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  1. GSM123

    SEG Experiment

    SSJ Goku: 10 SSJ Gohan: 13.5 ~ SSJ2: 27 ~ Final Rage: 33.75 Cell (Vs Goku): 11.25 ~ Full Power: 20 ~ Beaten up: 15 ~ Bulked up: 22.5 ~ Zenkai: 26 SSJ Gohan: 13.5 ~ SSJ2 (Suppressed): 18 ~ SSJ2 (Rusty): 24 Dabra: 20 Vegeta: 15 ~ SSJ2: 30 SSJ Goku: 18 ~ SSJ2: 36 ~ SSJ3: 144 Fat Boo: 135 Gotenks...
  2. GSM123

    Kaioken SSJ3 Vegetto (Z) vs SSJG Goku (BoGs)

    No Kaioken strain. What level of Kaioken does Vegerot needs to catch up to Galu here?
  3. GSM123

    Full Power Super Saiyan

    Is it a bigger boost than SSJ? Why? Or why not?
  4. GSM123

    Goku, Gohan, Kefla

    I wanna settle this shit. Is Goku stronger than them or not? We have to direct statements that directly contradict each other: One from Vados saying Kefla is unmatched, other from Kuririn saying Gohan could surpass Kefla. For all i know this issue is pretty much a pick and chose. Is there a...
  5. GSM123


    Key: SSJ Goku: 1 Tried to keep stuff nerfed with this 1 :king Freeza's revenge Androids Arc Cell Arc Cell Games Boo Arc Fusion Arc
  6. GSM123

    Tier List (Manga)

    Tier 1 - Spopovich Tier :bitch Zen'O Tier 2 - Angel Tier Daishinkan Angels Tier 3 - Hakaishin Tier Mastered UI Goku Jiren SSJB Vegetto Beerus/Quitela - Other Hakaishins Tier 4 - PSSJB Tier Merged Zamasu/PSSJB Goku/PSSJB Goku/Toppo/True Golden Freeza/Hit (ToP)/Cyborg #17 LSSJ Kale/SSJ...
  7. GSM123

    Did Goku use SSJB or PSSJB against Freeza?

    When they fought in hell. What form did he use? I mean, if he used SSJB it could be made a chain of PSSJB Goku > Gohan ~ Kefla > LSSJ Kale > SSJB Goku/Golden Freeza > Initial LSSJ Kale.
  8. GSM123

    How are Goten and Trunks sensing Gohan and co. here?

    [/spoiler] This happens right after the Budokai ends. How are Goten and Trunks sensing the others? Mind you Gohan and Dabra were fighting on the Demon Realm when this happened.
  9. GSM123

    Gotenks surviving Fat Boo's assault

    How reliable is that feat? Can we use it to prove Base Gotenks >>> SSJ2s?
  10. GSM123

    Is Boo's tentacle relative to his power?

    To quote RandomGuy in Kanzenshuu...
  11. GSM123

    Goku (Manga, ToP) runs the Boo Arc gauntlet.

    I want to go deep on this. Some people think he's still the same as his Boo Arc self, some people think he can solo Z without breaking a sweat. How far does he goes? ~ Round 1: Base form ~ Round 2: SSJ ~ Round 3: SSJ2 ~ Round 4: SSJ3 Gets healed after every fight.
  12. GSM123

    Is EoZ still canon?

  13. GSM123

    How much have Goku and Vegeta improved since the U6 Tournament?

    Some believe they've made little to no improvement, some believe they improved a lot based on Vegeta's fights against Black... So, have they gotten stronger or did they just improve their transformations? If yes, by how much?
  14. GSM123

    Post Z Sword Trunks

    Manga discussion folks. How strong did Trunks get after training with the Z Sword? Although he did say Kaioshin helped him to hone his skills (Not power) with the Z Sword training, Trunks powered up enough that a year later he was a bit stronger tha Goku on equal forms. So, how are Trunks'...
  15. GSM123

    SSJ Gohan's Kamehameha vs SSJ2 Gohan

    SSJ Gohan fires the Full Power Kamehameha he fired on Boo's Ball on a SSJ2 Gohan. What happens to SSJ2 Gohan? Does he get fucked? Blocks it? Tanks it?
  16. GSM123

    Base Vegetto vs Gotenks-Boo

    According to Old Kaioshin, Gokhan would be able to beat Gotenks-Boo without transforming. Later he said Vegetto was definitely the strongest. So, is Vegetto stronger than Gotenks-Boo?
  17. GSM123

    Chaozu runs the Namek Gauntlet

    Gets healed after every fight. Round 1: Chaozu is not allowed to use paralysis arts Round 2: Chaozu is allowed to use paralysis arts How far does mime boy gets?
  18. GSM123

    Boo Arc dumb shit compilation

    Just thought i'd do this to show how retarded the Arc was. - Gohan views racing against Kinto'Un to be a good benchmark when the Kinto'Un lost it's relevance by the end of Part 1/Start of Z. - 18 complains to Kuririn that it's hard to hold back after she punches the machine, yet she and 17 had...
  19. GSM123

    Broly's Galaxy busting feats

    But we did see lots of planets later as Goku travels through the Galaxy... How accurate is this opening shot? Is Broly really a Galaxy buster?
  20. GSM123

    How strainful is Super Saiyan?

    When Goku and Gohan leave the Rosat, everybody comments on how natural they feel, and Tenshinhan says this: However, Super Saiyan being a strainful form was never shown to be the case. Goku isn't shown tiring against Freeza and Vegeta constantly stays as a Super Saiyan throughout the Android...

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