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  1. KyuubiAhri

    Is Vados hot?

    is she?
  2. KyuubiAhri

    Gap between Goku and Vegeta(Post Rosat)

    i got 2x gap between them.It may sound crazy but: Goku Ssjb:100 Ssjrose Goku black:133 Goku SSjb (angry):150 SSjrose Goku black(Zenkai):175 Vegeta SSJB (Post Rosat):200 What do you think?
  3. KyuubiAhri

    Another stupid thing from episode 67

    Apparently,FInal kamehameha consumed so much energy that goku and vegeta cannot become SSJB.Stupid,the attack wasn't even fully charged
  4. KyuubiAhri

    When i think a little more about it...

    I though Zamasu was really badass villain because he was so complex and wasn't doing evil just for the sake of it (like pretty much every db villain).But then i realized something....Zamasu practices animal cruelty.Animals are mortals so he kills them to.I really liked the guy but now that i...
  5. KyuubiAhri

    Nail vs Recoome

    who wins?
  6. KyuubiAhri

    Goku (Arrival on namek) vs Full power captain Ginyu

    who wins? Goku is 90K compared to Ginyu 120K but goku is faster
  7. KyuubiAhri

    Nerfed Potara Z vegito

    Let's just say that Z vegito received the same potara boost Super vegito got.How strong is he?
  8. KyuubiAhri

    Zamasu is the only villain in all of Db

    The only villain that kills because he thinks he's doing the right thing.Every other villain (King piccolo frieza cell and buu) killed just for the sake of it,no apparent reason.Based on this,i think that zamasu is the least evil villain and certainly can redeem.
  9. KyuubiAhri

    How strong would gogeta be

    What do you think? How much fusion time does SSjblue gogeta have?
  10. KyuubiAhri

    Super has successfully trolled DBM

    Potara fusion only lasts for 1 hour (for mortals) and DBM vegito is fused forever
  11. KyuubiAhri

    Beerus>>>Merged Zamasu

    KK SSJB Goku with a broken arm was able to give Merged Zamasu a hard time even before he used the KK he was giving Zamasu trouble. Now Beerus is even stronger than KKx10 Goku so Zamasu stands no chance
  12. KyuubiAhri

    1 Arm future Gohan vs 50% future 17

    Who do you think will win?
  13. KyuubiAhri

    So how much power did SPC use against vegeta?

    I think he was suppressed to a very low level of power
  14. KyuubiAhri

    Whatever happened to Zamasu's body?

    Half of his body is deformed and looks like a purple Hulk.I have 3 theories: 1.It has something to do with mai's sniper hitting the potara creating a deficient fusion DBZ old kai told goku to fuse with Gohan in base and then go Super Saiyan because if he does it as a super saiyan the strain...
  15. KyuubiAhri

    is the Potara nerfed

    Merged zamasu cant overpower the combined blast of Trunks and vegeta.Goku and vegeta were able to break through his barrier (Toei punch but still).If he were anywhere as strong as beerus the allies wouldnt have been able to put this much resistance.Vegito is probably nerfed too cuz he is on the...
  16. KyuubiAhri

    Favourite character

    Who's that character you like the most? Answer and explanation
  17. KyuubiAhri

    Merged zamasu strength

    Apparently Merged Zamasu is so powerful his energy field alone has so much pressure.. Goku and Vegeta are unable to get even near him! Let alone attack him. And it isn't even something he's consciously chosing to do! It's just something that happens as a side effect of his own power. Damn! Even...
  18. KyuubiAhri

    Proof that present androids=future androids

    Most people have F.17 and 18 on par with Goku and Vegeta but... Gingertown cell thinks that hes still to weak to overpower and absorb the androids and he is stronger than Vegeta by at least a noticeable margin.Cell thinks that Present=future and even after absorbing piccolos arm he needs more...
  19. KyuubiAhri

    how would vegeta react

    at seeing bulma trying to seduce zamasu ?
  20. KyuubiAhri

    17-18 Gap

    what is the gap between these two twins.Daizenshuu sais that 18 is suppressed compared to 17 and the suppression would be poinltess if its just by 7-10%. 18-133 17/150 could this work for example?

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