities etc and the wishes they're born out of? 2/5 SuperSaiyan2
  15. GSM123

    Baby runs the Boo gauntlet

    Each of Baby's forms run the Boo gauntlet. Win by kill, and they have knowledge on each other. Baby gets healed after every fight. How does this goes? Round 1: Kid Baby Round 2: Teen Baby Round 3: Adult Baby The gauntlet: 1. Good Boo 2. Pure Evil Boo 3. Fat Boo (Vs SSJ3 Goku) 4. Super Boo 5...
  16. GSM123

    How strong is Teen Baby/Baby’s Absorptions?

    Two questions but about the same topic. First, how to Baby’s absorptions/fusions work? I see many people suggesting it gives a power up to the controlled person, but I don’t see evidence of that at all. And why does his fusion with Vegeta yields far greater changes? Was it because it was a full...
  17. GSM123

    GT Power Levels

    Credits goes to CC and KP for having their accurate lists for me to use as a basis. Z numbers for reference SSJ3 Goku: 0.75 Gotenks (Post Rosat): 2 ~ SSJ: 5 ~ SSJ3: 15 Gohan: 18 Super Boo: 12 ~ +Gotenks: 27 ~ +Gohan: 32 Vegetto: 40 ~ SSJ: 2,000 Ultimate DBs Saga Goku (Suppressed): 2.5 ~...
  18. GSM123

    Boo Arc experiment

    Just trying to make this experiment taking into account Goku and Fat Boo being suppressed in their fights. SSJ2 Goku: 30 ~ SSJ3 (Vs Fat Boo): 90 ~ SSJ3 (Full Power): 120 Fat Boo (Initial): 22.5 ~ Vs Gohan/Dabra: 45 ~ Vs Vegeta/Goku: 90 ~ Full Power Enraged: 120 Gotenks (Pre Rosat): 50 ~ SSJ...
  19. GSM123

    How strong are GT Goten and Trunks?

    Any solid conclusions? All I can tell is that they're above Mr Boo and possibly below Ultimate Gohan.
  20. GSM123

    Saiyaman's DB Levels

    Hunt for the Dragon Balls Goku: 50 Bulma: 3.5 Bear Bandit: 20 Sea Turtle: 0.001 Master Roshi: 96 Oolong: 2 Pual: 1.5 Yamcha: 45 Chi-Chi: 40 Gyumao: 80 Boss Rabbit: 10 Rabbit's Goons: 5 Pilaf: 3 Mai: 5 Shu: 4 Oozaru Goku: 500 Goku (Tailess): 40 Kuririn: 30 21st Budokai Goku: 120...

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