No, that mentality is actually accurate for a woman. Women hit "the wall". Whereas you will continue to grow and prosper. Remember, men are not only valued for their looks. Dominance, ambition, success, money, power, frame are all differing ways to get the girl. The badass 35 year old man knows how to be the boss the 20 year old could never be. That old man swag, being bossmade is a huge turn on for women. When you don't give a fuck if you are fat, bald, etc and you still boss their ass around like a child and she loves it. Women get turned on majorly by older men who they feel they need to respect. Things get much, much better. Once you start making it in this world and become a man worthy of admiration, things fall into their natural place. Your youth is shit as a man, it's not valuable. Those who squandered their 20s away chasing whores, lose in the next round in their 30s. From my understanding you've been completely lackadaisical in your approach to conquering the world. You have accepted a life of mediocrity, which benefits no one. You need to take what is rightfully yours, by force. Keep your nose to the grindstone and become the King of something, anything, no matter how unimportant it may seem, it will be your kingdom. This is the role every man should aspire to in their own lane of the world.
Well that's exactly the problems we are having now. All of these freedom of expression countries an their benevolence are being completely overrun by Muslim migrants who are alpha as fuck. And the cycle continues. These dumb bitches will talk about wage gap and rape culture on college campuses, then completely have a massive blind spot to Islam literally stoning women for saying a man raped them. A woman is literally worth half of a man in Islam and she cannot prove rape occurred unless 4 men witnessed it. The woman literally cannot go into town with her husband, honor killings, and a million other things which would be great to protest against, fall on deaf ears. Because all of that mansplaining and male privilege that needs to be addressed in America. This is what happens when you actually give women a real voice and respect, this is why men need to remain rational and logical and not fall for the traps that are the mentality of "protected classes". If she's a dumb bitch, you should tell her she is, if she cries sexism, tell her to fuck off, you treat her just as badly as you treat men. Period.