That’s not what’s shown though.
But this difference in stamina should be clear... Cell still has reserves of power. Regenerating will lower his power but he's still not straining himself at a high level. Goku just fired an all out beam while fully revved up. He's going to be feeling the effects more even if his power technically didn't drop as much.But like I said, if anything, the indication is that Goku lost even more power than Cell imo, as Cell stated "look who's talking" in response to Goku saying Cell spent a lot of energy (i.e, although not quantifying both losses as equal, there wasn't a separation either), and then added that Goku was out of breath himself. Cell wasn't out of breath. Still, they landed one shot each, then Cell got the last response with that punch. To which Goku responded with his final ditch effort, spamming all those chi blasts — which is tied to his power, not skills — which forced Cell to pull up the barrier, though at the expense of Goku making himself a one shot tool later.
Both noticed how they got weakened post the IT KMHMH, but Toriyama made a case to have Cell adding in one distinct factor — breathing heavily — which in that case contrasted with Cell, who was not. That to me is highlighting a difference in regards to stamina in the same exact instance, which I feel is important to imply that if anyone had lost more power from their starting point, it'd have been Goku... And Goku could still, with his last effort, force Cell to put up a barrier, with an attack that isn't dependant upon skills, it's the Vegeta's desperate signature of spamming chi blasts... That point in both fights, in which it's acknowledged one's stamina is dropping quickly (Freeza's and Goku's), one could even argue Goku made it look more impressive than Freeza did vs Goku... which, if Goku lost more power even post the IT KMHMH, would still be a testament to his own power level in comparison to Cell's.
Why are they unable to see this?There is nothing there to suggest the loss in power was equal, Cell and Goku were just bantering with one another. The feats are what tell us how much power each lost.
The original dialogue categorizes the power loss as not meaningfully different, with Cell basically saying "we're both on the same both". However, the artwork clues makes it pretty likely if anything, Goku lost more power. Cell stated "that is the same for both of us. Look at you — you're out of breath, even". That line is clearly distinguishing between a non winded character (at least showing no signs of) and a winded one (Goku).But this difference in stamina should be clear... Cell still has reserves of power. Regenerating will lower his power but he's still not straining himself at a high level. Goku just fired an all out beam while fully revved up. He's going to be feeling the effects more even if his power technically didn't drop as much.
You are deciding that they lost equivalent amounts of power based on vague statements that are only telling us that both lost power. There is nothing there to suggest the loss in power was equal, Cell and Goku were just bantering with one another. The feats are what tell us how much power each lost.
If Goku vs Cell went from that to both of them being near equal, we can only believe that Cell lost more power from the KHH. But as said, Cell losing more power doesn't have much bearing on his immediate fatigue if he wasn't going all out himself.
Yeah, my man!Tbh 90% still looks nicer and goes with the trend of 4th form Freeza’s levels being multiples of 9. Forget this nerd shit.
Did I convince you, P????@GreatSaiyaman123
I am considering some of your gaps here.
That Androids area is by far the most difficult balance beam type of gap there is, but this is damn near perfection.
Piccolo 240
17 240
18 225
Piccolo W/ Weights 220
Many have brought up the issue that I made Piccolo W/ weights too far and wasn’t in a true rivaling range. This keeps Piccolo with weights in a true rivaling range and 18 and 17 close.
18 (Initial) 1600
Vegeta 1600
Goku 1500
Trunks 1400
Piccolo 1200
20 1000
This is damn near perfection. I love these gaps.
Vegeta 100
Goku 93.75
Trunks 87.5
Piccolo 75
This is how I’ve always envisioned it but whenever I put it into numbers I couldn’t get it quite right.
I really only have one issue.
Android 20 100
Android 19 95
Previously I had 19 at 88% of 20, which I love, but you have to lose something from one place or another. There is no perfect set here.
I can possibly squeeze down to 92.5, I think that’s the best I can do.
He said what?The original dialogue categorizes the power loss as not meaningfully different, with Cell basically saying "we're both on the same both"
I really only have one issue.
Android 20 100
Android 19 95
Previously I had 19 at 88% of 20, which I love, but you have to lose something from one place or another. There is no perfect set here.
I can possibly squeeze down to 92.5, I think that’s the best I can do.
I think I'll keep everything the same but put Piccolo at 125. That makes everything work. If Piccolo is a little stronger, it allows for 20 > 19.Is this post? I think it’s fine. 20 post > 19 post isn’t even needed, I dare say.
I think I'll keep everything the same but put Piccolo at 125. That makes everything work. If Piccolo is a little stronger, it allows for 20 > 19.
I prefer them majorly. Remember, 20 is having all these thoughts of beating Vegeta, if he's very close to 19, it seems much less reasonable.
Yeah, it's the rocks, but he's gotta be at least 1.1x 19 for that feat imo.Gero plans on beating 19 after absorbing everyone else’s energy. Him dodging Vegeta is quite a feat, but I can’t help but think the rocks saved him.
If you make one area too big it messes up the other areas.I think Piccolo at 75% of Vegeta is the golden gap, you get Vegeta at 75% of 18 who’s 90% of 17. Somehow I squeezed Piccolo at 70% of Vegeta, this puts Vegeta right in the middle between Piccolo and 17.
there are no right answers here, just trade-offs. Just gotta pick and choose which trade-off you want.
My issue with that is Pui Pui's strength is the foundation of what everything is built on. There's simply questions I cannot answer if Shin > Pui Pui.This is how I feel about Babidi’s ship. Remember how much work we had with that chain? And you got rid of Shin > Piccolo to make it work, while I always insisted Pui Pui was the weak link…