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  1. Let's Go Fearless!

    BoG SSjin3 Goku Run A Gauntlet Match

    This can be either from manga or anime version so your pick. Goku will fight these warriors and he can use Kaioken 5x at best if he needs it. 1. SS3 Gotenks and Supre Boo 2. Ultimate Gohan and Buff Boo 3. Bootenks 4. Boohan 5. Boohanks (Gohan and Gotenks absorbed) 6. SSjin Vegito
  2. Let's Go Fearless!

    Anime/Manga Characters Designed Based On Celebrities

    Any characters that you know their designed is based on celebrities? I'll start first, Hokuto No Ken has full of Hollywood celebrities designed from the 80s. Kenshiro himself from part 1 is mainly based on Bruce Lee but it changed later in part 2 or perhaps in the middle of part 1 into more...
  3. Let's Go Fearless!

    The Ending Of Black Arc

    Did you like it or not? To me it was really great. DB has become too predictable where most of the arc has an happy endings and the only reason why I watch it is the journey to that ending that's all. But to me it was quite refreshing to see where the villain actually won the war.
  4. Let's Go Fearless!

    Favorite Saiyan Character

    These characters can be anywhere from Canon to Non Canon world so pick one and explain why. :CC I'll start first and I vote for... Future Trunks The reason why: Most of you can probably tell why. Future Trunks grew up where the world is at war which is unfair for him since he probably didn't...
  5. Let's Go Fearless!

    DBZ Fan Service

    Since Super has been criticized for too much fan service and rightfully so. But what about DBZ? Post them!
  6. Let's Go Fearless!

    First Character To Move FTL?

    I'm talking about the manga of course. :elmo
  7. Let's Go Fearless!

    Kaioken Or PSSjinB

    I'm talking about how both Toyo and Toei handled on making Goku stronger than his regular SSjinB. With Toyo, he added PSSjinB which is a full power of regular SSjinB where Goku went from being Merged Zamasu's bitch into his equal. Toei on the other hand went on to multiply Goku's SSjinB by...
  8. Let's Go Fearless!

    When Did Bulma and Vegeta Got Married?

    Future Trunks was said to be a bastard iirc. So since Vegeta and Bulma survived in the present timeline, did they get married?
  9. Let's Go Fearless!

    Is Fat Boo A SSjin3 Tier Or Not?

    What do you guys think?
  10. Let's Go Fearless!

    Does Freeza Knew That Vegeta Will Betray Him Soon?

    Like the title ask. Did he expect Vegeta to served him for eternity or he knew that he'll be betrayed soon?
  11. Let's Go Fearless!

    Baby Arc Vs Hatchiyak Movie

    Both are same story but executed differently. Which one do you prefer?
  12. Let's Go Fearless!

    Should DBS Redo Shadow Dragons?

    I think most of us can agree that the Shadow Dragons arc was a great concept but poorly executed. Since DBS did a good job on redoing "Evil Version Of Goku" and Broly stuff. Do you guys think they should try the SD arc as well?
  13. Let's Go Fearless!

    King Piccolo's Children

    Since he's a Namek himself then why aren't his children (except Piccolo) look like a Namekian? Did Toriyama explain this?
  14. Let's Go Fearless!

    Meta Cooler Power

    Since Kamiccolo exists on this story therefore he should be stronger than the SSjins in the canon so does that mean the SSjin on this story are even stronger? If so then how strong was Cooler? Does it goes like this? Meta Cooler >> SSjin Goku/Vegeta >>> Kamiccolo > SSjin Goku/Vegeta canon?
  15. Let's Go Fearless!

    Dragon Ball Unofficial Power Levels

    I just found this somewhere... What do you guys think?
  16. Let's Go Fearless!

    How Strong Is Android 17

    Managed to beat Trunks and fought with Vegeta for a while iirc. How strong was that charisma vacuum?
  17. Let's Go Fearless!

    Boo Not Being Able To Fight In The ToP

    Was it a good decision or not?
  18. Let's Go Fearless!

    Why Does Gohan Wear Glasses?

    Doesn't make sense to me since he doesn't have a vision problem. Is he trying to be like Clark Kent or something?
  19. Let's Go Fearless!

    Favorite Battles Of This Series So Far?

    Super ended months ago with great fights. What is your list then? Here's my list. 1. Goku Vs Jiren (3rd UI Goku not the mastered version) 2. Goku Vs Gohan: If only they weren't voiced by the same person then this fight would've been great. Can't wait when Funi finished this one. 3. Goku...

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Listening to JFK talk about President Diem in South Vietnam two months before authorising his assassination is pretty insane.
Punpun is a bitch and is for bitches
Tell your friend to talk to someone he trusts, and if that does not work, seeing the "professional" is better than dying.