Probably a cut above the average human or a decent martial artist of the human level like Satan if taking him withstanding a serious attack to the head from Galu's Nyoibo seriously.Super Saiyan said:So how strong is Boss Rabbit? He easily jumped 30 feet through the air, and evaded an attack from a serious Goku.
Most likely not. He's not implied to make any gains until his training with Ultra Instinct Roshi.Has Goku gotten stronger by this point?
Most likely inheritance, given his title is Daio (Great King).Super Saiyan said:How in the hell did Pilaf acquire this massive castle?![]()
At this point, she's been sexually harassed so much on the journey she's come to expect it. I'd cite it as some character development for her, given how she preferred not to make or imagine the situation going sexual unless a last resort at the start of the journey.Super Saiyan said:Early DB is messed up. Bulma straight up says she thought Pilaf was gonna rape her![]()
It's worth noting the Daizenshuu states he and his minions floated off into space rather than getting blown up. The video game Attack of the Saiyans has a mini-arc in which he states he left the moon shortly before Roshi destroyed it and made GAINZ before being beaten by the Yamchad during his 23rd TB training.Super Saiyan said:So are we not gonna talk about how Jackie Chun murdered Carrot Master and his gang during the 21st Budokai? What savagery.
Unlikely. If so, he ought to get stronger after any intense workout. Kuririn later states he got stronger when he fought Blue, though it's likely that was due to the Muscle Tower events since that seems to be what it's framed as.Super Saiyan said:Did Goku get stronger after the 21st? He wasn’t near death from it, but he was pretty damn exhausted.
Super Saiyan said:Goku wasn’t near death at Muscle Tower though. I think Zenkais work differently in DB, or the “Saiyans get stronger through battle” can be applicable in these situations.