I guess I'll say:
Galick (?)
Magic Masenko-ha
Freeza beam
whatever else there is
Galick I'd say is stronger than Kamehameha, since Goku needed Kaiokenx3 (making Goku stronger than Vegeta's PL) and KHH to roughly match it. Although maybe the KHH...
Goku saved Gohan two times? Against Nappa and against Recoome.
Goku saved Vegeta three times? Against Ginyu, Freeza (didn't last lol) and Recoome?
Vegeta saved Goku twice? Against 19 and Ginyu?
How many times has Goku saved Bulma? To escape Pilaf's prison. Any other times?
Zoro - Become strongest swordsman
Luffy - Pirate King/One Piece
Usopp - Brave warrior of the sea
Nami - Map of world (is she even drawing this? They never show it)
Sanji - All Blue
Robin - Main poneglyph
Brook - Meet Laboon
Chopper - Dr who can cure any disease
Franky - not sure. Soulless boat...
Hope this makes sense. Goku is DBZ's main, but it's quite easy to watch it and treat Vegeta or even Gohan as the main. They both get a bunch of focus on their struggles, carry the story at times (half of Namek, Androids, early Cell, Saiyaman) and go through changes to their character that are as...
Have you seen anime that weren't all that, but they had one arc that made watching it worth it?
For me it's Ghost Hunt. It's a horror shoujo and the majority of it is uneventful and at best slightly creepy, but the penultimate arc (bloodstained labyrinth, eps 18-21) is genuine A-grade horror...
I've read quite a few gory manga, but surprisingly the only one to make me feel ill was Parasyte, which is mostly a pretty tame horror-comedy. It was the page where the main character has gone to his girlfriend's school to stop a villain from attacking it and in the hallway...
He says to Gohan that he'd have had a different plan to stop Buu's liberation if he knew that the saiyans were so powerful.
A different plan, like what? When they're flying to Babidi's, he tells Goku they have to kill Babidi to stop prevent Buu. So if he'd already seen their ship performances...
The Z fighters suppress their ki when hiding near Babidi's ship. So how does Babidi feel so confident that there's enough ki amongst them to revive Buu? Even if he has some magic way of knowing, how could Dabura know who the strongest three are? Do you think they felt their kis when they were...
He saw Gohan power up to SSJ2 at the Budokai, yet still was shocked by Goku and Vegeta's base power on the ship? Or was he aware they had huge power (after the Budokai), but was surprised by their fighting ability or speed (even though in Z these things usually increase roughly proportionally)...
Carlton Banks is the best at speed.
In chapter 462, page 9, Gohan says something like "in terms of speed, I'm the best". The fuck? Does he think his speed is better, relative to Vegeta/Goku, than his attack power?
Not just for DBZ, but for other anime too (posting in the DBZ section for better exposure).
English VAing for anime overall doesn't have a great rep. For those of you who speak another language and watched dubs in languages other than English or Japanese, is the English dub any worse or better...
Is music listened to by you when the manghwua are being read?
There are webtoons that have built-in music - have you read one? https://webtoon.fandom.com/wiki/Category:Webtoons_with_Music
Title. Eg I was thinking the Gohan wilderness fillers with Haiya Dragon/Icarus and the kids etc only added to what the manga showed of Gohan's character. Or do you think it contradicts or takes liberties with his manga character at all?
This could be the best SoL manga I've read, although I've only read 8 chapters.
Might check out the anime too. The art and colouring looks really nice.
You get the Toei dragon balls and can delete one arc of DB Super, but only one. I know it's hard.
Which one do you choose? I won't try to list them because idk them.
God of Destruction Beerus Saga
Universe 6 Saga
"Future" Trunks Saga
Tournament of Power Saga
Galactic Patrol Prisoner Saga...