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  1. Fantastische Hure

    About the Boo-Saga...

    You know I recently watched some Boo Saga moments and I got to say the saga wasn't as bad as I remembered. The beginning of the saga was really interesting & kewl. It was very slice of life-ish, but good. You got to see Gohan after 7 years now a grown teenager and see his more regular life when...
  2. Fantastische Hure

    Do you gais consider...

    ...the filler about the Tsurufians and Saiyans canon? AT came-up with the idea for the filler and gave the anime staff some rough out-line on what talking-points to hit and the history of them. At the end of the day it's still non-canon though. Personally I don't really consider it canon.
  3. Fantastische Hure

    Is DragonBall Evolution... of the greatest movies ever made? Truly a master-piece. This film should be shown and analysed in every film-making school in the world in my opinion to see the amazing techniques employed to make such an outstanding film. Aspiring film-makers around the world can learn a thing or two...
  4. Fantastische Hure

    The original Super-Saiyan

    I don't know whether to put this in the anime or manga discussion section, but here goes: The anime had Vegeta talk about Super-Saiyan in the anime and showed an actual visual of a seeming Super-Saiyan. The Super-Saiyan seemed evil and destroyed anyone and everything. Even seemed to destroy the...
  5. Fantastische Hure

    Gohan is the only character to have surpassed Goku in the popularity-poll?

    Is that true? If so, that is another reason why Gohan from the Cell-Games is the kewlest character in all of DragonBall.
  6. Fantastische Hure

    Anime Sidra runs the Gauntlet

    Gohan Golden Freeza Kaio-Ken x20 Super-Saiyan Blue Goku God of Destruction Toppo Evolved Super-Saiyan Blue Vegeta All Tournament of Power versions.
  7. Fantastische Hure

    How high is Anime Yamcha in the Boo-Saga?

    How high is he?
  8. Fantastische Hure

    Vegeta (Saiyan-Saga) vs Tullece (pre-Fruit)

    :mikey :mikey :mikey
  9. Fantastische Hure

    How is Bulma so intelligent?

    Did she go to school? She's 16 at the start of the series, IIRC. She even knows how to build a time-machine. For that matter do Trunks and Goten go to school or did Gohan go when he was younger? Chi-Ci did always tell them to study though. Does anyone go to school, but Gohan who we saw go to...
  10. Fantastische Hure

    Yo! Son-Goku & his Friends return!!

    Very, very under-rated. At the time was so kewl to see a new DragonBall story after such a long time, before all what we have now, which is arguably over-exposure. Not only that but in my opinion out of all the DragonBall stories after the ending of DragonBall Z, this was the most DragonBall...
  11. Fantastische Hure

    Do you gais believe in Multipliers for Super-Saiyan transformations?

    I just don't. I don't ever get the feeling when watching the Freeza Saga, "oh wow Goku became 50x higher than his normal state". Makes no sense. I just think that's the highest power ever. Isn't Super-Saiyan also said to be the highest in the legend, how does just multiplying someone's regular...
  12. Fantastische Hure

    Monster's presentation on Germany is really, really close...

    ...from how I remember that. Surprisingly well-done. He did not mess that up at-all. Really got close to how Germany really is, instead of just naming a country and not making it actually look like said country at-all. Again this is from how I remember that.
  13. Fantastische Hure

    Is Professor Oak...

    ...doing it with Ash's mother?
  14. Fantastische Hure

    50% Freeza (Namek) vs Kibito

    Who wins?
  15. Fantastische Hure

    Kaio-Shin vs Future Androids

    Who wins?
  16. Fantastische Hure

    Since Goku's surpassed the Gods...

    ...and Vegeta'll probably do so too soon, is the next goal to surpass the Angles? Assuming the series is coming back on-air? If so how long will that take them? Another 100-some episodes? :mikey :mikey :mikey

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