
Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
With Super's tendency to overestimate pre-revival Freeza, probably Zaddy Raddy. If using any actual logic, probably #17 by a comfortable margin.

My vocabulary vs. the number of things AT has forgotten in extensiveness contest :donovan :donovan


Dec 13, 2016
Toriyama's memory (or lack thereof) >>> anyone's vocabulary :troll

My U7 team's battle royale (with a power ranking if possible) ?

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Considering the amount of buffing Vegeta-Baby is getting in that scenario, with not only the beyond limits boost, but the Saiyans offering their Ki to him as well, I'd say he'd be the top dog in power. I'd still give it to #21 due to her potential being even greater than Cell's (who's potential should be of a top tier above even the half Saiyans due to his Freeza DNA and how much Goku/Vegeta's fighting genius have been hyped up in Super) allowing her to be on his level and soloing via Connoisseur Cut.

For the power ranking of your team, I'd say it'd probably go Vegeta-Baby > #21 > Goku ~ Cell > Evil Boo > Gohan ~ Future Trunks > Super 17 ~ Piccolo.

Potara Super #17 runs the GT gauntlet
- GT #17 and Hell Fighter #17 fuse using the Potara, gaining the same boost as Boo Arc Vegetto, including an equivalent of the rival boost through their synergy of being identical.
- Due to this being through Potara magic and not Mu/Gero's blueprints, this Super #17 isn't outfitted with energy absorbing devices, so no further power boosts or his infamous weak point.
- If he solos, have him take on a Super gauntlet. If he loses in the Super gauntlet, have him take a Rosat trip, with his gains from 1 year correlating the the kind of gains #17 made from ranging the shit out of the park for almost 15 years.


Dec 13, 2016
Captain Cadaver said:
Considering the amount of buffing Vegeta-Baby is getting in that scenario, with not only the beyond limits boost, but the Saiyans offering their Ki to him as well, I'd say he'd be the top dog in power. I'd still give it to #21 due to her potential being even greater than Cell's (who's potential should be of a top tier above even the half Saiyans due to his Freeza DNA and how much Goku/Vegeta's fighting genius have been hyped up in Super) allowing her to be on his level and soloing via Connoisseur Cut.

For the power ranking of your team, I'd say it'd probably go Vegeta-Baby > #21 > Goku ~ Cell > Evil Boo > Gohan ~ Future Trunks > Super 17 ~ Piccolo.

Where is Freeza ?

Potara Super #17 runs the GT gauntlet
- GT #17 and Hell Fighter #17 fuse using the Potara, gaining the same boost as Boo Arc Vegetto, including an equivalent of the rival boost through their synergy of being identical.
- Due to this being through Potara magic and not Mu/Gero's blueprints, this Super #17 isn't outfitted with energy absorbing devices, so no further power boosts or his infamous weak point.
- If he solos, have him take on a Super gauntlet. If he loses in the Super gauntlet, have him take a Rosat trip, with his gains from 1 year correlating the the kind of gains #17 made from ranging the shit out of the park for almost 15 years.

Excluding EoGT Goku for obvious reasons, I think Super #17 would still lose to the top-tiers of GT. As for Super, he gets pretty much one-shotted as soon as he is in the God-Tier territory against SSJG Goku. However, his RoSaT would likely allow him to stomp his way up to KKx20 Goku level at least, since even though he only trained 1 year there, the training is far more severe than ranging the park or whatever 17 was doing in those 15 years.

Jiren would still stomp him, though.

Griffith VS DBVerse villains, in an evil contest

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Forgot Freeza. He'd be either slightly above Gohan or just above Super #17.

Griffith loses to most DB villains. Whilst his actions could be seen as more explicit in their evil nature than those in DB, the nuances behind them such as sacrificing the Band due to them having already chosen to follow him and having already sacrificed so much to get there show his evil aspects were far more complex than just being a megalomaniac or evil for the sake of it like most DB villains.

Pui Pui VS Pre-Rosat SSJ Vegeta


Dec 13, 2016
Captain Cadaver said:
Forgot Freeza. He'd be either slightly above Gohan or just above Super #17.

Griffith loses to most DB villains. Whilst his actions could be seen as more explicit in their evil nature than those in DB, the nuances behind them such as sacrificing the Band due to them having already chosen to follow him and having already sacrificed so much to get there show his evil aspects were far more complex than just being a megalomaniac or evil for the sake of it like most DB villains.

Pui Pui VS Pre-Rosat SSJ Vegeta

Likely Pui-Pui thanks to Spopovitch's flight speed feat.

Base Goku (Shadow Dragons Arc) VS Super Baby 2
-If Goku wins, Baby turns into Golden Oozaru. Goku is allowed to turn SSJ.

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Depends whether or not this is Goku at the start of the arc, or during his battle with Si Xing Long and onwards. If it's the former, he gets stomped and if the latter, he stomps seeing as how he's implied to not be too much weaker than his SS4 form. For scenario 2, Goku would stomp with SSJ.

Kaio (Ultimate Butoden) VS Power Weighted Perfect Cell
- In this game, Kaio was able to beat LSSJ :pakl without seemingly any difficulty. Assume this was Movie 8 Broly.
- If Kaio wins, have Cell go into his Super Perfect form.
- If SPC wins, have Kaio be backed up by BT3 What If M8 Roshi who did the same feat as Kaio. :troll


Dec 13, 2016
Captain Cadaver said:
Depends whether or not this is Goku at the start of the arc, or during his battle with Si Xing Long and onwards. If it's the former, he gets stomped and if the latter, he stomps seeing as how he's implied to not be too much weaker than his SS4 form. For scenario 2, Goku would stomp with SSJ.

Kaio (Ultimate Butoden) VS Power Weighted Perfect Cell
- In this game, Kaio was able to beat LSSJ :pakl without seemingly any difficulty. Assume this was Movie 8 Broly.
- If Kaio wins, have Cell go into his Super Perfect form.
- If SPC wins, have Kaio be backed up by BT3 What If M8 Roshi who did the same feat as Kaio. :troll

Round 1: Power Weighted Cell likely has a power advantage, but Kaio wins thanks to his speed advantage.
Round 2: This time, Cell has a great power advantage and without speed loss. Kaio gets stomped.
Round 3: Unless Roshi use Mafuba on Cell, the outcome will be the same as in Round 2.

EoGT Goku VS DBVerse
- Goku has gone through the ritual to become a SSJG, then absorbed the Godly Ki.
- Goku spent 100 years training with Whis in the RoSaT-like dimension with Krillin's training equipment.
- Goku became the new Hakaishin and unlocked Ultra Instinct, Hakai and Energy of Destruction abilities (his protective aura has evolved into a Destruction Armor).
- Assume the RoSaT-like dimension has the exact same features (making Goku actually over 13 millions of years old).
- Goku cannot use his protective aura, nor transform, is restricted to 1% of his base form and can only fight with one finger.

If Goku solos, he can fight Superman Pre-Crisis, without any restriction on him.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
The 100 years' training with Super logic in place makes him unstoppable. :troll :troll

Kenjiro Tsuda (Seto Kaiba, Bruford :troll ) vs. Ryo Horikawa in cool voice contest

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Horikawa wins if he's in his prime (Z Vegeta, Reinhard von Lohengramm) but loses if it's their current or early 00s selves.

SS4 Goku's Ryu-ken (ToP) VS Jiren


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
If assuming it isn't a sneak attack, Jiren can probably repel it similar to the Genkidama considering that it's all but stated the Ryuken's multiplier is under 10x, and the ones badly hurt by the attack either weren't much more powerful than :galu (Hildegarn) or were caught off guard (S17, dragon faggot).

Jiren's FP power up vs. Semi/Perfect Cell's FP power ups in meaninglessness contest :troll :troll

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Jiren's by far considering the likes of SSB Galu and #17 performed far better against FP Jiren the Gay than they did against his previous self and Hakaishin Toppo. At least Shello made the improvement of making Veggie's lip bleed.

SS3 Nappa VS Base Galu (post-Ginyu Zenkai)


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
This seems to happen in every Super arc after the movie remakes. Remember when Goku and Vegeta had more trouble fighting :gay2 's shadow clones than Merged Zamasu because of dem asspull resolve haxes? :troll2 :troll2

Galu might be at a slight power disadvantage depending on how close to 8000 you think Nappa is, although his superior battle smarts and the fact that Nappa will have the stamina of a premature ejaculator will bring him to the top.

Sakura's punch affecting Kaguya vs. lifting a building straining post-S17 :galu in faggotry contest

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Probably Kaguya. You can at least try and defend the building feat with factors such as Galu not wanting to break the glass or bring up the 40 tons feat and Goku's physical strength without Ki likely having decreased somewhat due to his smaller body, as poor excuses as they are, whereas the most you can defend the Kaguya case with is her being off-guard.

BT3 What If Mr. Satan VS SS2 Gohan (Cell Games)
- When not nerfed by fake news in this what if, the Champ was able to tool Perfect Cell with little to no difficulty.
- Fight takes place in the Budokai ring with ToP rules (ie. no bukujutsu).


Dec 13, 2016
Gohan stomps. As strong as this Mister Satan might have been, someone who can two shot Perfect Cell, push back his full powered Kamehameha with an half-assed one, and kick his Power Weighted form hard enough to make him vomit #18, along with better skills and the range advantage in the form of ki blasts, make it a complete mismatch. Heck, he just needs to bait him with a zanzouken and this fight is over on a ring out.

#21 VS U7 gauntlet

Equalized battle powers, ofc.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
Probably Kaguya. You can at least try and defend the building feat with factors such as Galu not wanting to break the glass or bring up the 40 tons feat and Goku's physical strength without Ki likely having decreased somewhat due to his smaller body, as poor excuses as they are, whereas the most you can defend the Kaguya case with is her being off-guard.

Galu knows the power of GT glass indeed. :troll :troll2

As for the 21 match ups, I was never given the impression her regen or fighting skills were as impressive as Boo's so she probably has her head sliced off by :Krillin unless she gets him with a candy beam

Far left vs. Babidi's slaves in brainwashed contest

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
#21 can potentially solo with Connoisseur Cut and her transmutation beam, though it depends what the conditions are. If it's a fight to the death, she probably solos as long as she doesn't get sealed with the Mafuba by Roshi or Piccolo. With Budokai or ToP rules though, she probably stops at Roshi due to his superior battle experience, so long as his #NoFap Challenge can allow him to resist a top tier DB girl.

Gohan Boo VS Base Goku (Post-M2)
- This is a version of Boo who's absorbed Gotenks and Gohan, rather than being comprised of the individual kids like his canon self.
- Unlimited fusion time for Gotenks in Boo's body.

Idea of Gaslight said:
Far left vs. Babidi's slaves in brainwashed contest
Far left since Babidi's only noteworthy sheeple were two guys salty at Mr. Satan and suppressing their true forms, a henchman with 0 personality, a dumb monster and someone deluded enough to believe someone he was unable to fully get the better of would be no match for him in round 2. A few people who fall for far left propaganda can be fairly intelligent when not discussing topics pertaining to it, hence making the brainwashing seem even more effective.


Dec 13, 2016
Idea of Gaslight said:
As for the 21 match ups, I was never given the impression her regen or fighting skills were as impressive as Boo's so she probably has her head sliced off by :Krillin unless she gets him with a candy beam

1)Her regen are very much noted in 2nd and 3rd arc to be top-notch (with Freeza noting that it reminds him of Boo's stories), and her endurance (probably thanks to Freeza's cells) makes her very hard to take down. Krillin isn't killing her with a simple Kienzan.

2)While it's true that Good 21 said she wasn't very experienced in fighting, Boo's fighting skills were nothing to write home about either, and mostly took advantage of his raw power or his overpowered abilities to gain the edge.

Gohan Boo VS Base Goku (Post-M2)
- This is a version of Boo who's absorbed Gotenks and Gohan, rather than being comprised of the individual kids like his canon self.
- Unlimited fusion time for Gotenks in Boo's body.

I think Base Goku still has the edge in terms of power, but Boohan's regeneration will prove to be bothersome to him. Boohan wins.

Beyond Blue Vegeta and Hakaishin Toppo VS UI Goku (116) and SSJ2 Kefla
-No time limit for UI and Fusion.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Boo was a prodigy capable of copying even Kai Kai on sight though, and 21 needed some time to recover on occasion... although yeah, I've only played through one route of the story and should've progressed further before making that statement :troll2

If Galu can keep the Hakaishin-level duo at bay while Kefla prepares those faggot ass lasers, the team wins. I don't think either Vegeta or Toppo are gonna have much success hitting Galu considering Galu avoided everything Kefla had to throw at her until near the end of their fight.

ISIS vs. North Korea in oppression contest

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