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  1. Let's Go Fearless!

    SSJ Vegeta and Gohan Vs Supressed Cell and Dabura

    Vegeta is Pre Majin. Which team wins?
  2. Let's Go Fearless!

    Power Chain from Yadrat Goku to Android Arc

    So this is not an easy one to me. SSJ Vegeta: SSJ Goku: SSJ Trunks: Piccolo: Android 20 pre/post: Android 19 pre post: Sick Goku: Expected Androids Yadrat Goku You can arrange it if the chain is wrong.
  3. Let's Go Fearless!

    Nouva Shenron Vs Beerus

    I have Beerus destroying him but a lot of here underrating him so who wins?
  4. Let's Go Fearless!

    The gap between Syn Shenron and SSJ4 Goku Pre and Post.

    Syn Shenron tanked the 10x kamehameha of Goku which should make him 10x stronger than Goku. After everyone gave their powers to Goku which will bring his limits to beyond, Goku was able to toy Syn Shenron and could see everything just like he have an eyes. So Goku's beyond potential is over...
  5. Let's Go Fearless!

    Initial Fat Boo Vs Super Perfect Cell

    Who win$?
  6. Let's Go Fearless!

    Future Trunks potential

    There's a thread in Neo about Vegeta and Trunks Potential. So I just notice that something about Trunks potential [I want to discuss it here] which works by training? We saw Gohan [Possibly Pan in GT] can get rage boost which release his bit potential. There's no doubt that Future Trunks and...
  7. Let's Go Fearless!

    Wha kind power up of Gohan do you want to see?

    Everyone were desperate to see Gohan being a trash compare to Goku and Vegeta and also trash in the movies. As the title says. What kind power up do you wanna see? Is it a God power similar to Goku and Vegeta? I want Gohan to be trained by Whis and his master will realize that Gohan has God...
  8. Let's Go Fearless!

    MSSJ Goku runs a gauntlet match!

    Each match he'll be recovered. And this takes place in Kaioshins realm. 1.SSJ Trunks and Vegeta 2. All Cell Jrs 3. Dabura 4. SSJ Teen Gohan 5. M8 LSSJ Broly 6. Supressed Cell [All out speed] 7. SSJ Kids 8. SSJ Vegeta PM 9. SSJ Kid Gohan 10. Majin Vegeta
  9. Let's Go Fearless!

    Herms Vs Viz

    We all know Herms is much more reliable but there's also where Viz beat Herms when it comes on context as well like Goku said Dabura is stronger than he thought according to Herms while Viz has Goku saying that Dabura is tougher than he thought which makes sense due to his magic and abilities...
  10. Let's Go Fearless!

    Ultimate Gohan is stronger than SSJ Gotenks BoG

    I'm also having trouble with this but after I watched the extended movie. Gohan told Krilin to keep everyone out of here and he'll handle Beerus which imply that he's stronger than everyone at that time [Goku is not there around] and even Vegeta who peformed better than Gohan. I'm still not...
  11. Let's Go Fearless!

    SSJ Goku Vs FP Cell

    Since Goku does not have a strain in his SSJ form hoe about add kaioken on the top of it and will fight Cell. Edit Boo Arc.
  12. Let's Go Fearless!

    Elder Kaioshin and Kibito Kai?

    Do you guys notice that they were replaced by Beerus and Whis? It was also the same thing in early DB like Roshi was replaced by Kami Kami was replaced by King Kai King Kai was replaced by Supreme Kai Supreme Kai was replaced by Elder Kaioshin Elder Kaioshin will be replace by Whis and Beerus?
  13. Let's Go Fearless!

    SSJ Goku and Majin Vegeta Vs FP Cell

    Goku and Vegeta are Boo arc version. Can they take Cell?
  14. Let's Go Fearless!

    The Gap between Gotenks and Gohan.

    Why everyone has Gohan "little" stronger than Gotenks? Gotenks has upper hand against Super Boo but they're still even. While Gohan was untouchable and outclassed Boo in every way.
  15. Let's Go Fearless!

    How can Cell create a spirit bomb?

    Im having a hard time quoting it in kanzenshuu due to my stupid device. But anyway, how is it possible? From what I've remember that it was stated only pure heart can do it, Cell on the other hand is evil. Opinion?
  16. Let's Go Fearless!

    Is it possible for Boohan to rip the universe?

    I know this is filler. But is it possible that Canon Boohan can rip the universe just like he did in filler? He's base form is enough to rip a dimension to escape from Rosat. Opinions?
  17. Let's Go Fearless!

    Super Perfect Cell Vs Super Boohan

    Both of them has incredible abilities. Boo doesn't have an absorption or candy beam. Who wins?
  18. Let's Go Fearless!

    SSJ3 Vegeta Vs Fat Boo

    I've seen a lot of these days that Fat Boo is like 85-90% of SSJ3 Goku. This is Vegetables before possessed by Babidi. No strain for Vegeta.
  19. Let's Go Fearless!

    SSJ2 Vegeta Vs MSSJ Kid Gohan

    This is Vegeta from CG. I believe Vegeta twice weaker than Gohan during the event and also by SEG, SS2 is 2x of SSJ.
  20. Let's Go Fearless!

    Top 3 DB/Z/GT Movies

    Here goes mine! 1. "Fusion Reborn" 2. "Broly Second Coming." 3. "Bojack Unbound"