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  1. Pakl

    Daizenshuu 5 TV Animation Part 2 (translated)

    Pages 1-103
  2. Pakl

    Expected Battle Powers

    Give your opinion on those characters' estimation to those villians Piccolo's estimation of Raditz's battle power before he teamed up with Goku: 600~700 Piccolo's estimation of Vegeta and Nappa's battle powers before they arrived on earth: 2,000~2,500 Piccolo's estimation of Freeza's battle...
  3. Pakl

    Super Exciting Guide HD scans?

    There is this site which has full books pages in HD, bit not the SEG. Does someone know if the There is a site with the SEG too?
  4. Pakl

    Good places for Dragon Ball

    Since most of the forums are dead, where do fans talk about Dragon Ball? Someone knows a good place?
  5. Pakl

    SSjin multiplier for fusion

    I know there is no reason for the multiplier to be different while fused, but it just can't work with 5px for Gotenks. I know Toriyama wasn't thinking about multipliers, and likely worked with A > B formula, but still, for it to work out, let's just use the 50x multiplier. Let's says SSjin...
  6. Pakl

    Gap between UI Goku and UI Goku (End of Granolah Arc)

    How much stronger did Goku got? Manga wise, obviously.
  7. Pakl

    Buff Boo

    So South Kaioshin made Majin Boo go from being as strong as SSjin 3 Goku to be as strong as Ultimate Gohan? How did he give him such a boost?
  8. Pakl

    Vegeta Arc Battle Powers

    Chiaotzu: 750 Yajorpbe: 850 Gohan: 1,300 Yamcha: 1,350 Krillin: 1,640 Tenshinhan:1,700 Piccolo: 2,350 Kikoho: 2,650 Masenko: 2,800 How does that look?
  9. Pakl

    Ultimate Gohan's power in the SEG

    Did you know about this statement in the SEG Story Volume? Bottom page 77 Comrades in arms As a father and a friend, he cheers for his son who is heading to the battlefield!! As time passes, young Gohan becomes a strong young man! Feeling trustworthy in his child who has grown to surpass him...
  10. Pakl

    Dragon Ball: Super Exciting Guide (translated)

    Dragon Ball: Super Exciting Guide "Story Volume" Dragon Ball Super Exciting Guide Character Volume pages 1-47
  11. Pakl

    Trunks' Arc/Future Battle Powers

    100% Freeza: 130 SSjin Goku (Namek): 150 Mecha Freeza: 160 SSjin Future Gohan (2 arms): 175 Future Android 17 (less than half): 190 SSjin Future Gohan (1 arm): 220 SSjin Futuee Trunks (Trunks' Arc): 235 SSjin Goku (Post Yardrat): 270
  12. Pakl

    Nappa vs 3 Namekians

    Nappa uses the same level he used on the Z fighters (4,000) against the three Namekians with power levels of 3,000 each. Nappa can't go full power.
  13. Pakl

    Saiyan Saga ~ Freeza Saga Battle Powers

    Battle with Raditz Farmer ~ full power : 5 Piccolo post 5 years training ~ with weights : 322 ~ full power : 408 ~ 1st Makankosappo: 1,330 ~ 2nd Makankosapo: 1,150 Son Goku post 5 years training ~ with weights : 334 ~ full power : 416 ~ Kamehameha: 924 Son Gohan ~ afraid : 1 ~ angry : 710 ~...
  14. Pakl

    My Final Collection (for now)

    @GreatSaiyaman123 @HunterR18 @Eu sou Perfeito @SSJ2 @
  15. Pakl

    Which guide do you want to be translated next?

    I have like a few pages left to translate in the Dragon Ball Extreme Battle Collection Round 2, and half of the supplemental Daizenshuu. I also have the two SEG books. What do you prefer?
  16. Pakl

    Goku (Z Fighters' Ki absorbed) vs Vegeta (Saiyan Saga)

    Goku arrives at time to face Vegeta. However, he never learnt Kaioken or Genkidama and is only over 8,000. They manage to beat Nappa, but stand no chance against Vegeta. As a last resort, Goku absorbs the Ki of his friends, Piccolo, Krillin, Tenshinhan, Yamcha, Gohan, Chiaotzu and Yajirobe. Both...
  17. Pakl

    Android 8 vs Mummy Man

    Who wins?
  18. Pakl

    Guidebooks Translation thread

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