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  1. Let's Go Fearless!

    Did Super Purposely Retcon Tarble

    So that Cabba can exist? I see a lot of similarities between them except that Cabba is not related to Vegeta but as a student-mentor relationship. I think they ignore Tarble's existence just for Cabba.
  2. Let's Go Fearless!

    Mecha Frieza

    Did you like the story of Frieza surviving the Planet Namek explosion and wasn't killed by Goku? I think he should've died in Namek IMO. What do you guys think?
  3. Let's Go Fearless!

    Best DBZ/S/GT Movie Posters

    This is the list boys! :boy DBZ M1: Deadzone DBZ M2: The World's Strongest DBZ M3: Tree of Might DBZ M4: Lord's Slug DBZ M5: Cooler's Revenge DBZ M6: Cooler's Return DBZ M7: Super Android 13 DBZ M8: The Legendary of Super Saiyan DBZ M9: Bojack Unbound DBZ M10: Broly's Second...
  4. Let's Go Fearless!

    Zeta Watch (Suggest Any) 2019

    It can be either anime, movies, TVs shows etc., what do you guys think?
  5. Let's Go Fearless!

    SSjin2 Kid Gohan Vs SSjin3 Goku

    This SSjin2 verison is similar to Trunks version when he fought SSjin3 Goku in Super. This is CG Gohan and Boo arc Goku.
  6. Let's Go Fearless!

    Did Super do a great job on bringing the old acts?

    Like Frieza and Broly? I'm not asking whether they should or shouldn't but did they handle them well?
  7. Let's Go Fearless!

    List of greatest feats ever in this franchise

    It can be anything like physical, Ki etc., from canon and non stuffs. :elmo
  8. Let's Go Fearless!

    Where does Dbzeta rank on Google search?

    To me it's nowhere near in 2 pages. What's up with that?
  9. Let's Go Fearless!

    List of the fillers that you're willing to accept

    There are some that can connect to the manga without contradicting it. List them boys! Here is my list: 1. Gohan's journey before Saiyan arc 2. Humans Vs the Saiyans 3. Humans Vs Ginyu Force 4. Kaioshins Vs Pure Boo 5. Vegeta's flashback from Frieza's planet
  10. Let's Go Fearless!

    SSjin2 Goku CG Vs Full Power Cell

    Is this a fair match?
  11. Let's Go Fearless!

    Ultimate Gohan and SSjin3 Goku Vs Bootenks

    Gohan from Boo arc and Goku from BoG movie against Bootenks.
  12. Let's Go Fearless!

    Hakaishin Toppo and SSjinBeyond Vegeta Vs LSSjin Kefla

    I think this should be a fair match. Who wins?
  13. Let's Go Fearless!

    How Strong Is Mr. Boo?

    Both from anime and manga. :CC
  14. Let's Go Fearless!

    Is SSjin Rose A God Form?

    I'm talking about the anime version? I don't remember they've said it.
  15. Let's Go Fearless!

    Fearless Watches Hunter X Hunter!

    Another glorious day begins! :mikey
  16. Let's Go Fearless!

    Funimation Back Then and Now

    I'm not the only who probably thought about this but the current funidub has no problem dubbing the product in an edgy way compare to back then where they can't even say the word god iirc. You would think that now in this PC world that they would have to be careful on their script. What do gou...
  17. Let's Go Fearless!

    Which Version Of Boo

    That destroyed hundreds of planets 5 million years ago? Was it Fatty or Kiddy?
  18. Let's Go Fearless!

    Does 4x of SSjin2 = SSjin3 work?

    Well I've seen that a lot of folks in DB forums doesn't accept the SEG official about SSjin/2/3 multipliers mainly SSjin/2 but what about SSjin3? Does having 4x of SSjin2 as a multiplier of SSjin3 works? Discuss...
  19. Let's Go Fearless!

    How Old Is Ox King?

    I just watched some clips on YouTube when Ox King mentioned that he and Grandpa Gohan were training partners as Roshi's disciples so it got me thinking that how old is Ox King then?
  20. Let's Go Fearless!

    Can Other Hakaishins Tier Destroy Infinite Zamasu?

    Like the title said, are they strong enough to do it? Seems unlikely to me. What do you guys think?

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.