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  1. Pakl

    Androids Saga Power Gaps

    What is your gap between the SSjins and Androids 17/18 and Kamiccolo? I got SSjin Trunks: 320,000,000 SSjin Goku: 375,000,000 SSjin Vegeta: 400,000,000 Imperfect Cell: 465,000,000 Android 18: 570,000,000 Android 17: 640,000,000 Kamiccolo: 650,000,000
  2. Pakl

    SSjin Gohan (Post Z Sword) vs Perfect Cell

    Who wins? I think Cell wins easily
  3. Pakl

    Goku (DBZ Episode 56) vs Nail

    Who wins? Tree Of Might was revealed between episodes 54 to 55 so we can say Episode 54 goku is 30,000+. This is Episode 56 Goku. Use that logic. Goku can't use kaioken.
  4. Pakl

    Movie 3 Gohan vs Cacao/Daiz/Almond

    We know Gohan was stronger than the twins but how does he fare against the rest? Post your power levels too.
  5. Pakl

    SSjin God Goku (BoG Movie or DBS)

    Since Captain Cavader triggered me after seeing he changed his mind about the subject so I want to know where you have BoG SSjin God Goku or SSjin Goku from DBS in comparasion to GT characters.

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