Gotenks is all about hype. He's one of the characters that their hype needs to back it up and sadly his fights were proven to be a gag fight by the GOAT himself. :troll
Goku is perhaps the best character judge someone's strength so when he said that SSjin Gotenks can beat Boo then that must be...
How can you disprove Beerus's statement? And don't use Power Levels since Toriyama dropped that long time ago so forget it. After all, Base Saiyans are featless and Base Trunks couldn't handle 150x gravity as well. :troll
I'm doing an experiment with the help of Zetards. I'll start with Goku so fill the categories below.
Best Version:
Best Form:
Best Fight:
Best Voice Actor:
Best Attack:
Mine is
Best Version: Freeza Arc Goku
Best Form: SSjin3 Goku
Best Fight: Against Cell
Best Voice Actor: Sean Schemmel...
Chapter: 510 (DBZ 316), P8.2
Context: as Goku fights pure Boo
Vegeta: “Kakarot…You’re incredible…I am simply no match for that Majin Boo…You’re the only one capable of fighting him…”
How can Vegeta make a such claim since he saw how Gotenks and Gohan fought Super Boo who Goku admit that he...
Are you fan of them? If so, list your favorite tracks of Faulconer's tracks.
1. Hell Bells (Vegeta's theme song).
2. Gohan's anger theme song.
3. Gogeta/SSjin3 Goku's theme song from M12.
4. Gohan's mystic transformation theme song.
5. BabidI cast his spell on Vegeta theme song.
7. SSJin Goku...
With me not having SSjinG Goku ~ Base Goku FnF, it changed my view of power scaling between the series so here goes!
FnF Base Goku ~ SSjin Vegito < SBV1 < SBV2 < SSjin3 Vegito ~ SSjin4 Goku GT < SSjin Goku FnF ~ SSjin4 Goku SD < SSjin3 Goku FnF < Syn Shenron < SSjinB Goku FnF < SSjin4 Goku...
Why do you guys (PL Purists) would love to ignored SSjin2's multiplier but accept the SSjin and SSjin3 multipliers? Because it doesn't make sense according to "your" gaps?
Since both story were executed differently and now we came into a conclusion of both versions. Which one did better?
Post your pros and cons of both versions then.
Like if Toriyama's release a chapter where Gohan killed Cell? Do you think it will cause a lot of meltdown with thsee retard fans? Since it took a couple of pages to end Cell with a cheapshot from Vegeta and the fact Gohan was severely injured and was cut half of his power but still managed to...