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  1. Pakl

    dragon Ball Z Movie 11 Comic

    Dragon Ball Z Movie 11 "Super Warrior Defeat!! I'm the one who wins!" Comic Release date: 13 December 1994. Released in the same day of chapter 499 (A Trap) in the Manga and between episode 249 (Where is Gohan?! Training in the Kaiōshin Realm) and episode 250 (You’re Kidding, Right?! The Z Sword...
  2. Pakl

    Dragon Ball Z Movie 10 Comic translated

    Dragon Ball Z Movie 10 Anime Comic: "The Dangerous Duo! Super Warriors Never Rest"
  3. Pakl

    Dragon Ball Z Movie 9 Comic translated

    Dragon Ball Z Movie 9 Anime Comic "The Galaxy at the Brink! The Super Incredible Guy!! Release Date: November 24 1993. Released between chapter 448 (One Must Enter the Tiger’s Den…) and chapter 449 (The Game) in the Manga and in the same day of episode 208 (Welcome Back, Goku! The Whole Z Team...
  4. Pakl

    Dragon Ball Z Movie 8 Comic translated

    Dragon Ball Z Movie 8 Anime Comic "Burn Up!! Hot Fight! Fierce Fight! Super Violent Fight! Release date: 19 July 1993. Released between chapter 430 (The Dragon Team Gathers!!) and 431 (The Preliminaries Begin) in the Manga and between episode 193 (A New Day Will Come… Father! I’ll Hang in There)...
  5. Pakl

    Dragon Ball Z Movie 4 Comics translated

    Dragon Ball Z Movie 4 Anime Comics "Super Saiyajin Da Son Goku"
  6. Pakl

    Dragon Ball Z movie 7 comic translated

    Dragon Ball Z Movie 7 Anime Comic "The Great Three Super Saiyans" Release date: March 19 1993. Released between chapter 414 (An Unexpected Turning of the Tables) and chapter 415 (A Message From Son Goku) in the Manga and between episode 178 (A Direct Hit to the Earth!! Cell’s Huge Kamehameha)...
  7. Pakl

    Daizenshuu 6 Movies & TV Specials Art Book

    Cover and contents Adventure Stories and contents Dragon Ball: The Legend of Shenlong Dragon Ball: The Sleeping Princess in Devil’s Castle Dragon Ball: A Mystical Great Adventure Memorial '86-'88 Battle Stories Dragon Ball Z: Return My Gohan!! Dragon Ball Z: The World's Strongest...
  8. Pakl

    Black Freeza vs Beerus

    Is Beerus finally surpassed? Probably not but I think Freeza should logically be stronger.
  9. Pakl

    Movie/Anime villians counterparts

  10. Pakl

    Base Vegetto vs Ultimate Gohan

  11. Pakl

    Movie 8 Vegeta/Trunks compared to Movie 9 Vegeta /Trunks

    Even though it's well acepted that Movie 9 Vegeta and Trunks are 1st Post RoSaT SSjinG 2, I will still show the differences between Movie 8 Vegeta and Trunks to Movie 9 Vegeta and Trunks to show how in Movie 8, they are SSjinG 2 while in Movie 9 they are SSjins. Vegeta transforms: Seems to...
  12. Pakl

    The reason why Dende was Kami in Movie 6 finally explained!!

    So, I was watching the Garlic Jr Saga with subs and in episode 108, Kami offers Piccolo to be the new Kami because he wants to retire which Piccolo obviously refuses. Remember, the Garlic Jr Saga happened after movie 5 but before movie 6. Both movies and the Garlic Jr filler Arc are exclusive...
  13. Pakl

    Movies/Anime comparasion

    Movie 1/Raditz Arc I will keep with each movie and update the post.
  14. Pakl

    Dragon Ball Z Movies Battle Powers

    Return My Gohan!!! Goku ~ weights on : 334 ~ weights off : 416 Piccolo ~ weights on : 322 ~ weights off : 408 Ginger ~ Initial: 208 ~ Full Power: 260 Sansho ~ Initial: 200 ~ Full Power: 250 Nikki ~ Initial: 204 ~ Full Power: 255 Krillin ~ Full Power: 206 Kami ~ Full Power: 300 Gohan ~...
  15. Pakl

    Movies release dates along with the Anime and Manga (Mathematical Evidence)

    What I am going to do now is to show a mathematical evidence of how the movies relate between the Manga chapters and the Anime episodes, what were both the last Manga chapter and Anime episode released prior to a movie's release respectively, plus their time gap between both the last chapter of...
  16. Pakl

    Debunking the Movie 5 Base Goku > 100% Final Form Freeza

    Even though it's rarely discussed, I sometimes hear this claim that Movie 5 Goku was stronger than 100% Final Form Freeza in his base state. I will try to pour some light into this into proving how ridiculous this claim is. Let's start from the beginning. Dragon Ball Z Movie 5: "The Incredible...
  17. Pakl

    It's really frustrating to argue with the noobs

    Seriously, just check out this thread regarding movie 6 People mislead Oolong's statement about Goku being the strongest and think he referred to Piccolo. Is it really that hard to check the movie in Japanese? Fuck the...
  18. Pakl

    SSjin Vegeta (Androids Arc) vs Imperfect Cell (Ginger town)

    Vegeta finds Imperfect Cell before Kamiccolo. Vegeta and Cell clash at each other. Who wins?
  19. Pakl

    Simmer Down

    Why did Piccolo say "simmer down"? Is Cell Max a soup? LOL.

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.