p123 said:They ask Goku why he's so calm because Goku has told them that he probably doesn't have a chance to win. That's why they ask him. Goku and Cell's relation have no changed from the conversation. What has changed in Goku and Cell's relation towards the Z Senshi.
Victorious said:When Goku says "well duhh" Trunks looks both surprised and afraid.
So Expected Cell (well duh) >>> expected Cell initial > 50% Goku.
Kamiccolo would have to be a beast in order for that panel to make any sense. If Kamiccolo was say Super Vegeta level how would that panel make any sense? "Holy shit Cell can fodderize Super Vegeta..uhh didn't I just see that happen a few days ago? In really nervous"
Yeah that makes sense.
p123 said:Why isn't Trunks confident heading into the Cell Games, while Vegeta is?
Exactly. He gets surprised when Goku says "Duh", not when Piccolo says "Stop bullshitting Goku, i'm trash".
GreatSaiyaman123 said:It's blatantly stated that Kaioshin is above Piccolo.
Victorious said:How do you know? We can't see his face when Piccolo says that.
Probably surprised at both.
Your interpretation makes no sense, and I think you are being willfully ignorant. The author is clearly conveying fear in Kamiccolo, and both surprise and fear in Trunks.
SSJ2 said:Blatantly stated with absolutely no basis you mean?
p123 said:How strong does the Z Team believe Goku is GSM?
You just admited we didn't see Trunks' face when Piccolo made his statement… What means you know saying he was surprised is conjecture, right? And then you say i'm the one being willfully ignorant…