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  1. KyuubiAhri

    SSj2 gotenks (pre rosat) vs Kid buu,ssj3 goku and Fat buu

    Fusion lasts forever Gotenks is going for the kill Ssj2 is 2x boost Can gotenks win?
  2. KyuubiAhri

    Is it Zamas or Zamasu?

    serious question.
  3. KyuubiAhri

    Ssj kid Gohan vs Ssj goku (cell games) and Perfect cell(suppressed against goku)

    who wins? No shunkdan ido kamehameha for goku
  4. KyuubiAhri

    Now this is just plain stupid.

    17 can train to get stronger??? OMG HOW!?!??!?!?!?! HE is android, his implants are giving him power he cant get stronger through training (unless you are going to tell me that his implants get stronger with training) I am done with DB super GT>>Super
  5. KyuubiAhri

    And that's how OP beerus is

    SSj blue goku and SSj blue Vegeta are massively stronger than ssj4 gogeta.Their potara fusion is still weaker than beerus soo its like this Ssj4 goku and ssj4 vegeta use fusion dance,they form ssj4 gogeta.They find another ssj4 gogeta and use potara fusion with him.Still weaker than beerus.
  6. KyuubiAhri

    Can someone prove that Gotenks SSJ3 > Gogeta SSJ

    prove that Gotenks ssj3>Gogeta ssj If you want to prove otherwise just create a new thread
  7. KyuubiAhri

    Raditz vs 1000 daleks

    who wins?
  8. KyuubiAhri

    Ask Ahri

    Ask whatever you desire and hope that you receive the answer
  9. KyuubiAhri

    Krillin speed feat

    So basically,Only if krillin goes all out he will be faster than bulmas plane and. Krillin and Gohan need about 1 hour to reach Guru's house.
  10. KyuubiAhri

    Saiyan saga Raditz vs Blue eyes Golden dragon

    Can raditz win? If he is too strong then add Blue eyes Golden toon dragon
  11. KyuubiAhri

    Question about Xenoverse 2

    What happens when a character on Parallel quest gives you Ki.For example. Parralel quest 34: Return of ginyu force. There is Goku (ginyus body) and when you approach him he gives you some of his ki. The ki meter doesn't increase,nor stamina.Nothing happens.So what does it do? Does it increase...
  12. KyuubiAhri

    Ssj3 gotenks vs Ultimate Gohan

    Ssj3 gotenks powered by seal of orichalcos vs Ultimate GOhan.Who wins?
  13. KyuubiAhri

    Namek Goku runs the gauntlet

    1.Insector Haga 2.Insector Haga 3.Insector Haga 4.Insector Haga 5.Insector Haga 6.Insector Haga 7.Insector Haga 8.Insector Haga 9.Insector Haga 10.Insector Haga 11.Insector Haga 12.Insector Haga 13.Insector Haga 14.Insector Haga 15.Insector Haga 16.Insector Haga Can goku win?
  14. KyuubiAhri

    how strong is Golden Frieza soldier

  15. KyuubiAhri

    Whis vs Exarion universe

    since exarion has "universe' in his name that means he is universe buster. Who wins?
  16. KyuubiAhri

    Change the name of this board

    It's called "Broly and GT" but here we have movie threads.So it should be called "broly,gt and movies"
  17. KyuubiAhri

    Which is bigger gap

    Mecha frieza and SSj future trunks or Cell games piccolo and Cell jr?
  18. KyuubiAhri

    Death beam

    What is the multiplier of frieza's favorite killing techniqu.Before you say it's not amplified remember than 50% Frieza made Ssj goku bleed with it.
  19. KyuubiAhri

    Episode 84

    Sucks,doesn't it.Krillin forces goku to use SSj and even overpowers hi's Ssj blue kamehameha for a while. Sucks,doesn't it? Honestly,Gt is worlds above this piece of *****
  20. KyuubiAhri

    Current krillin vs Golden frieza

    Yep, a serious thread

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