Z JP Anime Translation Discussion


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Let's do both. I can help with Z


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Ahill, start a new thread titled Z Anime Translations or something, let's start fresh. That way both you and I can edit the OP and we won't have the mess within here.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014

Things are a bit messy right now but here's the official thread for the translations. We'll use this one to work on shit and discuss.


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
Fearless said:
Edit: The chapters are from 1st to 10th chapter of DBZ so logically I'm not following from pre DB chapters like post 194.
Can you explain this? Why not just take the quote from Herms but replace it with the anime line?

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
That's right boys said:
Fearless said:
Edit: The chapters are from 1st to 10th chapter of DBZ so logically I'm not following from pre DB chapters like post 194.
Can you explain this? Why not just take the quote from Herms but replace it with the anime line?

Uh... I didn't thought that... but ok... :kenshi


Zeta Elite
Staff member
Oct 12, 2014
No I was just asking about how you derived your form.

Evil Vegeta

High Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
*Majin Boo and Gohan's power after Kibito finds and heals Kaioshin*

Kaioshin: "Kibito, can you feel that? Majin Boo's enormous power energy?

Kibito: "Yes, of course! I'm filled with despair. There will no longer be any rest for any living thing throughout the universe. The situation that we feared the most came true."

Kaioshin: "We're not hopeless yet. I've come to see a faint light."

Kibito: "Don't tell me this is somehow related to Son Gohan!"

Kaioshin: "That's right. His power, already beyond imagination, can become something even more fantastic, perhaps surpassing Majin Boo!"

Kibito: "W-What's that?! Impossible, how can that be?"

Kaioshin: "You didn't see how incredible those three Saiyans were, so you probably can't imagine it."

*Piccolo telling Goku about Majin Boo on Kami's lookout*

Piccolo: "As Kaioshin-sama feared, Majin Boo's strength is beyond our imaginations. If we leave him alone like this, then there's no doubt: Never mind Earthlings--every living being in the universe will be wiped out."

Goku: "I can't beat Majin Boo. There wasn't much of a difference in power between Vegeta and me. Vegeta gave all he had, yet Majin Boo is still perfectly fine, right? Sorry, but no matter what I do, I can't win."


Goku: "Damn! If either Gohan or Vegeta survived, there might still be something we could do..."

Piccolo: "No, no matter how many of us gang up, it probably would do no good. Majin Boo is beyond that."

Goku: "Naw, that ain't it. We could use Fusion."

Dende: "I've never seen it, but when I was on Planet Namek, I heard about it. It's the Metamorans' special technique, they said."

Goku: "That's it! I had one of the Metamorans I met in the afterlife teach it to me. It's a merging technique that can be used only if the powers and body sizes of two people are pretty close. Basically, by having two people merge into one, they become a new individual, with awesome powers that neither one of them could have on their own!

Goku: "The Metamorans who taught me were both weak, gentle little guys, but once they used their Fusion, they transformed into quite a formidable warrior!"

Piccolo: *"I've got a good understanding of it. If either Vegeta or Gohan were alive, you could have done this Fusion, become some extraordinary warrior, and fought Majin Boo, right?!"

Goku: "Of course, it took me about a week to learn the technique."

Goku: "On top of that, I've been taught the technique, but I've never tried it. There ain't anyone matching me in the afterlife."

Popo: "Two sleeping inside, Goten and Trunks, power and size about identical. Can they do Fusion?"

Kuririn: "I-It's too much for them, right?"

Goku: "No...Nice work, Mr. Popo!" That's the way!" There is that way!"

Piccolo: "It will take quite a bit of time for Trunks and Gotenk to master this Fusion thing. During that time, a considerable number of people will be killed by Majin Boo. They might all even be exterminated. No, the whole Earth could possibly be destroyed. We'll have to risk it."


Kaioshin: "We're going to use the Z-Sword to defeat Majin Boo! Knowing Gohan-san, he's sure to be able to use that blade."

Kibito: "T-The Z-Sword?! A-Are you out of your right mind, Kaioshin-sama? There is no way any human would be able to use the Z-Sword! Not that legendary blade, which so many Kaioshin-sama before could do nothing with, let alone myself!"

Kaioshin: "Kibito, you were dead, so you don't know...about Gohan-san's unbelievable, amazing power."

Kaioshin: "As far as I know, there's never been anyone capable of pulling this blade out."

Gohan: "Um, Kaioshin-sama, what happens if I pull out this, er, Z-Sword?

Kibito: "It is said that you will obtain tremendous power. Yes, maybe even enough power to exceed Majin Boo."

Gohan: "Does that mean it's really sharp? Sounds a bit scary..."

Kibito: "Don't you worry. You won't be able to draw it out."

*Super Saiyan Gohan*

Kibito: "Trying as a Super Saiyan? Well, I think you'll have the same results."

Kibito: "How can a human extract something as many Kaioshin have challened and found unable to pull out?"

*After removing the Z-Sword*

Gohan: "It's remarkably heavy. B-But right now, I don't feel like I gained any incredible power."

Kaioshin: "Is that so?"

Gohan: "I wonder if I can really use this to defeat Majin Boo."

Kibito: "W-What are you saying?! The Z-Sword is the mightiest blade, passed down in legends in this holy legion! It can surely defeat Majin Boo! Of course that might be impossible if its bearer wields it so unsteadily. Until you are freely able to handle that blade, you cannot very well challenge anyone to battle."

*Goku teaching the kids Fusion*

Goku: "Now listen. Even if your Fusion succeeds and you join together, you can only stay that way for thirty minutes. After thirty minutes, you return to normal. Once you return to normal, you won't be able to fuse for a while."

Piccolo: "Only thirty minutes? That's pretty tough."

Goku: "Knowing these two, if they can just do the Fusion, I'm sure they'll beat him in thirty minutes. Fusion is just that fierce."

*Goku getting the kids to match their powers at full-power*

Goku: "All right. Now raise your Ki to their upper limits! Full-blast, now."

Trunks: "Okay, let's surprise them, Goten!"

Picccolo: *"When did they get this strong?"

Goku: "All right, that's your full power, right? Trunks, your Ki is just a little bit larger. For you to do Fusion, you have to completely match your Ki together. Trunks, hold your Ki down just a little bit and make it the same as Goten's."

*Goku Vs Majin Boo*

Goku: "Vegeta and I didn't take you seriously enough. How could we have known Majin Boo would be this awesome?"

Goku: "Listen here, those three are gonna show themselves in the near future. I promise. So just wait until then! Stop the unnecessary destruction and picking on the weak!"

Bobbidi: "Why should we wait? Are they planning something?"

Goku: "Yeah. They're in special training to defeat you."

Bobbidi: "They could train for a thousand years and nothing would come of it!"

*Super Saiyan 2 Goku*

Trunks: "I-It can't be. Uncle's just as strong as dad. Awesome!"

Bobbidi: "Useless! Useless! Vegeta did that, and he still got killed!"

*Super Saiyan 3 Goku*

Piccolo: "I-Incredible! His Ki is swelling up more and more!"

Gohan: "T-This Ki...Don't tell me this is Dad's, on Earth! No, it isn't.."

Kaioshin: "Y-Yes, it is! It's Son Goku-san. It's an extraordinary energy, but I'm certain of it!"

Kibito: "M-Most unbelievable! For any power to reach this sacred region from Earth...!"

Majin Boo: "You might have made a scary face, but I'm not at all scared!"

Bobbidi: "T-That's right, you fool! What about this Super-whatever-3? You're just trying to look tough!
Majin Boo! Give it to him right now!"
Goku: “You lousy rat. Looks like you can learn an opponent’s techniques just by fighting them for a bit.”
*After Goku reverts*
Goku: “The three who you’re looking for—Piccolo, Trunks, and Goten—are guaranteed to appear in three—no, two days!”
Boo: “Are they strong?”
Goku: “Of course they are.”
*Back on Kami’s lookout*
Piccolo: “Damn! If that rat felt like it, he could wipe out the whole Earth in an instant, everything here included!”
Goku: “It’s fine. He ain’t gonna destroy the whole Earth at once, I don’t think. When I told Boo that in two days, someone even stronger than me was gonna fight him, he seemed happy.”

*Talking about Super Saiyan 3*
Goku: “That Super Saiyan 3 thing I did earlier? It’s a technique I can only use in the afterlife. Here in this world, where you have time, it uses up too much energy, and all at once, it gets me tired out.”

*Piccolo asking Goku if he could’ve won*

Piccolo: “With that Super Saiyan 3—if you had gone all-out, you could have defeated Boo, couldn’t you have? How about it? Am I wrong?

Goku: “Eh. I don’t know. Majin Boo’s strength is just unreal. I don’t think I could’ve beaten him.”

Piccolo: “Probably? But this was you—why didn’t you try holding out until the end? Does it have something to do with that energy thing?”

Goku: “No. I’m a person who even really supposed to be here. I shouldn’t be the one to do it. This is a thing that the living out to do something to solve. Even if I were to beat him, some other outrageous guy’s gonna appear at some time, right? It’s a dangerous risk to take. But looking at those two ultra-prodigy squirts, I decided to try taking that risk.”

Piccolo: “You’re betting the future of Earth on Goten and Trunks?”

Goku: “Yeah. Doing it this way is more promising.”

*Goku talking to Chi-Chi about Fusion*

Goku: “Don’t worry. If they can master this technique they’re doing, there ain’t no way they’ll lose!”

*Post Z-Sword training*

Gohan: “B-But thanks to it, my arms strength has risen considerably. That Z-Sword was incredibly heavy, after all. See? Perhaps it meant that if you came to be able to use that sword, you would have the greatest power in the world, maybe.”

Kaioshin: “T-That’s it! If you’ve gained that much power in your regular state, once you turn Super Saiyan, you should experience a considerable power-up! That’s it! That’s the legendary greatest power in the world!”

Goku: “But is that power greater than Majin Boo’s? Because I dunno…”

*Old Kaioshin’s special ability*

Old Kaioshin: Long, long ago, you know, there was this really strong, you know, bad guy, you know. Well, not so bad as this Majin Boo now. So this guy, you know, sealed me up inside that sword, here. I’m sure, you know, he was all nervous by how fearsome I am, you know, so he did it. Mm-hmm.”

Old Kaioshin: “I, you know, can take anyone who’s good at what they do, you know, and with my mental power, you know, draw out their hidden power wa-ay wa-ay past their limits, here. Ever heard of such an incredible ability?”

Goku: “Hey, that’s actually a pretty common ability, ain’t it?”

Old Kaioshin: “What are you talking about?! Past their limits, you know, past their limits! There’s nobody else like that!”

Old Kaioshin: “Hey, you’re the one that pulled that sword out, aren’t you? Go stand over there.”

Gohan: “Right.”

Old Kaioshin: “If anyone was able to pull that sword out and be able to swing it around, you know, once I set him up, you know, he’s sure to be the strongest in the universe. However, you know, I had thought that whoever pulled out that sword, you know, and let me out, you know, would have been a Kaioshin. Who would have thought that I’d be saved by an Earthling? What is this world coming to?”

*Base Gotenks forms for the first time*

Roshi: “W-What a storm of Ki! T-They did it! They’ve succeeded!”

Piccolo: “Now, in another thirty minutes, we’ll finally have you achieve this as Super Saiyans.”

Gotenks: “Aren’t you underrating me? I’m enough to defeat Majin Boo just as I am!”

Piccolo: “Y-You moron! What are you talking about?! You don’t know anything about how frightful Majin Boo is! No matter how incredible you think you are, it’s hopeless at that level! There is absolutely no way you can prevail against Majin Boo!”

Gotenks: “Don’t think that lightly of me! Okay, fine! I’ll bring you Majin Boo’s corpse right now!”

*After Gotenks loses to Boo*

Gotenks: “I got beaten up all over!”

Piccolo: “Listen up, your fight with Majin Boo comes one more day from now! Until then, you’ll train as hard as you can! Once you’ve gotten even a little bit stronger, your Fusion will be more effective!”

*Super Saiyan Gotenks forms for the first time*

Kuririn: “They did it! It’s a complete success!”

Piccolo: “Your Ki is certainly incredible, but what about your movements? Show me a bit of what you got.”

Gotenks: “Are you sure? You really want me to do it here? I can’t guarantee that the buildings here won’t get all broken up! I’ll do it down on the ground!”

Kuririn: “It’s no good! He’s just as cocky as before!”

*After displaying his speed*

Gotenks: “You’re so slow! What took you so long? I went around the Earth many times over, and even took a short nap! My speed alone should tell you everything. See what wildly incredible power I have?”

Piccolo: “You sure do. However…”

Gotenks: “Which means our test is over! I’ll go finish off that annoying Majin Boo then!”

Piccolo: “Hey! You fool! What a brat! You can only stay merged for another minute, you moron!”

*Pure Evil Boo and Mr. Boo*

Narrator: “Due to Majin Boo’s intense anger, the evil inside him swelled up and sprung out as another Majin Boo! In other words, he’s been divided into a purely evil Majin Boo, and a naïve Majin Boo.”
Piccolo: “We’re in trouble! There’s no chance the original Majin Boo can win! When they split in two, the evil Boo took most of their power with him!”

*Super Boo*

Kuririn: “Hey, Piccolo, what was that just now?”

Piccolo: “Majin Boo has transformed! Thanks to a foolish Earthling, he became pure evil, and now his body is more suited to fighting. T-This..This means…!”

Kuririn: “W-What, Piccolo? Don’t tell me this means more trouble! I-It’s all right! Trunks and Goten still have their Fusion! Goku said Fusion was the strongest there is, didn’t he?”

Piccolo: “Hopefully he was right.”

*After everyone sensed Super Boo on the Kaioshin world*

Goku: “This Ki’s gotta be Majin Boo’s! Just what’s going on?!”

*Super Boo on the lookout*

Piccolo: “This Majin Boo can sense our Ki!”

Kuririn: “H-He can sense our Ki after all. We’re done for!”

* Piccolo talking about Gotenks chances against Super Boo*

Piccolo: “Go wake up Trunks and Goten right now and take them to the Room of Spirit and Time. They’ll train in there. In that place, they can do a lot of training in a short time.”

Kuririn: “Huh? Why don’t you want them to fight right away?”

Piccolo: “Can’t you feel his enormous power? In his state, there’s no way that the little squirts could beat him, even with Fusion. Tell those half-pints if they don’t want to die while they’re still little scamps, they better train for all they’re worth in there.”

*Gohan getting annoyed that the ritual is taking long*

Gohan: “A-Aren’t you done yet? It’s well past time we should be finished, isn’t it?”

Kaioshin: “Well, the fact that we aren’t done yet means that you must have incredible dormant capacities!”

Gohan: “Would you please cut this out?!”

*Gohan briefly tapping into his power*

Gohan: “W-What was that? What was that power that seemed to just boil up? W-Was that me?”

Goku: “That couldn’t be! Just how much power does Gohan have hidden away?!”

*Goten and Trunks seeing Super Boo for the first time*

Trunks: “That’s Majin Boo?!”

Goten: “He really has changed, huh?”

Piccolo: “And not just his shape, either. Everything about him is greater than before.”

*Goten and Trunks after reaching a new level in Fusion*

Trunks: “Say, we did it, huh?”

Goten: “Awesome! Who knew there was anything above Super Saiyan?”

Trunks: “We can win for sure like this! Everyone will be completely stunned!”

Goten: “But it sure does wear you out! It feels like we’re using up all our power at once!”

Trunks: “And this as time as its shortcoming. Look…We can only be like that for around five minutes. Then even the Fusion breaks up and we return to normal.”

Goten: “If that’s so, it’s no problem! We’ll just become like we did just now, and given five minutes, we can beat him for sure!”

Trunks: “Dummy! That won’t be very exciting! We’ve trained for a whole week! The way I’m thinking, I figure that even in our regular Fusion state, we’ve improved to about the same level as Majin Boo. Now listen! Let’s make them think that by having the same amount of power, the fight will be drawn out. Everyone will get anxious. After all, we can only hold Fusion for thirty minutes. But then, with five minutes to go, we become Ultra Super Saiyan like we just did, and put him away in a flash!”

*They merge into Base Gotenks*

Piccolo: “He certainly is different! He certainly is greatly powered-up! Can this possibly mean…?

*They transform into Super Saiyan*

Piccolo: “You can turn Super Saiyan even while you’re in Fusion!?”

*Goku talking about being unable to sense Boo and the Fusion*

Goku: “Kaioshin-sama, have you noticed it? How Majin Boo’s Ki has disappeared in the last little while?”

Kaioshin: “Now that you mention it…!”

Kibito: “What does it mean? Is he dead!?”

Goku: “I don’t know. I can’t feel the Fusion Ki from the little guys either. They ain’t seemed to have fought…I wonder why their Ki has just up and vanished.”

*After Gotenks blows Boo into bits with the Ghost Kamikaze Attack*

Piccolo: “You did well! You really have done well! To be honest, I didn’t think you could do as much as all this.”

*After Boo regenerates*

Piccolo: “We should have used our Ki to entirely obliterate him, not just burn him up!”

*After Boo opens a hole through the dimension*

Piccolo: “That’s it! With the fantastic power of his Ki, Majin Boo has opened up a hole in the wall between dimensions…! This is bad! He can escape!”

*Gotenks transforms into Super Saiyan 3*
Piccolo: “H-How did y-you do that!?”

Gotenks: “I don’t know how I do it! You’re shocked, huh? Still, I’m extremely strong!”

*Gotenks Vs Super Boo*

Boo: “Did you change a little bit?”

Gotenks: “Fool! I haven’t just changed a little bit! I’ve gotten incredibly, incredibly, incredibly stronger!”

*Kaioshin world*

Kaioshin: “Such an incredible Ki! Is that from the Fusion?”

Goku: “Yeah! That’s Fusion for sure! And what’s more, he’s Super Saiyan 3!”
Kaioshin: “Super Saiyan 3?”

Goku: “Unbelievable! Those little turds! It took me many years until I was finally able to reach Super Saiyan 3, and they had no trouble with it! Awesome! That’s so awesome!”

*After Gotenks hits Boo with Shine Shine Missiles*

Gotenks: “He hasn’t been weakened at all! This is pissing me off!”

Piccolo: “N-No, he is weaker! I don’t know about his physical strength, but mentally, he’s beginning to weaken! This is a first for him—fighting with someone as strong as you are. At the very least, fighting with someone of equal strength has him thrown off.”

Gotenks: “In other words, Majin Boo is flustered, right? I guess that would be true! My strength leaves nothing to be desired, after all! You could say I’m the strongest in the universe!”

Piccolo: “Don’t let your guard down, Gotenks! If you get too over-confident, you’ll be hurting later! He’s going to start coming at you like his life depends on it now!”

Gotenks: “I don’t mind, I don’t mind! I hope he does!”

*As Gotenks starts to demolish Boo*

Goku: “Awesome! Awesome! Gohan won’t get a turn like this!”

Gotenks: “Now to finish you! I’ll blow you to pieces, then into little chunks, then to shreds, then to bits! This time, you won’t be able to return to normal! Once I blow you apart, I’m going to completely wipe you out with my Ki, you see?”

*The ritual is finished*

Gohan: “How do I become the mightiest of warriors, with strength beyond my limits?”

Old Kaioshin: “Ah, well you transform into that Super-whatever-you-call-it often enough. That’s the gist of it. You just have to get yourself fired up.”

Gohan: “This gist of becoming Super Saiyan, right? Understood!”

*Gohan changes to Ultimate Gohan*

Gohan: “I-Incredible…This is incredible, father!”

Goku: “Y-You’re right! It really is incredible! Amazingly so!”

Kibito: “Magnificent! Gohan-san has certainly surpassed his limits.”

Goku: “It’s unbelievable! Absolutely! By looking at you, you haven’t changed all that much! You ain’t even Super Saiyan, yet you’ve come to this extreme!?”

Old Kaioshin: “Hmph. It’s not as though he has to transform. That Super-whatever-thing is depraved!”

*As Gohan gets close to the battlefield*

Piccolo: “W-What Ki is this!? Who is it!? T-They’re strong! This is a fantastic Ki! I-I don’t know it! Who can it be!? Is it a new enemy? Or is it instead…? I-It’s Goku!!”

Goten: No, it isn’t! It’s Big Brother! Big Brother!

Piccolo: “I-Is that Gohan? No. There’s something different! The look on his face is a little different, and he has a different sort of Ki than before, too. His meekness has disappeared. That’s why I couldn’t tell it was him.”

Boo: “Hey, don’t tell me you intend to fight me!”

Gohan: “No. I intend to kill you!”

Boo: “I remember! You’re the guy I blew away earlier.”

Piccolo: “I-It’s hopeless! Judging from his Ki, Gohan has powered-up, but no matter how much, there’s no way he can win by fighting him head-on!”

Goten: “It’s too dangerous! We have to use Fusion and fight together with him!”

*Gohan easily pummels Super Boo*

Piccolo: “Unbelievable! What the hell has happened to him? It’s hard to believe he’s the same Gohan! And he’s not even a Super Saiyan, but that power…!”

Boo: “So, that was you after all?”

Gohan: “What? What do you mean?

Boo: “I knew it! Ever since I was fighting those runts! Far, far, in a very faraway place, I felt a strong power. I will not stand for any power stronger than mine!”

Gohan: “So that’s it. You were testing me, just to make sure, that I was really greater than you…That’s too bad, huh, Majin Boo?”

Boo: “I won’t stand for you!! I’ll kill you!!”

Gohan: “Kill me, you say? You must know better than anyone else that such a thing is impossible.”

*After Boo’s explosion*

Trunks: “Even if he is really alive, there’s no problem! That jerk was powerless to stop Gohan-san! He’s as strong as we were as Super Gotenks!”

Goten: “Even stronger!”

Trunks: “Really? Yeah, just a little.”

Damn, that's a lot.

Let's Go Fearless!

Zeta Elite
May 31, 2015
According to the anime, Nappa said these words

But it was Vegeta who said those words in the manga.
:bitch :ladd

Evil Vegeta

High Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
Yeah, some stuff be switched. In the anime, Piccolo was the one who said Pure Evil Boo and Mr. Boo split in power, with the majority going to the Evil Boo. The Narrator was the one who detailed it all in the manga.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
Piccolo's line about post-RoSaT Base Gotenks doesn't seem nearly as concrete as what he says in the manga. I like that.


High Class Warrior
May 30, 2015
Pyro said:
But is it really fair to compare the anime translation with Herms' translation? The anime is a totally different medium, and while it might have to take from the same source material, things are different in the way they play out, and of course there's filler added which can change things as well.

Herms gave the anime translation a 9/10 as opposed to VIZ which got a 7/10.


Staff member
Nov 10, 2014
I know that. Disregard my post, mate. I'm a beta cuck.

Evil Vegeta

High Class Warrior
Jun 3, 2015
*Super Boo plotting to absorb Gotenks and Piccolo*

Boo: "If I can just add those pipsqueaks' power and that Piccolo guy's brains..."

*Gotenks Boo*

Boo: "This is that moment which will never come again, no matter the future. The birth of the mightiest Majin!"

Gohan: "How could you pull those two into yourself!"

Boo: "It's your fault! You're the one who was stronger than me, who should have been the absolute strongest! From the time I could feel your existence so far away, I began this strategy. Perhaps there was someone even stronger than I. And so I thought if I were to absorb the Super Gotenks or whoever the runts were I was fighting with at the time into myself, then no matter what fellow might show my, my throne as the mightiest of all would not be shaken."

Gohan: "So that was it, was it? However, for you to be standing there babbling on like that, your slow-wittedness doesn't seem to have changed at all. As long as you were out absorbing people, wanting to make yourself first-rate material, it would have been a lot easier to have just absorbed me!"

Boo: "You don't seem to understand at all, do you? Without an opponent, what am I to do once I become the strongest?"

Gohan: "What?"

Boo: "The previous Majin Boo said he was definitely going to blow you away, right? That is my greatest goal."

Gohan: "I see, so that's it. You've convinced me."

Boo: "You'll have to allow me to hurry through this fight. Apparently this Super Gotenks that I've absorbed has quite a short transformation time limit about him."

Gohan: "That's a fairly level-headed determination, coming from you. Looks like you were right to absorb Piccolo-san as well."

*As Goku prepares to go to Earth*

Goku: "Well, I'm off!"

Old Kaioshin: "Just a second, Son Goku! Going off is fine and all, but once you go, how do you intend to beat Majin Boo? I hate to say it, but I don't think that the two of you could beat Majin Boo now."

Goku: "Um...Ah, yeah! Fusion! Me and Gohan will do Fusion! Then we'll win for sure!"

Old Kaioshin: "Fusion...Mm, that thing those little guys were doing? I doubt that Majin Boo would just wait around while you guys go through the nuisance of posing through that Fusion business."

Goku: "T-Then what should we do!? Grand Kaioshin-sama, it was you who told me to go give it to him!"


Old Kaioshin: "Just by doing that, you two can combine together, like you were in Fusion."

Goku: "Really!?"

Old Kaioshin: "Of course! And the effect is even greater than Fusion! These are the treasures we Kaioshin kept up our sleeves since long ago, you know!"

Kaioshin: "I-I did not know..."

Old Kaioshin: "There really is no helping the folks nowadays. That's why you've gotten so weak, for a Kaioshin."


KibitoKai: "I-Incredible! This is incredible power! Goku-san, I can fight too like this! Let us go to Earth together!"

Old Kaioshin: "Don't get carried away! No matter how strong you may have become, you're still nothing special, at best! You're bound to be absorbed by Boo. You stay here."

*After Dende heals Gohan*

Boo: "Impossible! He's been restored to the way he used to be! Who is that runt!? The size of your Ki has no changed. It doesn't appear as if you have powered-up any. You've just slightly prolonged the time you will spend suffering!"

*Tien shows up*

Tien: "So, it was you, Gohan. You've gotten tougher, huh? Unbelievable. I didn't recognize you. I'm surprised at the change of Majin Boo, as well.

Boo: "So the annoying small fry has increased again? Nevertheless, small fry are, after all, still small fry!"

Tien: "D-Dammit! Our dimensions are too different! I won't be any help at all!"

*More Potara talk*

Goku: "Oh, yeah! Should I use these Potara things after I've turned Super Saiyan?"

Old Kaioshin: "No. Don't do anything. You don't have to. Once you've combined using the Potara, you're going to be like that a long time. That Super Saiyan thing is too hard on the body. You'd probably shorten your own lives. If you're going to become Super Saiyan, it's better to do it after you've combined. And even if you don't do so, the power from just the Potara should just be enough."

*Gotenks Boo talking to Goku*

Boo: "That's it. You're the guy that did those odd transformations. Now what? Have you come, planning to help? Ridiculous. Don't you understand that fundamentally, I am on a different dimension now than I was then?"

*Gotenks Boo knocks Tien out*

Boo: "That guy just now also appears to be quite an expert, but with one kick, that's how he ends up. An exceptional power-up item, you say? What nonsense! You're exaggerating! To be frank, no matter what you might do, there's absolutely no way you can even damage me!"

Goku: "You sure hurried to put your body back together, considering that, didn't you? You're not thinking something is going to happen, are you?"

*After Gohan fails to catch the Potara*

Boo: "What!? Combine with him? So that's it! Even if you do so, I think it'll be worthless, but just to make sure, let me intervene."

*Gotenks Boo reverts to Piccolo Boo*

Goku: "The half-pints have returned to normal from their Fusion! Piccolo is coming out strongest! You ran out of time! Too bad for you! Boo, your power has dropped quite a bit! That's a bit disappointing. With you like this now, Gohan can beat you without going to the trouble of combining with me!"

*Boo absorbs Gohan*

Boo: "This is great! I'm much more powered-up than before! But this time, there is no time limit!"

Goku: "T-That was dirty, Boo, absorbing everyone!"

Boo: "Winning is everything, just as it must be for you."

*Vegeta arriving on Earth*

Goku" That Ki...! It's a huge Ki! It couldn't be...!"

Baba: "This is as far as I bring you."

Vegeta: "Don't worry about it. It will just mean my getting killed by Majin Boo will come a little later."

Boo: "There's another person there with a large power! However, naturally, they're no match for me! Even if they were to combine together!"

Goku: "Vegeta, everyone was eaten by Buu! Including Kuririn, and Chichi...and Bulma too! Piccolo too, and Gohan, Goten, and even Trunks were absorbed by that guy! That's what Boo's sudden power-up is due to!"

*Vegetto beating down Gohan Boo*

Vegetto: "The important thing to grasp is strength and movement of Ki. You follow me with your eyes, which is why you can't keep up with my motions."

KibitoKai: "He's so strong! To think that Majin Boo is so helpless! I never thought the Potara union could be so incredible!"

Old Kaioshin: "What are you so carried away for, you moron? It's only because those two did it that it's gone so far. You've got two of the three greatest experts, from this World and the Next World combined, merged together, after all. Moreover, you've got two rivals teamed together. That's obviously going to be what's strongest!"

Boo: "Damn it all...! Damn it all! This..."

Vegetto: "Wasn't supposed to be like this? Look, don't get so depressed. I'm surprised at this myself. To think that I would be able to make this big a fool out of you!"

Vegetto: "Could you make me get serious about this before too much longer?"

Boo:"That was dirty of you...merging yourselves together!"

Vegetto: "That's a fine thing for you to say, when you're the one who kept merging together with all those others! Come on, come on, what's the matter? Just my legs are enough against the likes of you!"

*Candy Vegetto*

Vegetto: "My appearance may have been altered, but apparently my strength hasn't changed."

*After Boo absorbs Vegetto*

Old Kaioshin: "Don't you think it's a little strange?"

KibitoKai: "Strange?"

Old Kaioshin: "Up till now, every time Majin Boo has absorbed a warrior, he has powered-up, and his form has changed. But this time..."

KibitoKai: "H-He hasn't changed!"

*Inside of Boo after Vegeta crushes the Potara*

Vegeta: "Besides, there's no need to merge again, is there?"

Goku: "You don't know that! Even if we rescue everyone who has been absorbed successfully, there ain't no guarantee Boo will return to the way he was."

Vegeta: "In that case, we better hope we can find our people fast, and that everything goes right."

*After removing Boo's absorption's*

Goku: Boo's power must have dropped considerably after that. Just a little bit further now. There, see? The size of his Ki is completely different than it was before."

Vegeta: "All right. Now we blow this place away and get out."

Goku: "But hold on a second. No matter how much Boo may have returned to normal, even at that, he still has more strength than we can stand up to. If we go outside like this, we'll be beaten for sure!"

Vegeta: "In that case, what else would you have us do? Huh?

Goku: "This is because you're the one who broke your Potara."

Goku: "Even so, there's still one method by which we can win!"

Vegeta: "You want to suggest Fusion, right? I know what it is."

*When the mini Boo arrives inside*

Vegeta: "Damn, this could be bad!"

Goku: "This is why I told you to keep the Potara on, you know! Once we're outside, if we could only merge, this guy would be easy to beat!"

*After Goku's blast fails to do anything*

Boo: "All I felt was a little twinge in this area here. Have you forgotten? Right now, you're much, much smaller than even fleas!"

Goku: "In other words, after we defeat you, we'll have to find ourselves an exit?"

Boo: "That will be impossible as well, for you two as you are now."

*Vegeta threatening to remove Mr. Boo*

Vegeta: "What would happen if I rip this guy out? I wonder if it might be somewhat advantageous to us. I can't wait to see! Will you turn back into this fatso? Will you instead turn back into that skinny guy?

Boo: "D-Don't! Stop!"

Vegeta: "Either way, it would seem unmistakable that your power would drop from where it is now."

*Super Boo changing into Buff Boo*

Goku: "It couldn't be that his Ki is growing, could it? H-Hey...he's turning into something awfully tough, ain't he?"

Vegeta: "Look! He's intent on transforming again!"

KibitoKai: "And then, Kaioshin of the South, who was the most hardy and strong of us, was absorbed by Boo."

Old Kaioshin: "And there's how he became that huge Majin Boo from earlier, huh?"

KibitoKai: "Yes. I was the youngest, and most powerless, but somehow I was spared, and was only badly hurt."

*About Fat Boo*

KibitoKai: "The next one to be absorbed was the chubby, yet kind and gentle Grand Kaioshin-sama. The Majin Boo that Bibbidi created was the very essence of evil. It was a failed creation, that not even Bibbidi could handle, but by absorbing the Grand Kaioshin-sama, he became somehow or other able to control him."

*After reverting to Kid Boo*

KibitoKai: "H-He's turning back...!"

Vegeta: "Look! He's shrunk down quite a bit!"

Goku: "We did it, huh, Vegeta? We may be able to manage something like this!"

Old Kaioshin: "So then he finally became complete. Which then would mean...that little Majin Boo now is the very first, most difficult one, then?

KibitoKai: "Yes. His heart, which through absorption had allowed his power to even be reduced, has returned back to its original form. To an existence without any self-control, of evil itself."

*Kid Boo's Vanishing Ball*

Goku: "I-It's huge! He's kidding, right? Is he planning to launch that? We can't repel something like that!"

Gonna finish the Boo saga tomorrow.