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  1. Pakl

    Freeza fight power levels

    I have Goku at 6,500,000 when he fought Freeza. 3,000,000 makes no sense.
  2. Pakl

    Toriyama changing his mind during the Boo Saga

    Toriyama planned to have Gohan as the one who saves the universe again, but he changed his mind because he thought Gohan wasn't suited to the role. This is how I think it went down with Toriyama's change of mind: "I think Goku should be the main hero and not Gohan, Let's make Goku fighting the...
  3. Pakl

    Androids Saga ~ Majin Boo Saga Battle Powers

    Cell arc The History of Trunks Future Piccolo at time of death full power : 3,700,000 Future Vegeta at time of death base : 3,800,000 Super Saiyan : 190,000,000 Future Son Gohan ~ base : 3,500,000 ~ Super Saiyan : 175,000,000 post arm amputation & training ~ base : 4,400,000 ~ Super Saiyan...
  4. Pakl

    Dragon Ball Movies' Box Office Rating

    There have been 21 theatrical Dragon Ball movies since 1986-2022. Each grossed differece income and here is the rating from the highest to the lowest 1. Dragon Ball Super: Broly: 4 billion yen (Japan) 131 million dollar (worldwide) 2. Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection F: 3.74 billion yen (Japan)...
  5. Pakl

    Lord Appule vs Vegeta

    What if Vegeta faced Lord Appule on Namek?
  6. Pakl

    Dragon Ball Z Movie 13 Anime Comic translated

    Dragon Ball Z Movie 13 Anime Comic "Dragon Ball Z: Dragon Fist Explosion!! If Goku Won’t Do it, Who Will?" Release date: 22 November 1995. The Manga had already ended on May 23 1995. Released at the same day episode 284 (A Last Hope!! We’ll Make a Huge Genki-Dama) was released in the Anime.
  7. Pakl

    Dragon Ball Z Movie 12 Anime Comic translated

    Movie 12 "Rebirth of Fusion! Goku and Vegeta!!" guide scans translated Release date: 26 August 1995. The Manga already ended in 23 May 1995. Between episode 276 (Where is the Exit?! Escape From a Collapsing Boo) and episode 277 (Earth Disappears!! Boo’s Reverse-Transformation of Evil) in the Anime
  8. Pakl

    Dragon Ball Z Movie 6 Anime Comic translated

    Dragon Ball Z Movie 6 "Clash!! 10 Billion Power Warriors" Anime Comic Release date: 1 July 1992. Released between chapter 380 (Run Away, No. 18!!) and chapter 381 (Vegeta’s Curiosity Saves Cell) in the Manga and in the same day of episode 146 (Goku Awakens to Battle! Go Beyond the Super...
  9. Pakl

    Dragon Ball Z Movie 5 Comic translated

    Dragon Ball Z Movie 5 "The Incredibly Strongest vs Strongest!" Anime Comic Release date: 25 March 1992. Released between chapter 366 (Son Goku Awakens) and chapter 367 (The Saiyans’ Training) in the Manga and in the same day of episode 133 (And the Terror Becomes a Reality… No. 17 and No. 18...
  10. Pakl

    Jump Anime Collection 3: Dragon Ball Z Movie 13 (translated)

    Jump Anime Collection 3: Dragon Ball Z Movie 13 is a Shueisha magazine dedicated to the 13th Dragon Ball Z movie, which contains character information and images, location sketches, and behind-the-scenes information. Released on October 21 1995, between episode 280 (Vegeta Takes Off His Hat...
  11. Pakl

    Toei Anime Fair Pamphlets (translated)

    Toei Anime Fair July '91 Movie 5 (The incredibly Strongest VS Strongest) Toei Anime Fair March '92 (Clash!! 10 Billion Powerful Warriors) Toei Anime Fair July '92 (Extreme Battle!! The Great Three Super Saiyans) Toei Anime Fair March '93 (Burn Up!! A Red-Hot, Raging, Super-Fierce Fight)...
  12. Pakl

    Supplemental Daizenshuu TV Animation Part 3 (translated)

    Translated till page 45
  13. Pakl

    Dragon Ball Forever Guidebook (translated)

    Pages 1-89
  14. Pakl

    Manga/Anime Databooks

    Guidebooks are actually meant to expand or add information to a certain manga, sometimes since it is very complicated, it could not be focused on enough in the manga, or the writer felt the need to explain important elements of the story in a more direct way. Different manga have different...
  15. Pakl

    Jump Anime Library 1: Dragon Ball Z Movie 12 (Rare)

    Jump Anime Library 1: Dragon Ball Z Movie 12 is a Shueisha magazine dedicated to the 12th Dragon Ball Z movie, which contains character information and images, location sketches, and behind-the-scenes information. Released on June 3 1995, between episode 266 (For the Sake of the Entire Universe…...
  16. Pakl

    Dragon Ball Z TV Special 2 Comic translated

    Dragon Ball Z TV Special 2 "Defiance in the Face of Despair!! The Remaining Super-Warriors—Gohan and Trunks"

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.