SIAD said:Shin Kikoho from Tenshinhan (Boo) is almost at the same level as Semi Perfect Cell (FP).
Goku SSJB Kaioken x50 (ToP) vs UI Goku (Current)?
There is no tension or time limit for any of the 2. If you win UI Goku, then what level of SSJB Kaioken does Goku need to win?
Spiral-Force said:Likely Nail due to regeneration and better (known) energy attacks (barring the Spirit Bomb, which Nail wouldn't give King Kai the time to execute).
Meta-Cooler (final repair) runs the Cell Arc gauntlet
Scenario 2: He can access up to Kaioken x10 without strain
Fantastische Hure said:Kale stomps.
EDIT: Beerus gets stomped.
Super-Saiyan Blue Vegetto (Future Trunks arc; Anime) vs Beerus
Future Warrior said:Probably UI Goku.
SSJ Grade III Goku (Cell Games) vs Full Power Perfect Cell
No speed loss for Goku.