Well a couple of episodes ago, he was fighting SSjin Vegeta but with the recent episodes, she was fighting Goku and Vegeta [not at the same time] in their base form. Does that solidify her strength?
Since the Funidub Kai version is greatly improved compare to Z version in terms of voice acting, lip-sync etc. What do you guys think? Still prefer the Jap?
I was reading some stuff over Kanzenshuu where Herms posted the entire characters dictionary stuff from Daizenshuu and found this.
I've always thought that Gero modified them to destroy Goku but once Gero knew that they're failure creation, he decided to build Cell. What do you guys think?
Interview with DBGT Producer Kōzō Morishita
An Interview with Atsushi Maekawa
Out of the scripts for all 64 episodes of GT, Atsushi Maekawa wrote the most, with a total of 28 episodes plus the TV special. We hit him up with all sorts of questions!
Why did Goku turn back into a child in GT...
Since my internet was down last week, I decided to read Super's manga from U6 tournament and one thing I've noticed that Vados's knowledge from manga seems to be weak compare to her anime counterpart. She some ignorant knowledge at all which makes Whis like a genius one.
While discussing with you guys about Gohan being SSJin/2 against Dabura, I noticed that Gohan seems to know that Vegeta has SSjin2 way back from Saiyaman arc.
Chapter: 426 (DBZ 232), P4.2-3
Context: Vegeta talks to Gohan
Vegeta: “At that time there was a large gap between our powers…But what...
Since Gohan was said to be rival SSjinB Goku but still weaker due to his performance against Freeza who is dead even with Goku. Can Gohan wins against a weaker version of Goku?
DBS Community when Frieza confirmed back to the series: I’m so fucking sick of Frieza! Why is he back? again?! We don’t want him back! Just stay in Hell Frieza!! Can’t we see Cell at least? Fuck that bastard we need Cell back this time! We don’t want you Frieza! We hate you!! just, disappear...