Controversial beliefs

Future Warrior

Dec 12, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
I'd agree to this and find DB to be top 10 Shonen material, though I wouldn't say that's an unpopular opinion with how large and loving of the franchise the DB fanbase is. I could see that as being the case with how many tend to hype the bottom tier Shonen that come out today though, considering even the worst of the DB franchise is still better than such fundementally broken series as My Hero Academia or Black Clover.

It's mostly the degenerates who put Naruto/One Piece/MHA and a lot of other modern ''battle shonen'' on this pedestal because they believe characters that go through an emotional breakdown every damn episode gives them more substance or that quality is determined by how complex your story is.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
To be fair, One-Piece is sort-of better than DragonBall in every way imaginable (other than maybe art being hard to tell on what happens in certain panels, but DragonBall is king in that area anyway). I still have nothing but like for DragonBall but objectively looking.


Zeta Elite
Global Moderator
May 30, 2015
Bolsonaro is the rightful President of Brazil.


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
Fantastische Hure said:
To be fair, One-Piece is sort-of better than DragonBall in every way imaginable (other than maybe art being hard to tell on what happens in certain panels, but DragonBall is king in that area anyway). I still have nothing but like for DragonBall but objectively looking.

One Peece is :trash :trash :trash

DragonBall is :galu

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Pocket-Gog~ said:
Fantastische Hure said:
To be fair, One-Piece is sort-of better than DragonBall in every way imaginable (other than maybe art being hard to tell on what happens in certain panels, but DragonBall is king in that area anyway). I still have nothing but like for DragonBall but objectively looking.

One Peece is :trash :trash :trash

DragonBall is :galu
Hunter x Hunter fans, meng I tell you. They just can't stop downplaying the greatness that is One-Piece because their series is stuck in hiatus & scribble hell. :giraffe :giraffe :giraffe

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Hunter x Hunter fans, meng I tell you. They just can't stop downplaying the greatness that is One-Piece because their series is stuck in hiatus & scribble hell. :giraffe :giraffe :giraffe


Zeta Elite
Global Moderator
May 30, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
All CJ...I mean PG had to do was follow the damn train.
I beat this mission with touch screen controls. :panties


Super Elite
Apr 2, 2017
Fantastische Hure said:
Pocket-Gog~ said:
Fantastische Hure said:
To be fair, One-Piece is sort-of better than DragonBall in every way imaginable (other than maybe art being hard to tell on what happens in certain panels, but DragonBall is king in that area anyway). I still have nothing but like for DragonBall but objectively looking.

One Peece is :trash :trash :trash

DragonBall is :galu
Hunter x Hunter fans, meng I tell you. They just can't stop downplaying the greatness that is One-Piece because their series is stuck in hiatus & scribble hell. :giraffe :giraffe :giraffe
ToGOATshi is just taking his time to put out the best possible product. One Peece is crapped out every week and it is :trash for a reason. :wtf :wtf :wtf


Zeta Elite
Global Moderator
May 30, 2015
which Hunter Hunter is the good one? I forget.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Pocket-Gog~ said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Pocket-Gog~ said:
One Peece is :trash :trash :trash

DragonBall is :galu
Hunter x Hunter fans, meng I tell you. They just can't stop downplaying the greatness that is One-Piece because their series is stuck in hiatus & scribble hell. :giraffe :giraffe :giraffe
ToGOATshi is just taking his time to put out the best possible product. One Peece is crapped out every week and it is :trash for a reason. :wtf :wtf :wtf
Yoshihiro Togashit is just a pretentious hack and his fans are arguably even worse. :mikey :mikey :mikey

It'd be easy to see One-Piece is much better even if HxH fans could just have one working brain-cell but I guess that's too much to ask for. :troll2 :troll2 :troll2

Myster Slave said:
which Hunter Hunter is the good one? I forget.
My meng. :king :king :king

None of them. :cena :cena :cena

Super Saiyan said:
HxH fucking sucks 😂😂
Hey now, we don't want to offend the pretentious x pretentious fans I think. :p123 :p123 :p123

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
- Future Gohan isn't as interesting as his main timeline self. He does have some defining qualities in his confidence in taking on #17 and #18 being quickly destroyed and his calm leadership in realising it's better to protect Trunks at the cost of his own life, but beyond that he may as well just be Goku.
Future Gohan didn't have plot-armour...but seriously I think that's a big disservice to Future Gohan. Future Gohan doesn't seem to like fighting either but he does because he has to, since he's the only one who can protect earth. Actually IIRC (maybe I'm remembering wrong), you used to say that Cell saga Gohan's personality seemed to make a 360 compared to before (I don't think so), because he was shown that he'd protect if need be but then you seem to critizise Future Gohan for doing exactly where you thought Cell-Games Gohan could have been. Also unlike Goku he's self-less. I wonder how Goku'd have been under those circumstances with all of his friends dead, considering how he seemed angry at just one of his friends dying when Kuririn died for the first time. How'd he be in a situation where they all died and he was the only one left from the Z-Team.

If you say he might as-well have been Goku because of him eating, then Boo saga Gohan did that as-well when Gohan & Goten & Videl where taking a break from training. If just because he wears the same clothes, then you could also say Goten might as well be Go...never-mind.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Pocket-Gog~ said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Also Yamcha is one of my fav.s. DragonBall.

Being a Yamcha fan is the definition of torture.
We can always look back on the glorious DragonBall times and he was arguably the star of the most memorable DragonBall Super episodes. :gay :gay2 :gay :gay2 :gay2

Kyo said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Myster Slave said:
which Hunter Hunter is the good one? I forget.
My meng. :king :king :king

None of them. :cena :cena :cena

why is this response so fucking funny bruh :shc
i have no idea

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Actually IIRC (maybe I'm remembering wrong), you used to say that Cell saga Gohan's personality seemed to make a 360 compared to before (I don't think so), because he was shown that he'd protect if need be but then you seem to critizise Future Gohan for doing exactly where you thought Cell-Games Gohan could have been.
I criticise Cell Game Gohan because his insistence on not fighting Cell stands in contrast to how he was in previous fights where he'd do what was necessary to protect what he values, making his change in character nothing short of a regression. Future Gohan does have that desire to fight for what he wishes to protect, but that mitigates the other character traits that make Gohan contrast with Goku as key qualities such as Gohan's resourcefulness in areas outside of battle (eg. his present self being smart enough to inform Trunks his views on time travel were wrong or bluffing his way out of Vegeta discovering his Dragon Radar on Namek) are lost due to his screentime in both the manga and TV Special being limited to scenes of fighting, training and eating as well as how blatant the cast are in pointing out how similar he's become to Goku.

Also unlike Goku he's self-less. I wonder how Goku'd have been under those circumstances with all of his friends dead, considering how he seemed angry at just one of his friends dying when Kuririn died for the first time. How'd he be in a situation where they all died and he was the only one left from the Z-Team.
It would also be a big disservice to Goku to say he isn't selfless. He can be selfish on some occasions such as his reasons for letting Vegeta live, but I'd say his selfless acts in the original manga outweigh his selfish acts. Aside from his reactions to both of Kuririn's deaths, he doesn't really do anything that could be classed as wholly selfish, and even those are more irrational than selfish due to being fuelled by emotion and were for the sake of another. Compare that to the list of his selfless acts:

- Helping out Umigame despite Bulma's complaints and expecting nothing in return.
- Accepting all the responsibility of saving Suno's village when not expecting the Dragon Ball to be there, forgoing his own desire to find the Four Star Ball. Even more so than that, later abandoning his quest in order to revive Bora (yes, he did get the Four Star Ball, but the chances of him catching it in time weren't 100% or something he seemed to plan).
- Sparing Piccolo so that Kami would live.
- Allowing Chichi to raise Gohan to study rather than have him tutored in martial arts at the start of the series, despite his desire for it.
- Not accepting Raditz's offer of 100 dead humans for Gohan, despite the latter being personally more important to him.

Goku has become incredibly angry at the loss of his friends several times, that's true, yet he also showed a more level-headed approach to such situations as time went on. Despite his rage against Nappa or Freeza he didn't kill them when they were helpless and later, he even held Gohan down when he was going to fly off to attempt to save Piccolo against Cell as he knew it was pointless.

We came close to seeing how a post-Namek Goku would react to something close to that scenario against Pure Boo. Only Vegeta, Dende and Satan survived and his reaction was to remain calm and assess the situation.