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  1. Warmmedown

    Nightmare fuel: you have to delete all but one arc

    -Vegeta Arc -Freeza Arc -Android-Cell Arc -Buu Arc which do you keep? Does your answer change if the Vegeta and Freeza arcs are combined or if the Cell Arc is split off from the Android arc? I would keep Vegeta-Freeza combined. But split off more I guess I'd keep Vegeta? But if it was manga...
  2. Warmmedown

    Would you give up watching DB/Z/Super/GT to have the 23rd Budokai Tenkaichi's powers

    You get all the powers of 23rd Budokai Roshi, non-cyborg Tao, Tenshinham (yum?), Chazou, Yamcha, Piccolo Jr, Goku, Krillin, Bulma, Launch (male if you're male. Not that it likely matters being Oolong/Puar), Master Shen, Shen (Kami, but only what he used in the 23rd), Oolong, Puar, other...
  3. Warmmedown

    Which DB/Z character would you most like to rehash in another Super movie as a villain?

    1. Ginyu 2. Ginyu force 3. Fake Zeno (inspired by Fake Namek) 4. Raditz 5. Nappa 6. Mercenary Tao 7. Cooler 8. King Cold 9. Android 13 10. Bojack 11. Hatchyak 12. Hirudegarn 13. Dark Tapion 14. Janemba 15. Devilman 16. Movie 12 Hitler 17. Garlic Jr (please no yes) 18. Dr Kochin/Dr Wheelo from...
  4. Warmmedown

    Have you ever made food because of a manga/anime?

    I'm thinking of reading some cooking manga. Like or or Anyway, answer the fucking title, sir. Could be a manhwa or manhua or Keenan and Kel...
  5. Warmmedown

    Has what you value most in manga/anime changed over the years?

    When I first started watching/reading plot was my main priority, then character development and I didn't care for "stylish" works like Bebop, Champloo or Akira. Now it's definitely character development first and then idk, but I'm more down with the stylish stuff than before (eg I do appreciate...
  6. Warmmedown

    Why do you rewatch anime?

    To see what you missed? To re-enjoy some of the cool or emotional moments? When you've forgot what happened? To see if your opinion of the show has changed? To compare it to another show you watched more recently? I basically never rewatch, unless I'm recommending a show to someone and I'll end...
  7. Warmmedown

    Ecchi anime/manga?

    Do you like it? I've never watched them and I'm not sure if I've read any either. I think ecchi, isekai and old faded looking scifi anime are the only ones I can't bring myself to watch.
  8. Warmmedown

    Isekai anime?

    Does anyone like these? They've never appealed to me, although the only one I've watched part of is Sword Art Online (and HxH Greed Island and Gintama Owee, which are both good).
  9. Warmmedown

    Who wrote DBZ fillers?

    Thinking of sending some personal fan mail. Has anyone ever been credited?
  10. Warmmedown

    Why does Gohan's suit fit so badly?

    People say Piccolo is a better father to Gohan, but he didn't even clothes beam him a suit or tuxedo. Where you at Piccolo See, Gohan even went to a uniformed school and suit-wearing profession to try to correct the trauma. He realised he can find a suit jacket that fits him and cried out in...
  11. Warmmedown

    Why didn't Vegeta ever mention Tarble in Z, when talking about the Saiyans?

    Can't remember if he said why in the 2008 special. Was it because he's too weak to mention? But he's stronger than both of Raditz and what they assumed Goku would be (when sending Raditz to recruit him), plus maybe Nappa.
  12. Warmmedown

    Why doesn't Vegeta kill or banish Freeza?

    Why? Was there even a conversation about it, or did he just accept Freeza? Yeh you killed my father, destroyed my planet (bruh, imagine you had a private island and then someone nuked it!), KILLED FASHA, mocked me for 20 years in the most annoying English dub voice of all time, tied me up with...

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.