Z JP Anime Translation Discussion


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
I am against using Kai. I am all for using the original Z. Besides, I dunno if the Kai in Kissanime was done by Steve Simmons. Why take more inaccurate one and not go with what was said in the more literal one?

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
I'm getting confuse with this one, which one is more accurate and post the link on which site it is?

Evil Vegeta

High Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
All right. Here's a lot of Boo saga stuff from Kai.

*Base Saiyans*

Dabra: "In total, they're...seven little lambs. Even if we can't make use of Kaioshin and Kibito's energy, three of them appear to have wonderful energy, perfect for Majin Boo's revival."

*After filling Boo's meter*

Dabra: "I think with the energy being collected from those three in stage 1, there will be nearly enough to fill it up to the top. If all goes well, Majin Boo can be revived within the day."

*Vegeta Vs Pui-Pui*

Kaioshin: "We must not make light of the enemy! Bobbidi only takes the strongest warriors from the corners of the universe and allies them to himself!"

*Planet Zun*

Pui-Pui: "You fool! This is as far as you go! This is Planet Zun! I was raised on this planet! The gravity here is ten times that of Earth! You guys can't endure this!"

Vegeta: "What about it? Ten times the gravity doesn't make any difference to me."

*After Vegeta destroys Pui-Pui*

Kaioshin: "I-It can't be...! I never expected they were so...!"

Bobbidi: "W-What are guys with that kind of power doing on Earth?"
Dabra: "Indeed. 300 years ago, when we investigated here, there wasn't anybody like this."


Dabra: "I see. However, with Yakon as their opponent, they will all be defeated at once, and there will be nothing left for me to enjoy."

Kaioshin: "Could this be Y-Yakon...Maju Yakon?
Gohan: "Maju Yakon?"
Kaioshin: "Yes. He's incredibly strong, one of the fearsome beasts of the universe! Alone, Goku-san couldn't possibly...

Gohan: "He's enormous, but he's still fast!"
Kaioshin: "Then like I said earlier! Let us all fight him!"
Gohan: "Ah, no. I think Dad'll be fine on his own."

Goku: "What a surprise! You can stretch those sickle-like claws out?"

Dabra: "Bobbidi-sama, even without sending them to Planet Darkness, Yakon is more than strong enough to emerge victorious.
Bobbidi: "I suppose. However, if they fight inside the spaceship, and supply any strong shock to it, Majin Boo might emerge without his full strength. If he's going to be revived, we want him at his original strength, don't we?"


*About needing to defeat Dabra to turn Piccolo and Krillin back to normal*

Goku: "What now, that's pretty easy, ain't it?"

Vegeta: "Hmph, at this rate, how do we know that Majin Boo is all that great anyway? Just like that piece of scum Dabra."

Kaioshin: "Dabra isn't all that great? What do you mean?"

Vegeta: "I'm saying that Dabra doesn't seem to be the fearsome monster you guys make him out to be. Based on what we saw of his attacks outside earlier, as long as we're careful of his saliva, we could have taken him. There's no way to explain Kibito being beaten, except that he bungled it."

Kaioshin: "I-Is this true, Goku-san?"

Goku: "Mm-hmm. Well, even assuming that wasn't his full power, a little while ago, we would've thought of him as a terrifying foe. Seven years ago, there was this guy named Cell. He was probably about as strong as him."

Bobbidi: "D-Dabra! If you're beaten, then it's all over! You're sure you have of chance at winning?"

Dabra: "Chance of winning? I am Dabra, King of the Demon Realm! *Come three thousand kili, come four thousand kili, there is not a man in all the world with greater power than I!"

*Anime only line that was apart of the same statement*

*Gohan in general*

Kaioshin: "I-I can't believe it. Is this Super Saiyan thing really that strong? Come to think of it, it was considerably difficult to contan Gohan-san's movement when he had turned into a Super Saiyan. What if even that wasn't their full power?"

Goku: "I'm looking forward to seeing how strong you've become. Gohan, have you been training regularly while I've been gone?"

Vegeta: "Unfortunately, it seems he's used peacetime as an excuse to slack off on his training. Nowadays, we're the ones with the highest powers. Though actually, we never know what might happen if he goes into a fit of rage, do we?"

Saiyans in general:

Kaioshin: "No wonder these three are some composed! If it comes to it, they can release incredible power, like Son Goku-san momentarily displayed before. T-The truth is so utterly hard to believe. To think that a Kaioshin could be flustered by people from the lower realm..."

*Super Saiyan Goku*

Bobbidi: "How does an Earthling have an energy of three thousand kili?!"

Dabra: "Three thousand kili? *With only two or three hundred kili, one could easily destroy a planet or two. Most peculiar. There is no reason people like this should exist on Earth."

Bobbidi: Maybe the meter is malfunctioning? However, supposing it really is three thousand kili, Yakon can't win against him! Yakon's energy is only eight hundred kili, after all!"

*Anime only line, but it was all apart of the same statement*

*Super Saiyan 2 Goku*

Gohan: "That was awesome, father. Your Ki was enormous when you defeated that monster!"
Vegeta: "So even Kakarot has managed to break through the wall...The Super Saiyan wall."


Vegeta: "As expected, even higher than the power Gohan had back then."

Gohan Vs Dabra:

Goku: "Dabra's a lot stronger than we thought, ain't he?"
Vegeta: "Hmph! That still doesn't make him unbeatable! This is pathetic! He was stronger when he was a kid!"
Goku: "What are we gonna do with him? Gohan really has been skipping out on his training, huh?!"

Vegeta: "Damn it, this is irritating! All right, I'm going to put an end to this!"
Goku: "No you don't, Vegeta! Let him do this! It ain't like he's outright losing or anything!"

After Boo has awakened:

*Gohan and Kaioshin*

Kaioshin: "It's no use anymore! We can't escape!"
Gohan: "Are you sure about that? His Ki is definitely amazing, but not to a point where we're utterly hopeless.
Kaioshin: "I-Is that true, Gohan-san?!"
Gohan: "Yes! If I can just put forward all of my force..."

*Goku and Vegeta*

Goku: "An enormous Ki has appeared! He's emerged after all! Majin Boo!"

Vegeta: "That's Majin Boo, huh? Here I was wondering what kind of amazing brute he was, and then he turns out to only be this strong? I figured as much. Listen, Kakarot! We've become amazingly strong. Extraordinarily strong! Were you even once impressed by that Kaioshin, who was supposed to be this amazing guy? Instead, Kaioshin has been the one who was surprised by our power, right? In other words, I'm saying that while Kaioshin may see Majin Boo as a fearsome enemy, he's not that impressive to us."

Goku: "N-No, that ain't it. There's something different than usual about this Ki!"

Dabra: "I don't know why, but it appears his revival was unsuccessful. He finally showed up, yet he's nothing but a mindless, powerless, half-witted punk?"

*Boo power-up*

Gohan: "It rose! Majin Boo's Ki rose explosively! H-He's strong! He's too strong! Such unbelievable strength!"

*Goku and Vegeta*

Goku: "It transformed into an extraordinary Ki there! This Majin Boo ain't no ordinary guy after all!"

*Goten and Trunks*

Trunks: "J-Just now, for just a moment, we felt an amazing Ki, right?"

*Goku and Vegeta*

Goku: "If we all work together, I'm sure we can beat Majin Boo!"

Vegeta Vs Majin Boo

*After Boo gets angry*

Krillin: "Hey, that monstrous freak just made his Ki even larger! What kind of guy is this?"

*Vegeta dominating Majin Boo*

Piccolo: "He--Vegeta surpassed Super Saiyan too! Incredible power...As great as when Gohan fought against Cell--no, even greater! H-However, Gohan was killed by Majin Boo! *We don't know where Goku is, but if Vegeta as he is now isn't enough, then there isn't anybody on Earth who can stand against Majin Boo!"

*Anime only line, but it was apart of the same statement*

*After Boo's Angry Explosion*

Vegeta: "H-How can this be?! You're strong, and to top it off, you're immortal...It's ridiculous!"

*Mighty Mask Vs #18*

#18: "That strange long-torsoed creep...he's no slouch! Those short arms have greater punching power than I would have thought."
Trunks: "Stay sharp, Goten. They say Kuririn-san's wife used to be stronger than our dads a long time ago."

*Super Saiyan Kids*

Trunks: "Any way we look at it, this outfit is working against us. We have to finish this with a Ki blast."
Goten: "B-But, will she be all right?"
Trunks: "Relax! If we control it right, she won't die. It's #18, after all!"

Gotenks: "Trunks, you can't hit her full blast!"
Trunks: "I know!"

#18: "Y-You've got to be kidding! That energy blast had staggering speed and destructive power! Those kids, they must have unheard of power! This is bad! I have to finish this fight now!"

I'll probably do more sometime later. This is all for now.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
Evil Vegeta said:
All right. Here's a lot of Boo saga stuff from Kai.

*Base Saiyans*

Dabra: "In total, they're...seven little lambs. Even if we can't make use of Kaioshin and Kibito's energy, three of them appear to have wonderful energy, perfect for Majin Boo's revival."

*After filling Boo's meter*

Dabra: "I think with the energy being collected from those three in stage 1, there will be nearly enough to fill it up to the top. If all goes well, Majin Boo can be revived within the day."

*Vegeta Vs Pui-Pui*

Kaioshin: "We must not make light of the enemy! Bobbidi only takes the strongest warriors from the corners of the universe and allies them to himself!"

*Planet Zun*

Pui-Pui: "You fool! This is as far as you go! This is Planet Zun! I was raised on this planet! The gravity here is ten times that of Earth! You guys can't endure this!"

Vegeta: "What about it? Ten times the gravity doesn't make any difference to me."

*After Vegeta destroys Pui-Pui*

Kaioshin: "I-It can't be...! I never expected they were so...!"

Bobbidi: "W-What are guys with that kind of power doing on Earth?"
Dabra: "Indeed. 300 years ago, when we investigated here, there wasn't anybody like this."


Dabra: "I see. However, with Yakon as their opponent, they will all be defeated at once, and there will be nothing left for me to enjoy."

Kaioshin: "Could this be Y-Yakon...Maju Yakon?
Gohan: "Maju Yakon?"
Kaioshin: "Yes. He's incredibly strong, one of the fearsome beasts of the universe! Alone, Goku-san couldn't possibly...

Gohan: "He's enormous, but he's still fast!"
Kaioshin: "Then like I said earlier! Let us all fight him!"
Gohan: "Ah, no. I think Dad'll be fine on his own."

Goku: "What a surprise! You can stretch those sickle-like claws out?"

Dabra: "Bobbidi-sama, even without sending them to Planet Darkness, Yakon is more than strong enough to emerge victorious.
Bobbidi: "I suppose. However, if they fight inside the spaceship, and supply any strong shock to it, Majin Boo might emerge without his full strength. If he's going to be revived, we want him at his original strength, don't we?"


*About needing to defeat Dabra to turn Piccolo and Krillin back to normal*

Goku: "What now, that's pretty easy, ain't it?"

Vegeta: "Hmph, at this rate, how do we know that Majin Boo is all that great anyway? Just like that piece of scum Dabra."

Kaioshin: "Dabra isn't all that great? What do you mean?"

Vegeta: "I'm saying that Dabra doesn't seem to be the fearsome monster you guys make him out to be. Based on what we saw of his attacks outside earlier, as long as we're careful of his saliva, we could have taken him. There's no way to explain Kibito being beaten, except that he bungled it."

Kaioshin: "I-Is this true, Goku-san?"

Goku: "Mm-hmm. Well, even assuming that wasn't his full power, a little while ago, we would've thought of him as a terrifying foe. Seven years ago, there was this guy named Cell. He was probably about as strong as him."

Bobbidi: "D-Dabra! If you're beaten, then it's all over! You're sure you have of chance at winning?"

Dabra: "Chance of winning? I am Dabra, King of the Demon Realm! *Come three thousand kili, come four thousand kili, there is not a man in all the world with greater power than I!"

*Anime only line that was apart of the same statement*

*Gohan in general*

Kaioshin: "I-I can't believe it. Is this Super Saiyan thing really that strong? Come to think of it, it was considerably difficult to contan Gohan-san's movement when he had turned into a Super Saiyan. What if even that wasn't their full power?"

Goku: "I'm looking forward to seeing how strong you've become. Gohan, have you been training regularly while I've been gone?"

Vegeta: "Unfortunately, it seems he's used peacetime as an excuse to slack off on his training. Nowadays, we're the ones with the highest powers. Though actually, we never know what might happen if he goes into a fit of rage, do we?"

Saiyans in general:

Kaioshin: "No wonder these three are some composed! If it comes to it, they can release incredible power, like Son Goku-san momentarily displayed before. T-The truth is so utterly hard to believe. To think that a Kaioshin could be flustered by people from the lower realm..."

*Super Saiyan Goku*

Bobbidi: "How does an Earthling have an energy of three thousand kili?!"

Dabra: "Three thousand kili? *With only two or three hundred kili, one could easily destroy a planet or two. Most peculiar. There is no reason people like this should exist on Earth."

Bobbidi: Maybe the meter is malfunctioning? However, supposing it really is three thousand kili, Yakon can't win against him! Yakon's energy is only eight hundred kili, after all!"

*Anime only line, but it was all apart of the same statement*

*Super Saiyan 2 Goku*

Gohan: "That was awesome, father. Your Ki was enormous when you defeated that monster!"
Vegeta: "So even Kakarot has managed to break through the wall...The Super Saiyan wall."


Vegeta: "As expected, even higher than the power Gohan had back then."

Gohan Vs Dabra:

Goku: "Dabra's a lot stronger than we thought, ain't he?"
Vegeta: "Hmph! That still doesn't make him unbeatable! This is pathetic! He was stronger when he was a kid!"
Goku: "What are we gonna do with him? Gohan really has been skipping out on his training, huh?!"

Vegeta: "Damn it, this is irritating! All right, I'm going to put an end to this!"
Goku: "No you don't, Vegeta! Let him do this! It ain't like he's outright losing or anything!"

After Boo has awakened:

*Gohan and Kaioshin*

Kaioshin: "It's no use anymore! We can't escape!"
Gohan: "Are you sure about that? His Ki is definitely amazing, but not to a point where we're utterly hopeless.
Kaioshin: "I-Is that true, Gohan-san?!"
Gohan: "Yes! If I can just put forward all of my force..."

*Goku and Vegeta*

Goku: "An enormous Ki has appeared! He's emerged after all! Majin Boo!"

Vegeta: "That's Majin Boo, huh? Here I was wondering what kind of amazing brute he was, and then he turns out to only be this strong? I figured as much. Listen, Kakarot! We've become amazingly strong. Extraordinarily strong! Were you even once impressed by that Kaioshin, who was supposed to be this amazing guy? Instead, Kaioshin has been the one who was surprised by our power, right? In other words, I'm saying that while Kaioshin may see Majin Boo as a fearsome enemy, he's not that impressive to us."

Goku: "N-No, that ain't it. There's something different than usual about this Ki!"

Dabra: "I don't know why, but it appears his revival was unsuccessful. He finally showed up, yet he's nothing but a mindless, powerless, half-witted punk?"

*Boo power-up*

Gohan: "It rose! Majin Boo's Ki rose explosively! H-He's strong! He's too strong! Such unbelievable strength!"

*Goku and Vegeta*

Goku: "It transformed into an extraordinary Ki there! This Majin Boo ain't no ordinary guy after all!"

*Goten and Trunks*

Trunks: "J-Just now, for just a moment, we felt an amazing Ki, right?"

*Goku and Vegeta*

Goku: "If we all work together, I'm sure we can beat Majin Boo!"

Vegeta Vs Majin Boo

*After Boo gets angry*

Krillin: "Hey, that monstrous freak just made his Ki even larger! What kind of guy is this?"

*Vegeta dominating Majin Boo*

Piccolo: "He--Vegeta surpassed Super Saiyan too! Incredible power...As great as when Gohan fought against Cell--no, even greater! H-However, Gohan was killed by Majin Boo! *We don't know where Goku is, but if Vegeta as he is now isn't enough, then there isn't anybody on Earth who can stand against Majin Boo!"

*Anime only line, but it was apart of the same statement*

*After Boo's Angry Explosion*

Vegeta: "H-How can this be?! You're strong, and to top it off, you're immortal...It's ridiculous!"

*Mighty Mask Vs #18*

#18: "That strange long-torsoed creep...he's no slouch! Those short arms have greater punching power than I would have thought."
Trunks: "Stay sharp, Goten. They say Kuririn-san's wife used to be stronger than our dads a long time ago."

*Super Saiyan Kids*

Trunks: "Any way we look at it, this outfit is working against us. We have to finish this with a Ki blast."
Goten: "B-But, will she be all right?"
Trunks: "Relax! If we control it right, she won't die. It's #18, after all!"

Gotenks: "Trunks, you can't hit her full blast!"
Trunks: "I know!"

#18: "Y-You've got to be kidding! That energy blast had staggering speed and destructive power! Those kids, they must have unheard of power! This is bad! I have to finish this fight now!"

I'll probably do more sometime later. This is all for now.

So we're doing Kai? Cool!


Retired Staff
Sep 10, 2016
I have all of Kai on Blu-ray with the Simmons subs. Maybe I'll get to it after work.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Is it Steve Simmons, Evil Vegeta?

Let's do Z ppl. The level of accuracy is bigger. Evil Vegeta, help me complete the Raditz Saga.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Evil Vegeta said:
Yeah, it's Simmons.
Cool. Which part of the Raditz saga?

Episode 4. Right after Raditz revealing there are two Saiyans above him in power. Here are the episodes online:

^It's Simmons too

Don't forget to put the manga chapter related to the episode, like "Chapter 199", in order to be easier to find. Put the chapter rather than the episode.

How'd you get Steve Simmons Kai?

Evil Vegeta

High Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
So are we doing Kai or Z? I don't want to keep switching between versions.


Super Elite
Sep 4, 2015
Evil Vegeta said:
So are we doing Kai or Z? I don't want to keep switching between versions.

I'd say Z. I think we'd have better fruits and the level of fidelity towards the original is bigger. Besides, you can find online into the link I posted. I am doing Z.


Retired Staff
Sep 10, 2016
Why don't we just do both and see how they compare?


Oct 10, 2015
We are doing Kai, ahill if you want to do Z, you don't have to participate here. You can start your own thread for a Z translation, but over here, we are doing Kai.