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  1. KyuubiAhri

    Piccolo and Kami fusion

    if the boost is just 2x how come hypothetical saiyan saga kamiccolo can beat nappa and vegeta?Makes no sense
  2. KyuubiAhri

    Merged Zamasu vs Deadpoolio the amazing

    who wins?
  3. KyuubiAhri

    Could Vegeta cheat on Bulma

    Do you think that Vegeta would be able to do such a thing?
  4. KyuubiAhri

    Kid buu vs Reznov

    Reznov has unlimited health
  5. KyuubiAhri

    Imperfect cell (pre humans) and 18 Gap

    How big is the gap?
  6. KyuubiAhri

    100% cell games goku vs Grade 3 final flash

    Final flash from Post rosat 1 trip vegeta.Does goku tank this bitch or does he die?
  7. KyuubiAhri

    Saiyan saga Kamehameha

    The kamehameha goku used on raditz,how strong was it.It's definitely higher than 2.2x because raditz said "924 and still increasing".So how strong do you think it is? Higher than 1000?
  8. KyuubiAhri

    Ssj namek vegeta vs freeza (50%)

    Ignoring the official power levels,who do you think wins? Before you say that vegeta stomps frieza keep in mind that the gap between goku and vegeta is massive.Warming up goku is about as strong as the same frieza that deflected vegeta's Planet busting attack while full power goku is even...
  9. KyuubiAhri

    Is 16's scouter truly accurate?

    16 said that his power is equal to cells but throughout the entire fight he only manages to land one blow (off guard rocket arm) and that's it
  10. KyuubiAhri

    Namek goku-Android goku gap

    how much did goku improve?
  11. KyuubiAhri

    16 and Super 13 gap

    We know that 16 is stronger,but by how much?
  12. KyuubiAhri

    SSj 2 veegta (buu saga) vs SPC

    Both of these 2 guys are weaker than SSj2 kid gohan,how do they stack up to each other? I think that cell wins cuz of his skills
  13. KyuubiAhri

    Ssj gotenks (pre) vs Ssj3 goku

    Who wins?
  14. KyuubiAhri

    Beerus vs Golden teemo

    Can beerus actually beat this insanely irritating Cancer?
  15. KyuubiAhri

    WHy do people insist on Ssj3 gotenks>Super buu?

    When it's heavily implied that the only power greater than buu's is Gohan's?
  16. KyuubiAhri

    SSj4 can't be 10x ssj3

    I see some people think that ssj4 is 10x ssj3.I have problem with that theory: Ssj3 goku is much weaker than Base baby vegeta,let alone Super baby2.He was effortlessly able to beat ssj3 goku who was not suffering from ssj3 strain.Golden oozaru baby vegeta is 10x Super baby 2 that means that the...
  17. KyuubiAhri

    Did Frieza increase his power when blocking kkx20 Kamehameha?

    Personally i think he increased the power because later on goku says that frieza wasnt bluffing and that he really was using 50% power and that can only make sense if frieza increased power during the clash.What do you guys think?
  18. KyuubiAhri

    Tell me your gaps

    Piccolo-3rd form frieza gap Vegeta-Semi cell gap Ultimate Gohan-Buutenks Ssj3 goku-Fat buu(full power) What are your gaps between these fighters?

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