This is not Lord Appule but just Appule. He is healed after every fight.
1. Appule vs Yamcha (Saiyan Saga)
2. Appule vs Krillin (Saiyan Saga)
3. Appule vs Tenshinhan (Saiyan Saga)
4 Appule vs Piccolo (Saiyan Saga)
5. Appule vs Enraged Gohan (Saiyan Saga)
Well, I will post something here regarding to the movies. I am going to post each manga chapter that was released exactly 3 months prior to a movie's release. I want you guys to guess what is the connection of each chapter with each movie. I use the chapter that was released 3 month prior to...
I am announcing that I have become Dragon Ball Z movies expert. After 10 years of hard work and analyzing everything regarding the movies and how they regard to the anime and manga to even the smallest detail possible, I dare you to ask me whatever you want regarding the movies and how they are...
Raditz > Garlic Jr
Doctor Uiru > Saiyan Saga Vegeta
Tullece ~ First Form Freeza
Slug ~ Initial Final Form Freeza
Cooler > 100% Final Form Freeza
Metal Coola ~ Android 18
Super 13 ~ Imperfect Cell (Post Humans Absorbed)
Movie 8 Broli ~ Suppressed Perfect Cell (vs Goku)
Bojack ~ Full Power...
I finally have time to be back on the media. I am about to make one heck of a video explaining about the movies with evidence from official sources, TOEI, movie's spynosis and how they relate to the manga and anime. It's going to take me some time so stay tuned for it!
How would that Turn on? Goku states Moro is the toughest opponent he had faced meaning Moro is stronger than Broli and Jiren. Beerus seems confident about taking on Moro. I think it's ridiculous as Broli was stated to be probably stronger than Beerus. So who wins?
Finally figured it out.
Garlic Jr > Weighted Goku
Buff Garlic Jr > Unweighted Goku
Dead Zone rivals Raditz
Enraged Gohan is as strong as he was when he blasted the big mountain which is greater than 1,307 as stated by Piccolo
No progression after the movie for a long time
Kaioken x 3 >...
So someone I know translated this comic and in the black letters near the red box which says Broli's name it states his power:
彼の戦闘力は信じられないほど巨大で 超サイヤ人第3段階も大幅に超えています
"Kare no sentō-ryoku wa shinji rarenai hodo kyodaide, chō saiyahito dai 3 dankai mo ōhaba ni koete imasu"
"His fighting power is...
Sansho is one of Garlic Jrs men in movie 1.
He got his ass kicked by Weighted Piccolo who was 322. Do you think BoZ Tenshinhan who is 250 can beat him? I would like to point out that Krillin who is 206 seemed afraid of him when Sansho was about to attack him before Piccolo stepped in and took...
If Yajirobe loses then Chaotzu from the Vegeta Arc would get in the second round. Ibknow Yajirobe > Chaotzu going by official power levels but a lot of people disagree about it so either of them fights BoZ Goku and Piccolo. Piccolo and Goku can't amplify their attacks.