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  1. GSM123

    SEG Translations

    Taken from Metal4ever in Neoseeker. Note: These are slightly edited Google translations. As such, they probably aren't the most accurate they can be. They shouldn't be too far off the mark either, though. I may add the rest of the Training Section and clean this up later, but for now here's...
  2. GSM123

    What exactly is Ki?

    As per SSJ2’s request. I thought of a power thread, but this one is going to be a bit more… original. So, what exactly can be defined as Ki? How does it work? Why are Genki, Shouki and Youki important to it? Is it like the Force from Star Wars?
  3. GSM123

    If speed isn’t related to power…

    Then why does Goku and Piccolo’s power raise when they remove their weights?
  4. GSM123

    Babidi took full control of Vegeta's mind?

    Basically when Babidi casts his spell Vegeta is unable to resist and becomes a minion of Babidi just like Dabra. What happens now?
  5. GSM123

    Is Broly > Bojack possible?

    I mean, Takao Koyama has always considered himself a Broly fanboy and considered him the strongest, not to mention the rule was “Everyone new villain Goku fights is stronger than the last one” and Goku barely appeared on the film.
  6. GSM123

    Kamiccolo vs Future 17 and 18

    Chapter: 364 (DBZ 170), P5.1 Cell: “I’ll definitely get hold of No.17 and No.18! Even if you guys try to stop me from reaching my perfect form, it won’t do any good! Not if Piccolo is the only one able to put up a bit of a good fight against No.17 and No.18!” Round 1: Piccolo must have his...
  7. GSM123

    Was the Kami/Daimao split uneven?

    On Namek, Guru says splitting in half led the Nameless Namekian to also splitting in half his "genius power": Chapter: 265 (DBZ 71), P3.4-5 Context: the Great Elder reads Kuririn’s mind and learns of God and Piccolo. Great Elder: “Hmf! He split in two, long ago…after evil entered into him! How...
  8. GSM123

    Can Babidi’s men be sensed?

    Just wanted to revisit this old issue. Can those guys be sensed? The answer is probably going to be no, but why? And how come Vegeta’s Ki could be sensed?
  9. GSM123

    Goku entered the Rosat with Vegeta/Gohan with Trunks?

    What if training partners were exchanged? What would be a reasonable in universe explanation for this swap? Who would go first? How would this affect the story?
  10. GSM123

    Pure Boo

    I’m going down a dark path now. According to Vegeta, Boo’s return would be the end of Earth… But Gohan and Gotenks are powerful enough to beat Super Boo, so it must be referring to Pure Boo. Plus there’s the Genki-Dama argument on how Gohan’s donations weren’t enough. Everybody on the...
  11. GSM123

    Was SPC at full power?

    I mean, he regenerated entirely from his nucleus. Shouldn’t he have lost a ton of power with that?
  12. GSM123

    Metamorian Gokhan vs Gotenks-Boo

    Goku said out of impulse fusion could beat Boo, but Boo disagreed. Who was right? If Gokhan wins, what form does he needs to beat Boo?
  13. GSM123

    Cell were good?

    So let’s say Goku’s DNA had too much of a influence in Cell and he ends up being born as a stoic, but good natured guy. How much do things change?
  14. GSM123

    Is Mr Boo neither Fat or Good Boo?

    I mean, he’s not Fat Boo - The evil influence had stayed behind to form Pure Boo. But he’s not Good Boo either as he didn’t share the Kaioshin influence with Pure Boo like he had to earlier with Pure Evil Boo. So, is it possible the Mr Boo we know is between Good Boo and the original Fat Boo?
  15. GSM123

    Roshi’s FP Kamehameha runs the Piccolo gauntlet

    Piccolo stands and tries to tank it. How does he fare? Round 1: <40% Old Daimao Round 2: FP Old Daimao Round 3: Prime Daimao Round 4: 23rd Budokai Ma Jr
  16. GSM123

    Training schools were reversed?

    Let’s say Tenshinhan and Chaozu trained under Muten Roshi’s tutelage while Goku and Kuririn (And later Yamcha) trained with Master Tsuru. How would this affect the story, power levels, personalities, relationships…?
  17. GSM123

    Vegeta vs 18 discussion

    I was discussing this with Tapion the other day and decided to bring the discussion here. How do you interpret their fight? To me, it seems clear the Androids were superior in power, as shown by how Trunks fared against then. Vegeta’s fighting skills did close the gap however, as he and 18 went...
  18. GSM123

    Vegeta got his wish on Namek?

    Let's say Guru's lifespan wasn't cut short by depression and Vegeta got his wish. How differently would things go?
  19. GSM123

    SSJG3 Trunks vs two Perfect Cells

    As per @SuperSaiyan2's request, here's a versus thread. Trunks has no speed nor stamina issues and neither Cell can power up any further than the level he used against Vegeta and Trunks.
  20. GSM123

    How did Freeza stop Goku’s Kamehameha?

    I mean, if Kamehameha amplifies power by more than 2x and Freeza isn’t above Kaio-ken x20 Goku by much… I’m aware most people chalk it up to Kaioken hindering the Kamehameha’s power, but that’s mostly speculation. Is there any official explanation?

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