Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Kenshi said:
You're forgetting that SSJB Vegetto (who I can only assume is based on his DBS incarnation) was almost equal in feats to not just SSJ4 Xeno Vegetto, but his Limit Breaker incarnation - and that Vegetto logically shouldn't be twice Beerus' power or anything at this point in the game.
That would apply to their DBH continuity selves, in which Beerus in general is leagues above his anime self anyway (eg. being superior to Demigra and arguably superior to Super Mira despite the pretty absurd feats of the latter).

Kenshin's Hokkaido-hen vs. Episode of Bardock in tarnishing the spirit of the mother work :tapion
Kenshin by far. Even though Episode of Bardock is a plot hole riddled mess, its self-fulfilling prophecy stupidity doesn't really tarnish the importance of Super Saiyan in the Freeza Arc and only tarnishes Bardock's function in the story, which is pretty minor in the grand scope of things. Meanwhile, milking Kenshin's story long after his character arc was complete and after the series had a mostly solid ending is unjustifiable.

Hokkaido Hen VS DB Minus in the same category :troll


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Hokkaido-hen since aside from making Bardock far more bland than his TV Special counterpart and giving Goku's mom an actual design, the most damage Minus did was revealing that Freeza knew about not just the SSJ but the legend of the SSJG as well, which makes his lack of motivation to train for a mere 4-month period even more jarring. Any other complaints aside from that are pretty minor ones like Goku's backstory being slightly retconned to a bigger Superman ripoff, unless you're just a Toei!Bardock fanboy :troll2

Meanwhile, Hokkaido-hen just tarnishes everything about the original work which Watsuki even said was complete to the point that he couldn't imagine continuing it... until the allure of money made him betray his principles worse than Aoshi betrayed his original principles by the time of the Kyoto arc by allying with Shishio and resolving to kill himself just to escape his guilt. Plus, Minus only being one chapter long as opposed to Hokkaido-hen being 30+ monthly chapters already makes this a pretty unfair comparison anyway :troll

Same question

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Probably Hokkaido-Hen, though only by a small amount. Minus is still one of the most damaging cashgrabs in the franchise with how it shits all over the narrative of the Saiyan Arc and, by extension, both the Freeza Arc and core aspects of Goku's character, though Hokkaido Hen does damage to more aspects of the series (albeit, at a lesser degree) through continuing a completed story, revealing Kaoru's father is alive and generally having a very forced reunion between characters that had long since gone their separate ways, including villains whose presence in the plot had long since become irrelevant.

SSJ Ultimate Gohan VS Anime SS3 Goku (BoG Arc)


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
If it's the regular 50x multiplier, then Gohan oneshots for obvious reasons. Going with GT/Super's more tame 2~3x multiplier, it's difficult to say but Gotenks-Boo calling himself the Mightiest Majin being retained in the anime as well as Gohan-Boo being able to make Vegetto momentarily get serious tells me there isn't a massive gap between Gohan-Boo and anime Kid Boo, and Kid Boo was presented as somewhat stronger than Goku anyway, so I'd give Gohan the win due to higher stamina and probably somewhat higher power if going by the high end of the 2-3x SSJ multiplier spectrum.

ToP Gohan vs. DBS :pakl vs. anime Goku Black in bullshit gainz speed contest

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
:pakl wins seeing as how you can at least handwave away ToP Gohan's gains with "something something ritual magic" or Black adapting to Goku's body better as the body he took was of a post-SSB Galu and the anime already established one can get used to a new body in time with Goku Ginyu. Meanwhile, there's no real explanation for Broly's gains unless conceding to his potential being leagues above Gohan and Freeza's (which, considering how much the idea of Gohan being near the top of the potential chain is pushed in all media, seems very unlikely).

Current SSBE Vegeta VS Jiren
- Jiren starts off at the level he stomped Vegeta with at the ToP, but can go full power or beyond limits if need be.
- Manga versions of both.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Captain Cadaver said:
:pakl wins seeing as how you can at least handwave away ToP Gohan's gains with "something something ritual magic" or Black adapting to Goku's body better as the body he took was of a post-SSB Galu and the anime already established one can get used to a new body in time with Goku Ginyu. Meanwhile, there's no real explanation for Broly's gains unless conceding to his potential being leagues above Gohan and Freeza's (which, considering how much the idea of Gohan being near the top of the potential chain is pushed in all media, seems very unlikely).

In fairness, Broly being the only Saiyan to be able to harness the power of the Oozaru in base form even in the extremely disadvantageous environment for training that he was in, as well as his innate battle power of 10,000 completely dwarfing anything Gohan pulled off pre-Namek can be good arguments for his potential being far above even Gohan's. Plus, it's also arguable Goten and Trunks have potential above Gohan's due to being only a few notches below Gohan's CG level despite having done no training at all by comparison and having mastered SSJ with zero effort.

Captain Cadaver said:
Current SSBE Vegeta VS Jiren
- Jiren starts off at the level he stomped Vegeta with at the ToP, but can go full power or beyond limits if need be.
- Manga versions of both.

The way Vegeta lost miserably to a Beerus I don't believe to be at 100% full power yet tells me Jiren still has this once he activates his aura, but he might struggle unless his bullshit resolve kicks in.

Current Gohan (post-Moro) vs. SSJBE Vegeta (ToP)

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Vegeta likely wins seeing as how Gohan being far above his ToP self and getting some level of a rage boost on top of that is still pretty vague in comparing him to Vegeta who also has the skill advantage.

PSSB Gogeta (DBS Broly) VS Current UI Goku
- Manga versions of both.
- No time limit for Gogeta.


May 30, 2015
Assuming Goku doesn't know the full power of Beerus. I think I have them more or less at the same level. Goku would win by having better reactions.

The same question.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
I'd say Goku, since transforming to MUI doesn't seem to be strenuous at all, and with the automatic reactions Goku would be able to outlast Gogeta's Metamoran time limit fairly easily.

Manga Beerus vs. 22nd Tao (implied) vs. "Vegeta tier Ginyu" in :troll retcon power contest

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Definitely Manga Beerus as that retcon creates genuine plot holes as Beerus still holding back via techniques or however directly goes against the Daishinkan demanding the Hakaishin not hold back in their battle royale. Meanwhile, Taopaipai's relevance at the 22nd TB has some justification when inferring him simply being extremely skilled and Galu's lessons from training with Karin offering more than a power boost for overcoming them, whereas context makes it apparent Freeza was only referring to those outside the scope of his empire surpassing Ginyu and as an opening to requesting Goku join him unlike with Gohan or Piccolo where recruiting them definitely wasn't on his mind.

Namek Gohan (pre-potential unlock) VS Saiyan Arc Yamcha


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Namek Gohan was measured at 1500 or so while Yamcha should be a bit below, but probably Yamcha due to far greater experience.

Cerealian Dragon Balls pushing someone to UI tier vs. "adaptation hax" in contrivance contest

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Cerealian DBs by far since the latter can at least be seen as slightly plausible if something unique to Hit's race (unless counting how Saiyan biology's been treat in Super since at least the ToP). Boosting someone via sacrificing their lifespan though, whilst still better than just straight up granting them power beyond the DB's creator, is still damaging to the plot when Zamasu is made even stupider retroactively by not just stacking this on top of his immortality with the Super DBs.

Post-Shinseijuu Tullece VS Vegeta (vs. 1st form Freeza)

SSJ3 Gothic

Super Elite
Staff member
Global Moderator
Red Ribbon Army
May 30, 2015
Kenshi said:
Vegeta because I think he was at least 450k and I don't have Tullece that high.

The newest Premium-Grade Man Meat Accessory cringe vs. Chris-chan's videos vs. Moro arc's last 2 chapters in :punk :punk contest

Man Meat's cringe takes the cake because Moro ended, Chris Chan is content with himself as a ladyboy, but Captain Gaslight keeps coming back for more.

Tenshinhan/Pikkon Potara Fusion vs. Fat Boo


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
Tenshinhan's too weak to add enough power for an MSSJ tier like Paikuhan to reach Fat Boo level imo. Going by Super multipliers, he wouldn't even be 2x stronger.

Potara Yamshinhan/Tiencha vs. Good Boo

Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Assuming this is their Boo Arc selves and they have a boost similar to Kibitoshin's, they're obviously not touching even Cell Games tier. If we give them something similar to Vegetto with the rival boost intact to give them more of a fighting chance, I still don't think it'd be enough to bring them any higher than rivalling range to SPC, so Boo still stomps.

SSJ Onio VS Monster Zarbon
- If Onio wins, he gets healed and fights Reacoom.


Zeta Elite
May 30, 2015
SSJ Onio was evenly matched with base Neko Majin Z who was stronger than base Vegeta (who despite working for Freeza could at least turn Super Saiyan and was called the strongest in the universe over Kuriza). Onio stomps. Onio might actually be stronger than SSJ2 Boo arc Goku if you consider that base NMZ was able to make Goku turn SSJ with some strategic moves.

MSSJ Cell Games Vegetto vs. Gotenks-Boo


Super Elite
Mar 26, 2017
I think the transformations are taken into account when the power of the fusion is estimated, so this is a Goku and Vegeta about 10 and 5 times weaker than their Boo Arc selves, respectively. With this logic he's probably not much stronger than Gotenks in equal forms and ough to get stomped.

Trunks (Baby Arc) vs Gohan (Baby Arc)


May 30, 2015
I have Trunks win because he managed to transform into SSJ2 when Baby was possessing him and against Baby Vegeta. Gohan had a comfortable advantage over Trunks, but not at the level of SSJ matching Trunks' SSJ2 status. I give it to Trunks.


Captain Cadaver

Zeta Elite
Retired Staff
May 31, 2015
Gohan wins with mid-diff at most regardless of whether it's equal forms or peak. Trunks' best feat is resisting Baby better with SSJ than Base Rild did, something that doesn't require his base self being above Ultimate Gohan via scaling. If using their peaks, it's even more of a stomp as Trunks not being listed amongst the SS2 users in the Perfect Files shows the displays of lightning were just a dramatic flare no different from SSJ Vegetto displaying such.

Vegeta (post-Genki Dama) VS Raditz

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