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  1. GSM123

    How strong is Kid Baby?

    Myuu says all the power Lood collected went to Baby and that he should beat Goku and co. after Rildo got defeated. Does this mean he’s stronger than Lood and Base Rildo?
  2. GSM123

    ToP/Pre 2 months Gohan and 17

    If Gohan is the strongest on earth, it’s because Goku and Vegeta are off world. No mention of 17... But isn’t that guy supposed to be “about as strong” as Goku and Vegeta?
  3. GSM123

    Moro (Post 2 months) > Beerus?

    Moro says he's surpassed the gods here. But how reliable is that? As far as I can remember, Moro has never implied he ever knew Hakaishins existed. Is he refering to guys like full power Dai Kaioshin or something?
  4. GSM123

    Fusions vs Moro

    So after 7-3 Moro copied Vegeta’s abilities, Piccolo said fusion Potara and Metamorian dance are useless now because Moro has Spirit Fission. Since hitting your enemy is needed to perform SF, does this mean Moro is relative to fusion level? Keep in mind Goku has unlocked UI Omen, so Gogeta and...
  5. GSM123

    A back to basics list

    The title makes it sounds like one of those endless lists Withheld would make, but I'm slowly reverting to my old views regarding "Super Saiyan Walls" and their irrelevance on power progression and wanted to make this Freeza - Boo Arc list. Logically Freeza > Base Saiyans still applies here...
  6. GSM123

    Beerus vs Merus

    Merus' UI technique is limited to be as good as Beerus'. Who wins?
  7. GSM123

    Piccolo (Current) vs #17 (Current)

    Thanks to his 2 months training with Gohan, has Piccolo closed the gap between himself and #17? Discuss.
  8. GSM123

    Moro Saga fill-in

    Goku: 1 ~ SSJ: ~ SSJ2: ~ SSJ3: ~ SSJG: ~ PSSJB: Vegeta: ~ SSJ: ~ SSJ2: ~ SSJG: ~ PSSJB: ~ SSJBE: Moro: ~ Youth Restored: ~ Full Power: Dai Kaioshin Boo: Piccolo: ~ Post 2 months: Gohan: ~ Post 2 months: #17: #18: Super Saganbo: ~ Beyond Limits: Goku (Post training): ~ SSJB: ~ UI Omen: ~...
  9. GSM123

    What forms did Vegeta use vs Moro?

    Their Namek fight. He clearly used SSJ and maybe SSJ2 towards the end, but what god form was he using after? I assumed he was a PSSJB there, but everyone else seems to think he was a SSJG. How can you guys even tell them apart when it’s all black and white?
  10. GSM123

    Super Tier List (Anime)

    Mastered UI Goku Jiren (Full Power) Final UI Omen Goku Beerus Hakaishin Toppo Kaio-Ken x20 SSJB Goku (Post Kefla)/SSJBE Vegeta SSJ2 Kefla UI Omen Goku SSJ Kefla Merged Zamasu (Full Power) Vegetto Blue Hit Aniraza SSJB Goku, Vegeta (ToP)/Toppo/Golden Freeza Gohan (ToP)/#17 SSJB Goku (Beyond...
  11. GSM123

    Android 19 vs Android 20

    Super Saiyan 6/10 Who's the stronger Android post absorptions: 19 or 20? 20 started out stronger, but 19 absorbed more Ki. But 19 also happened to fight more and might have burned more than he absorbed when fighting Goku and (specially) Vegeta.
  12. GSM123

    Experimental Pure Boo > Super Vegetto GT List

    Super Saiyan 5/10 So, it always seemed a little odd that the anime added like a dozen scenes talking about how Pure Boo is the strongest Majin Boo, it always seemed a little odd to me that GT would went with the Manga scale. So here I'm going to try a list taking that into account. Starting...
  13. GSM123

    Super Saiyan God ~ <1/10th SSJB?

    Super Saiyan 4/10. Gotta speed this thing up. So SSJG Goku >= SSJB Vegeta > Hit > SSJ Goku? Granted this might place too much of a gap for SSJ Goku to keep up, but this isn’t very different from Base Goku keeping up only somewhat worse earlier.
  14. GSM123

    Android 20 (Another suppressed Piccolo absorbed) vs Piccolo

    Gero said he could beat even Vegeta if he absorbed Piccolo’s energy again. Sounds outlandish, so how would he fare against full power Piccolo instead?
  15. GSM123

    Tullece’s 19k power level

    Super Saiyan 3/10 Do you think Tullece’s official power level of 19k can fit? His scuffle with 30k Goku was rather quick to be anything conclusive, and his blasting off Piccolo could be a comparable situation to Cell damaging Gohan’s arm.
  16. GSM123

    Sergeant Metallic vs Namu

    Who wins? Super Saiyan 2/10
  17. GSM123

    Does Super imply base fusion > god forms?

    Granted Goku blatantly said otherwise in the BoGs Saga, but if you think about it SSJ God wasn't shit for Beerus either. He wasn't even 1% of his power back then. When it comes to everytime fusion was used in the series, base forms far outstripped the god forms. Base Vegetto ripped off half of...
  18. GSM123

    How significant was Yamcha’s power to #20?

    I’ve been thinking about this quote a bit. Gero thinks Yamcha’s a great power source, and that’s just by analyzing a suppressed Yamcha. How much could he have powered up from his energy? Was it significant in any way? Likewise, can this be used to imply Yamcha’s a powerhouse, or that Gero isn’t...
  19. GSM123


    In units of millions. Goku's Return The Future The Androids Cell Cell Games
  20. GSM123

    Early Freeza fight Kuririn > Post Kaio Piccolo?

    Or could "the others" only mean guys like Vegeta and Freeza? Show me your thoughts.

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