Recent Chapter Discussion

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Fearless Super said:
Yes it is.
No, it's not. Manga had much more character-development and Goku isn't as weird in the manga. Also much more entwrtaining because you know some of the characters aren't as annoying.

Zamasu arc from the anime is much better than Zamasu arc from the manga. In the manga, everyone figured out easily who Black was while in the anime, they've spent a lot of time trying to figure out who Black was and the way they've build up Zamasu's hatred towards Goku is awesome unlike the manga version seems like Zamasu had already a masterplan in the beginning. However to each their own.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Fearless Super said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Fearless Super said:
Yes it is.
No, it's not. Manga had much more character-development and Goku isn't as weird in the manga. Also much more entwrtaining because you know some of the characters aren't as annoying.

Zamasu arc from the anime is much better than Zamasu arc from the manga. In the manga, everyone figured out easily who Black was while in the anime, they've spent a lot of time trying to figure out who Black was and the way they've build up Zamasu's hatred towards Goku is awesome unlike the manga version seems like Zamasu had already a masterplan in the beginning. However to each their own.
You are wrong for the most part, but to each their own.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
xmysticgohanx said:
Anime Black arc is top 3 out of any DB arc.
I don't know about that. Some of the things were gr9. Some of my favourite moments, others not so much and it's just such wishy-washy inconsistent writing at times.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Fearless Super said:
It's the power scalling that is fucked up that's all and that's what matters to the PL purists. :troll2
No, it's not. There's much more.

How about we talk about the flanderazation of Goku in the anime? Oh yeah, you don't want to, because you'd rather ignore that to talk as if the anime is the best thing ever.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Nit it's not. None said Goku has the best character right now, almost everyone hates his character on anime Super along with that he never kissed Chi-Chi stuff. What I'm talking about is everyone doesn't like the anime is because of its power-scalling that's it but in terms of entertainment? It's SUPER!!!

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Fearless Super said:
Nit it's not. None said Goku has the best character right now, almost everyone hates his character on anime Super along with that he never kissed Chi-Chi stuff. What I'm talking about is everyone doesn't like the anime is because of its power-scalling that's it but in terms of entertainment? It's SUPER!!!
Can't be all that great, if it kind-of annoys you at the same time.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Only the PL purists will bitchin and complaining. Every week after Super airs, everyone will talk about more power scalling than the quality of the show and if the power scalling doesn't make any sense, they'll consider that episode as trash. Believe me.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Fearless Super said:
Only the PL purists will bitchin and complaining. Every week after Super airs, everyone will talk about more power scalling than the quality of the show and if the power scalling doesn't make any sense, they'll consider that episode as trash. Believe me.
Inconsistencies can definitely effect the quality of the show. Also what are you talking about? It's not only Power-Levels that are wrong in DragonBall Super, tons of stuff gets retconed let and right just because they feel like it. It sucks.

It's not only on forums where you see people complain about DragonBall Super, even on YouTube and I think Japanese people too. It sucks most of the time, face it please.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Inconsistency has always been a part of every entertainments. People can have their opinion but power levels what strikes everyone of the show that's a fact. PL purists tend to overlook the positive thing and focus the negative things as always. You can see that in the wrestling forum too. Everyone hates Roman but you don't, what does that tell you?

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Fearless Super said:
Inconsistency has always been a part of every entertainments. People can have their opinion but power levels what strikes everyone of the show that's a fact. PL purists tend to overlook the positive thing and focus the negative things as always. You can see that in the wrestling forum too. Everyone hates Roman but you don't, what does that tell you?
No, it's not. Power-Levels get some people riled-up, but there are a lot more inconsistencies too and a border-line unlikeable main-character now in Goku.

It's quite a main-stream opinion now. Fact is DragonBall Super is not living-up to its name.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015

Not every show is gonna beat the quality of the early series, that has been proven fact. Super is for kids show, kids who wants to see actions, story, fighting etc, they're Toei's market and its working. Meanwhile these die-hard fans aka the nerds who thinks the show is perfect and wants to analyze everything such as power levels even though Toriyama dropped that shit long time ago but these retard fans still making the power levels that is not meant to be taken seriously. Most of the these retard fans don't like the Boo arc series because of its POWER SCALLING not the quality of the show. You get that? I hope so

Second, Super is not living up to its name? Is that why they're making so much money right now? :toei and :troll disagrees with you pal.

If Super really suck so bad, then why don't eveyone stop watching it? It's not that hard, none is forcing you to watch it. If the show is really that bad then it will be cancel like GT but it didn't hence that translates as success.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Fearless Super said:

Not every show is gonna beat the quality of the early series, that has been proven fact. Super is for kids show, kids who wants to see actions, story, fighting etc, they're Toei's market and its working. Meanwhile these die-hard fans aka the nerds who thinks the show is perfect and wants to analyze everything such as power levels even though Toriyama dropped that shit long time ago but these retard fans still making the power levels that is not meant to be taken seriously. Most of the these retard fans don't like the Boo arc series because of its POWER SCALLING not the quality of the show. You get that? I hope so

Second, Super is not living up to its name? Is that why they're making so much money right now? :toei and :troll disagrees with you pal.

If Super really suck so bad, then why don't eveyone stop watching it? It's not that hard, none is forcing you to watch it. If the show is really that bad then it will be cancel like GT but it didn't hence that translates as success.
Open your ears and listen-up, dip-shit (plz).

First of DragonBall (Z) was for children/teenagers too and and that was leagues ahead of this shit. You can't honestly tell me that this shit-show is anywhere either of those series. DB-Super sucks. Sorry.

Second Boo Saga isn't only hated because of power-level bull-shit. Most people didn't like the shift in atmosphere/story-telling either, like going from serious (Freeza and Cell Saga) to comedy (Boo Saga). A lot of people didn't like how Gohan ended–up either, even-though I might not agree with that and there's more too. So plz stop making stupid fucking assumptions, dip-shit.

DragonBall Super is a success, but there are more reasons to it than your biased brain might think. It's the first DragonBall Series in a long time. AT is involved. Nostalgia bring old fans to the show. This generation of children watching.

DragonBall Super is a shit-show, but it's still DragonBall that's probably even why those that complaint still watch the show at times. On-top of that even on this forum it seems quite a few people have dropped the show, so shut it plz.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Fearless Super said:

Not every show is gonna beat the quality of the early series, that has been proven fact. Super is for kids show, kids who wants to see actions, story, fighting etc, they're Toei's market and its working. Meanwhile these die-hard fans aka the nerds who thinks the show is perfect and wants to analyze everything such as power levels even though Toriyama dropped that shit long time ago but these retard fans still making the power levels that is not meant to be taken seriously. Most of the these retard fans don't like the Boo arc series because of its POWER SCALLING not the quality of the show. You get that? I hope so

Second, Super is not living up to its name? Is that why they're making so much money right now? :toei and :troll disagrees with you pal.

If Super really suck so bad, then why don't eveyone stop watching it? It's not that hard, none is forcing you to watch it. If the show is really that bad then it will be cancel like GT but it didn't hence that translates as success.
Open your ears and listen-up, dip-shit (plz).

First of DragonBall (Z) was for children/teenagers too and and that was leagues ahead of this shit. You can't honestly tell me that this shit-show is anywhere either of those series. DB-Super sucks. Sorry.

Second Boo Saga isn't only hated because of power-level bull-shit. Most people didn't like the shift in atmosphere/story-telling either, like going from serious (Freeza and Cell Saga) to comedy (Boo Saga). A lot of people didn't like how Gohan ended–up either, even-though I might not agree with that and there's more too. So plz stop making stupid fucking assumptions, dip-shit.

DragonBall Super is a success, but there are more reasons to it than your biased brain might think. It's the first DragonBall Series in a long time. AT is involved. Nostalgia bring old fans to the show. This generation of children watching.

DragonBall Super is a shit-show, but it's still DragonBall that's probably even why those that complaint still watch the show at times. On-top of that even on this forum it seems quite a few people have dropped the show, so shut it plz.
You are right on a lot of things but some of them are wrong.

Society has changed so much even blood is not even allowed in the show anymore, 80s and 90s =/= 2015-2017 hence it's been toned down. Also Super is more like with DBZ and DB, they're not focusing on one villain of each arc like from Saiyan arc [Vegeta] to Namek arc [Freeza], Android arc [Androids] to Cells games [Cell] and from Babidi to Boo. Super is not progressing for villain to villain but from villain to another something that is not a villain but its a big deal [U6 and ToP].

As you can see my friend, the argument from Boo arc always comes for "Was Gohan SSjin/2 against Dabura?", "Goku is stronger than Gotenks and Gohan", "Goku is stronger than Super Boo", "Pure Boo is the strongest Boo" those are the arguments and debates when it comes to the Boo arc, very rare you can find the comedy complain or Gohan ending the arc with him winning against Boo. So in other words, POWER SCALLING [POWER LEVELS] is what made Boo arc bad in eyes of these retard fans and if you don't agree then you're lying.

Yeah, the older fans and the new generations loves Super and enjoying it that translate to SUCCESS. Those who don't like it can fuck off and if they still watch it and complain about it then they need help like those wrestling fans who still watches wrestling but still complaining 24/7 and can't get over that wrestling suck and the attitude era is gone.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Fearless Super said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Fearless Super said:

Not every show is gonna beat the quality of the early series, that has been proven fact. Super is for kids show, kids who wants to see actions, story, fighting etc, they're Toei's market and its working. Meanwhile these die-hard fans aka the nerds who thinks the show is perfect and wants to analyze everything such as power levels even though Toriyama dropped that shit long time ago but these retard fans still making the power levels that is not meant to be taken seriously. Most of the these retard fans don't like the Boo arc series because of its POWER SCALLING not the quality of the show. You get that? I hope so

Second, Super is not living up to its name? Is that why they're making so much money right now? :toei and :troll disagrees with you pal.

If Super really suck so bad, then why don't eveyone stop watching it? It's not that hard, none is forcing you to watch it. If the show is really that bad then it will be cancel like GT but it didn't hence that translates as success.
Open your ears and listen-up, dip-shit (plz).

First of DragonBall (Z) was for children/teenagers too and and that was leagues ahead of this shit. You can't honestly tell me that this shit-show is anywhere either of those series. DB-Super sucks. Sorry.

Second Boo Saga isn't only hated because of power-level bull-shit. Most people didn't like the shift in atmosphere/story-telling either, like going from serious (Freeza and Cell Saga) to comedy (Boo Saga). A lot of people didn't like how Gohan ended–up either, even-though I might not agree with that and there's more too. So plz stop making stupid fucking assumptions, dip-shit.

DragonBall Super is a success, but there are more reasons to it than your biased brain might think. It's the first DragonBall Series in a long time. AT is involved. Nostalgia bring old fans to the show. This generation of children watching.

DragonBall Super is a shit-show, but it's still DragonBall that's probably even why those that complaint still watch the show at times. On-top of that even on this forum it seems quite a few people have dropped the show, so shut it plz.
You are right on a lot of things but some of them are wrong.

Society has changed so much even blood is not even allowed in the show anymore, 80s and 90s =/= 2015-2017 hence it's been toned down. Also Super is more like with DBZ and DB, they're not focusing on one villain of each arc like from Saiyan arc [Vegeta] to Namek arc [Freeza], Android arc [Androids] to Cells games [Cell] and from Babidi to Boo. Super is not progressing for villain to villain but from villain to another something that is not a villain but its a big deal [U6 and ToP].

As you can see my friend, the argument from Boo arc always comes for "Was Gohan SSjin/2 against Dabura?", "Goku is stronger than Gotenks and Gohan", "Goku is stronger than Super Boo", "Pure Boo is the strongest Boo" those are the arguments and debates when it comes to the Boo arc, very rare you can find the comedy complain or Gohan ending the arc with him winning against Boo. So in other words, POWER SCALLING [POWER LEVELS] is what made Boo arc bad in eyes of these retard fans and if you don't agree then you're lying.

Yeah, the older fans and the new generations loves Super and enjoying it that translate to SUCCESS. Those who don't like it can fuck off and if they still watch it and complain about it then they need help like those wrestling fans who still watches wrestling but still complaining 24/7 and can't get over that wrestling suck and the attitude era is gone.
You're stupid. First you say that only super nerds talk about power-levels, then you say everyone who complains about the Boo Saga, only lists those as complaints. As if only those people don't like the Boo Saga. Have you ever been outside of these forums, l0l? There's much more problems with the Boo Saga.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Fantastische Hure said:
Fearless Super said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Open your ears and listen-up, dip-shit (plz).

First of DragonBall (Z) was for children/teenagers too and and that was leagues ahead of this shit. You can't honestly tell me that this shit-show is anywhere either of those series. DB-Super sucks. Sorry.

Second Boo Saga isn't only hated because of power-level bull-shit. Most people didn't like the shift in atmosphere/story-telling either, like going from serious (Freeza and Cell Saga) to comedy (Boo Saga). A lot of people didn't like how Gohan ended–up either, even-though I might not agree with that and there's more too. So plz stop making stupid fucking assumptions, dip-shit.

DragonBall Super is a success, but there are more reasons to it than your biased brain might think. It's the first DragonBall Series in a long time. AT is involved. Nostalgia bring old fans to the show. This generation of children watching.

DragonBall Super is a shit-show, but it's still DragonBall that's probably even why those that complaint still watch the show at times. On-top of that even on this forum it seems quite a few people have dropped the show, so shut it plz.
You are right on a lot of things but some of them are wrong.

Society has changed so much even blood is not even allowed in the show anymore, 80s and 90s =/= 2015-2017 hence it's been toned down. Also Super is more like with DBZ and DB, they're not focusing on one villain of each arc like from Saiyan arc [Vegeta] to Namek arc [Freeza], Android arc [Androids] to Cells games [Cell] and from Babidi to Boo. Super is not progressing for villain to villain but from villain to another something that is not a villain but its a big deal [U6 and ToP].

As you can see my friend, the argument from Boo arc always comes for "Was Gohan SSjin/2 against Dabura?", "Goku is stronger than Gotenks and Gohan", "Goku is stronger than Super Boo", "Pure Boo is the strongest Boo" those are the arguments and debates when it comes to the Boo arc, very rare you can find the comedy complain or Gohan ending the arc with him winning against Boo. So in other words, POWER SCALLING [POWER LEVELS] is what made Boo arc bad in eyes of these retard fans and if you don't agree then you're lying.

Yeah, the older fans and the new generations loves Super and enjoying it that translate to SUCCESS. Those who don't like it can fuck off and if they still watch it and complain about it then they need help like those wrestling fans who still watches wrestling but still complaining 24/7 and can't get over that wrestling suck and the attitude era is gone.
You're stupid. First you say that only super nerds talk about power-levels, then you say everyone who complains about the Boo Saga, only lists those as complaints. As if only those people don't like the Boo Saga. Have you ever been outside of these forums, l0l? There's much more problems with the Boo Saga.

Then again, what I'm saying was that people just complain about the power scallings that's all. That's the problem with the fans these days, they don't care much about the context or the quality of the progamme but instead they just talk how inconsistency the power scalling is, for example when Roshi fought Base Goku and they were trading blows, everyone shit their pants and complain why Roshi is so strong and why that doesn't make sense but if you watch the episode Goku was holding back and even said that Roshi has been training all along.

Like I said the problem with Boo saga is always related to the power levels and very rare you can find the complain about its quality. Fact.

Fantastische Hure

Zeta Elite
Jun 1, 2015
Fearless Super said:
Fantastische Hure said:
Fearless Super said:
You are right on a lot of things but some of them are wrong.

Society has changed so much even blood is not even allowed in the show anymore, 80s and 90s =/= 2015-2017 hence it's been toned down. Also Super is more like with DBZ and DB, they're not focusing on one villain of each arc like from Saiyan arc [Vegeta] to Namek arc [Freeza], Android arc [Androids] to Cells games [Cell] and from Babidi to Boo. Super is not progressing for villain to villain but from villain to another something that is not a villain but its a big deal [U6 and ToP].

As you can see my friend, the argument from Boo arc always comes for "Was Gohan SSjin/2 against Dabura?", "Goku is stronger than Gotenks and Gohan", "Goku is stronger than Super Boo", "Pure Boo is the strongest Boo" those are the arguments and debates when it comes to the Boo arc, very rare you can find the comedy complain or Gohan ending the arc with him winning against Boo. So in other words, POWER SCALLING [POWER LEVELS] is what made Boo arc bad in eyes of these retard fans and if you don't agree then you're lying.

Yeah, the older fans and the new generations loves Super and enjoying it that translate to SUCCESS. Those who don't like it can fuck off and if they still watch it and complain about it then they need help like those wrestling fans who still watches wrestling but still complaining 24/7 and can't get over that wrestling suck and the attitude era is gone.
You're stupid. First you say that only super nerds talk about power-levels, then you say everyone who complains about the Boo Saga, only lists those as complaints. As if only those people don't like the Boo Saga. Have you ever been outside of these forums, l0l? There's much more problems with the Boo Saga.

Then again, what I'm saying was that people just complain about the power scallings that's all. That's the problem with the fans these days, they don't care much about the context or the quality of the progamme but instead they just talk how inconsistency the power scalling is, for example when Roshi fought Base Goku and they were trading blows, everyone shit their pants and complain why Roshi is so strong and why that doesn't make sense but if you watch the episode Goku was holding back and even said that Roshi has been training all along.

Like I said the problem with Boo saga is always related to the power levels and very rare you can find the complain about its quality. Fact.
If that's the only thing you ever find then you spend too much time on certain sections of the forums. You're stupid, breh.

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