At first they seemed to be really set on the idea of keeping DragonBall Kai true to the slogan of the director's cut or what-ever. They cut-out a-lot of filler but some-where inbetween they seemed to have either lost interest or couldn't be bothered anymore to remove a-lot of the filler anymore...
Since when? I didn't know, besides the Cell Jr.s thing.
This one's the future time-line fight.
There's also another, seemingly less interesting one.
Goku stays the only Super-Saiyan.
Vegeta trained but still can't become Super-Saiyan, so he sells his soul to get a power-up via Majin and turn Super-Saiyan.
The children are just really high in their regular states and don't have Super-Saiyan but can fuse and maybe via fusion they...
Toei will re-master the movies for a blu-ray release. Considering this is Toei, I assume they will re-master the DragonBox masters. With new art-work by Tadayoshi Yamamura.
...he didn't want to look like a fool in-front of everyone, by having that fugly ridiculous hair having, no eye-brow Super-Saiyan 3 transformation losing to Super-Saiyan 2 Trunks who still looked kewl with the kewl Super-Saiyan 2 transformation but powered-up just as-much as Goku did in his...
Yamcha was the first Z-Fighter to join the crew and rival-turned-friend in DragonBall.
Yamcha was so kewl in DragonBall, but DragonBall Z gave him nothing. To make matters worse TFS, that joke of a dub, turned Yamcha's whole character into a meme.
Yamcha has one of the kewlest voices in the...
For the challenge thread. Here is some of my favourite music from the DragonBall Z anime. I didn't directly put-up the videos because it'd lag the whole thread and crash it multiple times for some people (like me), so I just put-up the side URL.
Variations of Cha-La-Head-Cha-La. Every version...
That was in the Trunks TV-Special. What I'm talking about is the scene with Chi-Chi. Chi-Chi is worried about Gohan and asking where he's been, her father replies saying that he's been fighting the androids alongside Trunks. She says Gohan'd have become a gr9 scholar or something by now if it...
kewlest & most interesting relationship in the whole series in my opinion. maybe alongside gohan/piccolo relationship.
Vegeta gave Gohan advice to train even in times of peace.
Apologised to Gohan twice. Once in the Cell Saga and then the Boo Saga.
Said to Boo "How dare you kill Gohan?!"
You know the light punch that comically owned Mr. Satan, who could have taken it the way it was meant to be taken? Like starting at which level? Can any Super-Human level take the punch like nothing or do even BoZ Goku or Piccolo go down like Mr. Satan did? :cena :cena :cena
Think about it plz.
Tao is way more realistic than the other super-villains later in the series. He doesn't want to conquer the universe or even world-domination or anything unrealistic like that. He just wants money, something that's more relatable to humans. When he doesn't get his money, you...